Home > Chaps & Cappuccinos (High School Clowns & Coffee Grounds #3)(15)

Chaps & Cappuccinos (High School Clowns & Coffee Grounds #3)(15)
Author: A.J. Macey


Emma: Oh, and thank you for the compliment<3



Kingston: Don’t let anyone make you feel like you have to change what you’re planning, Babydoll.



Emma: Thanks, King. I won’t. So does this mean I can know what we’re doing tomorrow?



Reid: Nope! Enjoy your first present, we can enjoy tomorrow’s stuff TOMORROW;)



Emma: You three paid for my hair and nails??!



None of them responded, but I knew they saw it based on the ‘read’ down in the corner. My lips thinned, not wanting them to feel the need to spend so much money on me, but I shouldn’t have been surprised. Sighing, I let myself enjoy their gift to me, typing out one final response before turning my attention back to Maddie.

Emma: Thank you, love you three<3



February 14th

Read a cute joke this morning that fit today’s holiday!

What do you call a very small Valentine? A Valentiny!

Yes, I laughed.

#3WayVday #LoveIsInTheAir #FunnyFriday



“So, what are we doing today?” I asked, playfully tugging on one of Reid’s curls as we walked to the parking lot after school.

“That’s a secret, but if you keep pulling my hair like that, there’s going to be a definite change of plans, Cali girl,” Reid murmured in my ear. His hot breath washing over my neck brought on a wave of goosebumps. A surge of heat pulsed in me at his innuendo, my cheeks shifting from pink in the winter weather to red in a blush.

“Maybe that’s what I was hoping for,” I whispered, a buzz of excitement filling my veins as I teased back even though Kingston and Jesse were nearby.

“We can definitely make that happen if that’s what you want.” Jesse’s voice startled me, his soft laugh telling me he knew exactly what he had done.

“Meany,” I called, sticking my tongue out at him.

“Oh, so you’re telling me you don’t want that then, Em?” Jesse challenged, his eyes dragging down my body incredibly slowly. “Too bad.”

“Aww, Jesse, be nice,” Kingston chastised playfully. “Our girl’s getting uncomfortable.”

“I am not,” I countered even though I was. Knowing we were near other students while my panties were starting to grow wet was definitely not what I’d planned for today.

“Then why are you shifting your hips like you need some relief, hm?” Reid murmured. His lips brushed over the crest of my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” I sassed with a smile. “If you won’t tell me what we’re doing, will you at least tell me where we’re going?”

“King’s,” Jesse told me at the same time that Kingston said, “Our house.” They narrowed their eyes at each other in a battle of wills; Jesse refused to acknowledge that Kingston’s home was now his as well, and it drove King crazy.

“Okay, so I’ll follow you?” I asked, breaking their staring contest. After they nodded, I slipped into the driver seat of my car and waited for it to heat up. As I did, my phone started to buzz. Digging it out of my pocket, I saw my dad’s name flashing on the screen. I hesitated briefly, feeling slightly odd after not really having talked to him since moving and meeting my actual dad, but I answered before the call could end.

“Hey, Dad,” I greeted. Placing it on speaker, I pulled out of my spot and followed the guys.

“Hey, sweetheart. I just wanted to call and tell you Happy Valentine’s Day.” As soon as I heard his voice, my chest squeezed and a pang of sadness washed over me. With everything that had happened, he was still my dad, even if he wasn’t the one who had given me my genetics.

“Happy Valentine’s Day to you too,” I responded, my voice thick as I tried to keep the lump in my throat from strangling me. “I’m really sorry I haven’t called or anything recently. It’s just been so crazy, and I was trying to get through school and work, but I’ve missed you, Daddy.”

“I’ve missed you too, sweetheart,” he told me, his own words growing emotional.

We’d been through so much over the last six months, from growing apart to the disaster at Christmas, but after he finally told me the truth about everything… about wanting to reconnect, it felt like all of the stuff before it didn’t truly matter. He was my dad, and he cared about me, just like I cared about him.

“And it’s all right, we’ve both been pretty awful at communicating, but we’re talking now and that’s what matters,” he reminded, seeming to know exactly what I was thinking. “Any fun plans for tonight?”

“I’m hanging out with my boyfriends, but they’re keeping our plans a surprise. And before you worry, it’s at one of their houses, so their parents will be there.”

“Boyfriends, huh? How many do you have exactly?” he asked, his tone curious and hesitant. Refreshingly, there was no judgement threaded within his questions, unlike my mom’s every word.

“Uh... three?” I hedged before rushing to explain. “They’re friends, and it was their idea because they all liked me, and I liked all of them, and we didn’t want to have any jealousy or anything.”

“So, the three of them date you and then you date them?” he repeated, trying to understand.

“Yeah, it’s just us.” The more we talked, the more my worry grew. What if he reacts like my mom did?

“Are you happy? With them, I mean.”

“Yeah, I am,” I admitted, turning onto Kingston’s street.

“Then that’s all that matters to me. I’ll let you go so you can enjoy your night. Want to talk this weekend or next week sometime?”

“I’d love that, Dad,” I agreed, my eyes starting to water for a totally different reason than sadness. “I’ll talk to you soon, love you.”

“I love you too, sweetheart. Have fun.”

With that, we hung up, my cheeks hurting from how wide my smile was. I was so glad I had just thrown my car in park because a wall of watery shapes filled my vision. For the first time in a long time, I felt like some semblance of my past hadn’t been ripped away from me.

At least one of my parents still supports me.






February 14th

Already made a joke for today, can’t think of anything else funny…unless funny equals horny then there’s plenty of that.

#DeathByTeasing #TripleTheLove #TripleTheFun #FunnyFriday



The guys were all climbing out of the car at different paces, Reid’s brows drawing down when he saw me in my car crying. As soon as he did, he came over quickly and opened the door.

“What’s wrong? Why are you crying, Cali girl?”

“Happy tears. Just talked with my dad, like my Cali dad. I’ve missed him, and it was just nice to hear his voice. That’s all, babe, promise,” I reassured him, slipping out of the car. “He asked me about you guys and said that if you make me happy, then that’s all that matters. It was nice to hear someone being supportive.”

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