Home > Chaps & Cappuccinos (High School Clowns & Coffee Grounds #3)

Chaps & Cappuccinos (High School Clowns & Coffee Grounds #3)
Author: A.J. Macey




January 28th

School was weird. No words to describe it.

#StopStaring #IAmNotAMuseumExhibit #TickedOffTuesday



It was freezing, flurries swirling around us in a fresh dusting of snow as the three of us stood in the parking lot. First day of school after the trial. Kingston and Jesse flanked me as we stared at the stone building. I wished Reid could have been with us but shoved the useless hope away knowing he had another day before he could return from his suspension. Ugh, if only Assistant Principal DeRosa didn’t have a grudge against us, I thought glumly. Taking a deep breath, I readied myself for what the school day could possibly bring.

You can totally do this, Emma.

I hope.

The blast of the heater in the entryway felt good, thawing my shivering Cali born body, but the eyes I felt on me only emphasized the goosebumps that had pebbled on my skin. Kingston’s hand migrated to my lower back, Jesse’s gloved hand clutching mine tightly as we walked over to our usual table. It was clear everyone knew what had happened at the trial yesterday, but the majority of the school glared, obviously unhappy about the outcome.

Well, screw them because Brad deserved to be locked up for a long time, that way he couldn’t do to anyone else what he had done to me.

With that sentiment, a thought that had crossed my mind several times since testifying came to the forefront—had Brad done something like that to other girls? If so… I shoved the thought away, a shiver working through my body at the idea. I could contemplate that kind of thing later, maybe even talk to Kaleb about it if I feel it may be true.

“Hey, Emma!” Zoey greeted brightly, her smile wide as she waved. “I love your hat. Is that the one Kingston got you for your birthday?”

“Yeah, it is,” I told her with a shy smile. Even though it was unintentional, just Zo and Aubrey being themselves, I couldn’t help but appreciate that they always distracted me, keeping life moving as normally as possible.

“It looks good,” Aubrey added with a thumbs up.

“Good?” Kingston countered with a brow raise, his warm coffee eyes shifting to meet mine. “I think she looks beautiful.” Despite the gazes and glares on my back, the butterflies soared, my cheeks burning with a blush at his laidback grin.

“I have to agree,” Jesse murmured, barely loud enough for me to hear him, but the sparkling within his nearly onyx irises and his soft squeeze of my hand was loud and clear.

“You guys are going to give me diabetes,” Carter teased, “too sweet.” Sticking my tongue out, I felt the tension of what the school day would be like start to mellow.

“Oh, hush, it isn’t like Aubrey and Jason aren’t the same way,” Zoey joked, nudging Aubrey with her elbow where she was curled under Jason. Two pink patches bloomed on Aubrey’s face, a shy smile growing at the teasing that gave away the happiness beneath the slight embarrassment. It seemed that Jason wasn’t ashamed either because, with a cocky grin that reminded me of Reid, he kissed Aubrey hard and unapologetically.

“Yes, yes, we get the point,” Brayden playfully whined, covering his eyes to hide from their show of affection. Our group broke out in a fit of laughter, the mood bright and cheery despite the early hour. Before anyone could say anything else, the bell rang, and everyone started to migrate to their homerooms.

“See you soon, Babydoll.” Kingston cupped my face, kissing me softly before going with Zoey, Carter, and Jason.

“Come on, Em,” Jesse said with a gentle nudge on my arm. Following, I tried to keep my mind from wandering back to the feeling that a piece of my day was missing, but it was difficult. Jesse and Brayden chatted the short distance before the latter broke off and headed down the hall to his own classroom.

“You all right, Em?” Jesse questioned as we took our seats. Guess I hadn’t been as discreet about my mood as I’d thought.

“Yeah,” I assured him softly, but based on his brows knitting together and his pursed lips he could see right through me. Sighing, I tried to figure out how to explain what I was feeling. “I miss Reid, and I just feel… I’m not really sure. Like a piece of my ‘normal’ is out of order. It’s not that I can’t go through my day and be totally fine, but it just feels ever so slightly off.”

“I’m sorry, Em. Is there anything I can do? After school, we could do some browsing in the library for our next book if you want,” Jesse offered sweetly, his shoulder raising slightly in a shrug. “It’s not jokes and humor like Reid can give you, but it might help take some stress away even for a little while. Or you could video chat with all of us tonight if that would help,” he suggested, making my heart squeeze at his thoughtfulness.

Ever since I’d finally chipped away at his shell and got him to tell me—and Kingston’s parents—about his home life, my soft-spoken and gentle boyfriend had started to grow, ever so slowly, more affectionate in public places. More and more, he was gaining that confidence I had seen on our weekend away in Lincoln, and I had to admit, I liked seeing it.

Really liked seeing it.

“I would love to pick a new book with you, Jess. Well, if I’m not grounded,” I muttered with a frown, remembering I had unfinished business at home. Putting off the confrontation any longer than necessary would probably be bad. “Last weekend, I left without my mom’s permission again because Tyler was there. Told her I wouldn’t be back until he was gone, and since he didn’t leave until yesterday, I’m sure I’ll have to deal with that whole nonsense.”

“Ugh, yeah,” Jesse groaned, a grimace passing over his handsome features. “At least the douche is gone though.” He was trying to be reassuring, but his body betrayed his uneasiness. Unconsciously, his shoulder lifted in a half-shrug, and the grimace couldn’t quite be wiped from his face.

“Too true, Jess, too freaking true. Good riddance” The bell rang, signifying the end of homeroom. Getting up, I slung my bag over my shoulder and smiled at Jesse who had waited for me. “Going to walk me to class, Jesse Parker?”

“Only the best for my Em,” he whispered, his lips brushing over my cheek as he leaned in to give me a soft kiss. When he pulled back, his smile was more strained than I’d hoped to see. “Brad might be in jail, but Dylan and the other assholes still go here. I want to make sure you’re okay; no one gets to bully you.”

The reminder that a jerk like Brad still had supporters and followers stung. I had made a lot of progress in putting an attempted rapist in jail which was something I should feel proud about, but the thought of douchebag Dylan and his cruel words made it hard to keep my smile going. When my mind fully processed everything Jesse had said, his declaration to watch over me made my heart warm.

“I love you.”

A bright smile appeared, his teeth a brilliant white against his deep skin, and in that moment, Jesse appeared truly happy. That makes everything we’re going through seem that much easier than it is, I thought with a quiet sigh.

“I love you too, Em.” He opened his mouth to say more, but a familiar voice filled the space, cutting him off.

“Aww look, how sweet. The delinquent and the slut,” Dylan cooed with a sneer, “such a cute romance. You two should be a movie.” My lips thinned, my irritation growing as the crowd laughed.

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