Home > Autumn's Rescue(7)

Autumn's Rescue(7)
Author: Leann Ryans

The alphas were all different, and Autumn tried to picture herself with each of them. It was easy to do with some, and harder with others.

She was certain she would be content with Kull, but she didn’t feel the same pull to him as she did with Darcon. He felt more like an older brother than a possible romantic match. Comfortable and safe, but there was no spark of desire.

Kantor seemed more reliable than Aesir, but he wasn’t as playful as the cheerful alpha. He was very closed mouthed, and there always seemed to be something lurking in his gaze that sent a shiver down her spine. Still, he went out of his way to get time with her.

Roggern and Zev were two of the other alphas who had both offered her thoughtful gifts of fabric and pelts for clothing, showing they paid attention to what she liked, but they hadn’t told her anything about themselves. It seemed they were only doing it in the hopes of getting her to choose them.

A sigh slipped free before she could stop it. Darcon caught her eye and gave her a small smile, reaching under the table to pat her knee as Aesir droned on, unaware.

The heat of Darcon’s hand spread up her leg, Autumn’s lips popping open on a silent gasp as awareness sparked to life. While the alphas, especially Aesir, frequently invaded her space, none had yet to touch her beyond briefly taking her hand, and her body’s reaction to Darcon’s touch was instant.

An answering heat entered Darcon’s pale eyes, his scent sharpening and overtaking the smell of the other alphas around her. He was leaning closer, his hand creeping up her thigh, when Larok stood and jolted her attention back to her surroundings.

“I’m going to let the men know to gather their things. You four stay with her until I come back.”

Autumn’s face heated as Larok glared around until he got a nod from each of her tablemates. Darcon jerked his hand away when Larok stood, and when she risked a glance at him, she thought she could see a hint of pink on his cheeks as well as his obvious frustration.

Sucking in a deep breath, she tried to bury the building worry as she watched Larok stride across the room. The others noticed her tension and did their best to distract her. Aesir increased his usual theatrics, and Roggern leaned so his bulk blocked her view of the other men. The fact that it blocked their view of her also eased some of the pressure in her chest.

Whether the men had overheard her earlier or not, they had apparently guessed what Larok was up to, and kept her focused on the table instead of what was going on across the cavern. When Autumn was able to see the table where the others had been sitting again, it was empty.



Chapter Seven





He cursed Larok under his breath when the man stood and caused Autumn to startle. She’d been leaning closer to him, pupils dilated as her breaths came in quick pants. His own heart raced, shaft thickening along his leg in anticipation of tasting her sweet lips.

Darcon didn’t miss the vile look Aesir shot him over Autumn’s head when the blond realized how near she’d been to him. Aesir subtly moved closer to Autumn’s other side.

It took a moment to realize Larok was going to speak with the men who’d been involved in the fight earlier, and after what was said at lunch, he could only guess that Autumn had asked him to let them go. Either that, or Larok was giving them a lecture on acting like a bunch of rowdy boys.

Seeing Autumn’s worried expression, he did his best to help the others keep her distracted. Aesir talked enough to keep her attention at the table, but Darcon could tell she was only listening with half of her attention.

He relaxed a bit once Larok left with the three warriors. The next time Autumn glanced toward where they had been she paused, but some of the tension melted from her as she turned back to him and the others at the table.

It wasn’t long before Larok returned to the cavern, and the way Autumn looked at him caused a surge of jealousy, though Darcon knew Larok’s preferences. It was natural for the omega to look to the older alpha for protection, but he couldn’t help wishing she’d look at him like that and it was instinct to respond to the threat the other male posed.

Swallowing his reaction, Darcon saw the subtle nod Larok gave Autumn before he spoke.

“Are you ready to head back?”

The relief on her face was obvious as she nodded. Rising before she could move, Darcon pulled her chair back for her, earning a smile as she stood to follow Larok to the cavern they all shared.

The other alphas rose as well, the four of them trailing after the little omega who held more power than she knew.



His frustration was mounting, but Aesir didn’t know what to do. He’d never worked so hard to get a woman’s attention, yet each time he pushed forward, Autumn seemed to move farther away. To catch her leaning toward Darcon while he was sitting on her other side was a blow Aesir wasn’t prepared for.

Irritation seethed beneath the surface as Larok stood and headed over to dismiss the three alphas who had fought that morning. He’d overheard what Autumn said, and satisfaction had filled him until it became obvious that he still wasn’t any closer to claiming the redhead.

He pushed his feelings aside as he redoubled his efforts to keep her focused on him. She was more relaxed with him than she’d been when they had first met, but Aesir could still see the wariness in her eyes. He was at a loss as to how to earn her trust.

Larok returned, once again interrupting and taking Autumn’s attention. The concern on her face as she looked up at him made Aesir want to snarl, but he clenched his teeth, knowing it would only drive her farther away.

He couldn’t hold back his grimace though, when Darcon jumped up and pulled her chair out for her before Aesir had the chance to react. Springing to his feet, he made sure to insert himself between them as they headed for the cavern where they were all staying.

Aesir kept pace next to Autumn as she followed behind Larok, but she was careful to maintain space between them, where the beta women he knew would have been sidling closer. He couldn’t help shaking his head in exasperation. He didn’t know how much more of her lack of interest he could take.



Kull had been relaxing on his pallet in the cavern when the men who’d fought earlier came in followed by Larok. The Second stood in the doorway with his arms crossed as he watched the three pack their things into their chests and leave. It was obvious what happened.

Relief hit him before irritation began to seep in. He didn’t know if Aesir and Kantor had planned the whole thing out, but the two of them had manipulated Autumn, and Kull didn’t like it. He hated having to deal with the group just as much as they did, but it wasn’t fair to anyone to rush her.

Autumn was too sweet and innocent to see the truth, and he doubted he would earn any favors by pointing out what the men had done. He’d have to leave her in the dark, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t be waiting for his opportunity to prove that Aesir and Kantor weren’t the nice guys she thought they were.

Kull gave Autumn a smile when she stepped into the room, though the expression slipped as Aesir came into view behind her. The other alpha didn’t look as smug as Kull expected him to, and he wondered if Autumn’s lack of fawning was getting to the vain man.

He relaxed back on his pillow as a smile crossed his face. The little redhead was finally putting the alpha who’d always been popular with the ladies in his place.

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