Home > Autumn's Rescue

Autumn's Rescue
Author: Leann Ryans




Autumn lived a sheltered life. Her father and two of her older siblings were alphas. The first omega born to the family, she’d been coddled and protected since the day she arrived.

Soft-spoken and meek, Autumn was the epitome of a delicate feminine omega. Her goal in life was to find a mate and settle down to have babies of her own. She had no urge to fight her natural place or defy the will of the dominant dynamic.

When her village was attacked and she was taken captive by the raiders, her simple plans went up in flames. Unsure if her family survived, she clung to her cousin Iris, who was taken at the same time.

Already scared and unsure of her future, things only seemed to get worse when she was given to a new clan as payment for a debt. Her only reassurance was that Iris remained with her as they joined the Andtay.

Iris was more willful than her, making demands of the clan chief to keep Autumn protected. Unable to fight her dynamic, Autumn did as she was told, keeping quiet, but watching the others of their new clan. Unlike the harsh and demanding leader of her village, Verik seemed to be a fair alpha, ruling with the respect of his people.

Except for the alpha she learned was his brother.

Vargan was rough and uncouth. Lazy and sloppy, if talk from the others was to be believed. He was banished from the clan for not following orders. Autumn saw the hatred in Vargan’s eyes when his brother humiliated him in front of the entire clan.

Unease crawled through her as he sent a glance at her cousin before leaving, but Autumn pushed it aside to focus on her immediate concerns. She was an omega. A rare and valuable commodity.

She was expecting Verik to give her to whichever alpha he considered most deserving. She wasn’t prepared for what he announced instead.



Chapter One





She huddled against the cave wall, breath coming in short gasps as she shook her head at Larok.

“Your bed is ready. There’s no reason for you to remain here. I already moved your blanket to the cavern.”

The tiny space that seemed so much like a cell only a day earlier felt like a haven compared to where they wanted her to go. Autumn didn’t want or like attention, and living in a room with thirteen alphas was worse than anything she could imagine.


Larok drew out her name in a warning rumble, her continued refusal to come with him causing his brows to lower and giving him an ominous glare. She hadn’t known him long, but he had been calm and patient with her since he’d placed her on his horse. Between the ride to the village and sitting beside him at dinner the night before, Autumn had grown used to his presence, and he didn’t seem like the biggest threat.

When Verik asked if she or Iris were skilled, she’d been able to avoid acknowledging what was coming. Focusing on the mending Freida assigned her, Autumn went the whole day without thinking about what she’d have to deal with once the day was done.

Until she noticed during dinner that every alpha who had been outside that morning was focused on her.

Autumn was so distracted she missed most of what Verik said to the clan before pulling Iris to his cave, leaving Autumn alone with Larok at the most prominent table in the room. Though she ducked her head, she could still feel eyes on her, her skin crawling with awareness.

As soon as Larok stood to escort her from the table, she bolted.

Rushing down the tunnel to the little cave she’d spent the previous night in, Autumn ignored Larok’s calls to stop. She heard his footsteps pounding closer once he was clear of the crowded cavern, but she put on a burst of speed to reach her safety.

Peeking up at the big alpha from the corner of her eye, she saw him heave a sigh before rubbing a hand over his bald head. He hadn’t crossed the entrance of the cave she huddled in, but she held no delusions that he would if he needed to.

If she continued to refuse him.

Larok crouched, allowing more of the light from the torch in the hallway to spill into the tiny cave.

“What is it you’re scared of? The men have been warned not to try anything without your permission, and I’ll be there to protect you.”

Autumn lifted her head slowly, turning to look into green eyes so similar to her own.

“You’ll protect me?”

Her voice was soft and weak, but she figured it was appropriate considering it matched how she felt.

“Yes. Until you choose a mate or tell me you no longer need me.”

She huffed, looking down at her knees. She’d wrapped her arms around her legs, making herself as small as possible.

“Ah… Aren’t you interested in me?”

The last word came out a squeak, and she was almost too scared to look up to see his reaction.

Who was going to protect her from him if he decided to take her for himself? Maybe she should go ahead and choose him and get it over with. He seemed okay.

When he didn’t respond, she dared to meet his gaze again. One brow was raised, his lips tipped up at the corner.

“You’re not my type, little one. You’re a sweet little thing, but I’d choose a tight backside over what’s between your legs.”

It took her a moment to realize what he was saying, and Autumn felt her cheeks flush as her eyes widened in surprise. Ducking her head, she sucked in a deep breath before giving him one last pleading look.

“Do I really have to sleep in there with all of them?”

He nodded once.

“Verik’s orders.”

His face was set, but his eyes were understanding. She wasn’t used to going against what she was told to do, and the instinct to give in forced her to release her legs to push herself to her feet.

Licking her lips, Autumn dipped her chin. She told herself she preferred getting a choice much more than being given to a stranger right away and expected to do whatever he pleased. At least she had a bit more time before the inevitable.

As hard as it was going to be to make a decision between twelve alphas.

Larok straightened as she did, and she took the few steps to his side. She didn’t have any belongings to collect so she followed him to her new home, uncertain as to how long this trial may take. As long as she looked at it like a challenge to conquer, she figured she’d have a chance to survive it.

Nothing about it felt right.


Larok’s voice was quiet, brows raised as he looked down at her. Gathering the little courage she could find, Autumn straightened her shoulders and gave him another nod. She didn’t trust her voice not to break if she answered aloud, but she had no choice besides compliance.

Larok turned and strode down the tunnel, casting a glance over his shoulder to be sure she was following. Autumn scurried behind him, a second shadow trying to disappear behind his bulk.

She barely paid attention to where he lead her, more concerned with keeping close to the only shield she had left. Iris bargained for Autumn’s right to choose, but she wouldn’t be there for her to hide behind since she was heading back to Siloah with Verik.

A pang stabbed her heart at the thought of home.

Her family had made a late run to the market, going together to get everything in one trip. When the attack began, they tried to make it home, but it was just too far with the chaos overtaking the village.

Rayne and Cedar had been separated from them in the rush. When the raiders cornered the rest of them, Leif attacked one of the warriors. Despite being an alpha, he’d never been a fighter. Autumn watched him go down within seconds due to a blow to the back of the head.

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