Home > Spies & Sweethearts(2)

Spies & Sweethearts(2)
Author: Linda Shenton Matchett

 “Sir, he didn’t know what he was talking about—”

 “I did not give you permission to speak, and therein lies your problem. Failure to respect the chain of command. You are to obey orders without question and to show respect to those ranked above you. You’re arrogant and argumentative. More than a few officers have made that observation. Not a good combination, Lucas.” The major dropped into the chair behind his desk. “You need to apologize to Major Quigley. In public. At the pub where the incident occurred.”

 “Yes, sir.”

 “Excellent. Now, the good news for everyone is that you are being transferred to an intelligence unit based out of Washington, DC. Apparently, your penchant for getting into trouble is a desirable trait to them.”

 Gerard’s heart sped up. There’d been stories about guerrilla warfare and espionage, but he figured the information was rumor, like most of what he heard in between training exercises. Was he finally going to see the war up close? Or rather, behind the scenes?

 Major Albert tossed him a set of papers then gestured to the vacant chair. “At ease, Soldier.”

 Dropping into the seat, Gerard tugged at his collar and sighed. The material still scratched his skin and threatened to suffocate him. He picked his orders and scanned the instructions. He had two days to prepare. To wait and wonder what was in store for him.

 “As you can see, you leave the day after tomorrow. Unless you run into a hitch, you’ll report for duty on Saturday. Try not to mess this up. It may be your last chance to remain a free man.”

 “Permission to speak candidly, sir?”

 “I’d expect nothing less, Lucas.”

 “Why me?”

 “Why you, what?”

 “You must have recommended me, sir. Otherwise, how would they know about me?” Gerard studied the major. “So why did you put my name forward for consideration?”

 “It appears I haven’t underestimated your abilities. You’re right. I did recommend you.” Major Albert smirked. “This new department…they’re calling it the Office of Strategic Services…a positively bureaucratic label, if you ask me, but maybe that’s what they want everyone to think. Personally, from the bits and pieces I’ve been able to glean, it’s more like the department of dirty tricks. Anyway, that sounded like something you’d be suited for. You know, swimming against the tide.”

 “I appreciate your faith in me, sir. I won’t let you down.”

 “It’s not me I’m worried about. Don’t let yourself down, Lucas. You’ve got to come to terms with whatever’s eating you. Yes, you don’t suffer fools, and that’s fine, but it’s more than that. You’re carting around a lot of anger. Maybe you know why. Maybe you don’t. Either way, you need to channel those feelings or jettison them, because if you don’t, you’ll get yourself killed. Understood?”

 “Yes, sir.”

 Major Albert steepled his fingers. “Quigley wanted to bring you up on charges, put you through a court-martial, but I talked him out of it.”

 “Thank you, sir.”

 “I’m not looking for gratitude. I’m telling you because this is your last chance. Not everyone is willing to accept your shenanigans. And despite the roguish nature of your new assignment, there will be some sort of hierarchy. Adhere to it, or you may not survive this war.” He rose and extended his hand. “Good luck, son, and Godspeed.”

 They shook hands. Gerard put on his peaked wool cap, saluted, then pivoted and hurried from the room, a grin tugging at his lips. Finally, a chance to avenge his brother’s death in the Atlantic at the hands of a German submarine wolfpack.



Chapter Two

 Emily clutched her pocketbook in her lap and stared out the airplane window. The macadam glistened with rain that spattered the baggage handlers tossing suitcases into the hold. Her heart skittered with each bump that sounded from below. Surveying the other passengers, she nibbled her lower lip. Men in suits, many carrying briefcases, women in their Sunday best. Air hostesses adorned in navy-blue dresses and jaunty pillbox hats walked the aisle providing assistance and direction.

 Minutes ticked past. The plane filled, yet the seat next to her remained vacant. Who would share the journey with her? Would it be an experienced traveler or a first timer like herself?

 She opened her handbag and checked its contents for the umpteenth time. Lipstick, tickets, notification letter, notepad, pencil, and a pocket-sized New Testament from Joan who’d stopped by last night for a final hug.

 Their conversation replayed in her mind, and she smiled. Always supportive, her friend brushed away Emily’s concerns with jokes and laughs. Brazen to a fault, Joan made more than a few suggestions about the opportunity for Emily to meet men during her new venture.

 “Everything all right, miss?”

 Emily glanced at the stewardess whose name badge read ANN and nodded. “Yes, thank you. Just a tad nervous. I’ve never flown before.”

 The woman’s face creased with a smile. “You’re going to love it. The feeling of speed and freedom. The sky is gorgeous above the clouds, like swimming in a sea of whipped cream. I flew for the first time three years ago and decided then I wanted do it for a living. And here I am.”

 “Did you ever consider becoming a pilot?”

 “Heavens, no. I’d much rather interact with the passengers than be stuck in the cockpit for hours on end.” She patted her well-coifed hair. “So many people going to Washington, the airline has added four flights each day. Are you going down there to work?”

 “Yes, but that’s not my final destination. Once I complete my training, I’ll receive an assignment. It’s kind of exciting, yet nerve wracking not knowing where I’ll serve. I’m usually organized with plans and lists, so having someone else take care of things is…well…”

 Ann patted Emily’s shoulder. “I understand. Sit back and relax. I’ll take good care of you, and we’ll be landing before you know it.”

 “Wait!” A muffled shout sounded outside the craft, and footsteps clattered. Seconds later, a tanned, sandy-haired man carrying a duffle bag appeared, his face red and perspiring. Out of breath, he sagged against the door, his ice-blue eyes searching the plane.

 Averting her gaze, Emily studied her hands. Please don’t sit here. Please don’t sit here—

 Waving, Ann pointed to the vacant seat next to Emily. “Sir, here’s a spot, but you must hurry. We’re about to close the doors and take off.”

 Emily’s heart sank, and she looked up.

 The man nodded, his mouth set in a thin slash. He clumped down the aisle, shoved his bag under the seat in front of him, and dropped next to her with a grunt. Strapping himself in, he crossed his arms and glared at her.

 Her neck stiffened. It wasn’t her fault he nearly missed the plane. Two could play his game. She looked down her nose at him, then turned and watched the activity through the tiny circular window.

 Next to her the man shifted, sighing every time he moved. It was going to be a long flight. Better to focus on her destination, away from the irritated passenger who she’d never see again once they landed.

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