Home > Torn (Cherry Grove #3)

Torn (Cherry Grove #3)
Author: Cole Lepley

Chapter 1



Don’t Call Me Babe





Being on the field this year feels different. Football has always been life for me, but until recently, it hasn’t been my primary focus. I’ve already made a promise to myself I’d be all the way in this time. I won’t let distractions from home keep me from achieving the success I once had.

Elliot Monroe doesn’t own me anymore.

I’m free.

At least that’s what I keep telling myself.

Despite my unpredictable absences last season, I was able to form a few solid friendships. My best friend since grade school, Holden Parker, will also be here with me this year. Playing for Cornell is a huge deal. Few athletes get the chance to experience football on this level and it’s time I take it as serious as I should be.

Holden nods to me as I set my equipment down at my feet. “Nice of you to join us.” He looks at his watch with false annoyance. “You’re only twenty minutes late.”

I laugh. “I told you I had to stay after class. I have to pull my grades up this semester if I have any chance at keeping my scholarship.”

Holden scoffs, running a hand through his platinum blond hair. “Oh please, Judah. You and I both know you don’t need a scholarship. Just call daddy and ask him for an advance on your allowance.”

I shove him sideways. “Whatever, dick. I need to keep my grades up if I want to stay in this program. My dad will fucking kill me if I don’t come home an architect.”

“Yeah, yeah,” he chides. “The only thing you have to do is stay far away from Ell…”

Before he can finish that sentence, I clasp my hand over his mouth. “Don’t even say her name. It’s bad for my recovery.” I release him backward and he laughs louder.

He wipes fake tears from his eyes. “Oh, man. You mean to tell me you require some sort of rehab to get over that girl?”

I nod. “Basically. I need to distance myself from her or she’ll have me wrapped around her finger for the rest of my life.”

“More like she has something wrapped around your balls.”

I’m about to punch him when Coach Lafferty steps out from behind the bleachers. I need to walk a straight line this year if I want to get back in his good graces. I think I proved my worth during training camp this summer, but after my suspension at the end of the last season, it’s lucky I’ll still get to play.

It’s my fault for getting involved in a situation I shouldn’t have. I swear if it ever comes to blows between me and Elliot’s boyfriend Hunter again, I won’t be caught off guard. There’s no way he would have gotten the best of me if I had been fighting back.

“All right everyone, you know where you need to be.” He points to me with a serious expression. “Get moving, you’re starting Friday night.”

A large smile crosses my face and Holden nudges me with his elbow with an equally excited grin. He jogs alongside me across the field. “Told you it would be okay.”

“I don’t know how I’m getting another chance, but I swear, I’m not going to waste it.”



Practice was intense as usual. After a quick shower, I walk across campus to my truck. The bag slung over my shoulder feels like it weighs a hundred pounds as my aching muscles beg for mercy.

A group of girls in tiny shorts intercept me as I’m stepping into the parking lot. Typically, this pleases me greatly, but I’ve already decided to avoid distraction at all costs. Any chance of a new relationship would fall into the category of things I need to stay away from.

“Judah,” the blonde croons. She twirls a strand of hair around her finger while eye-fucking me with a seductive gaze. “Glad to see you back. We missed you over the summer.”

Recognition flashes briefly in mind as I give her a quick once over, not breaking stride. I think I remember her from some of the parties my friends threw last year. The ones I actually attended are blurry at best.

“Oh, hey… uh…”

My voice trails off and she giggles.

“It’s Ainsley,” she says coyly.

I turn and walk backward a few steps. “Yeah, Ainsley. See you around.” I catch the disappointment on her face as I continue to my ride.

After tossing my bag into the back seat, I reach in my pocket and pull out my phone. I lean against the driver’s side door with my finger hovering over her name. Elliot texted me earlier in the week to wish me luck on my upcoming season.

She of all people knows how important football is to me. It always has been and my actions last year almost ruined it forever. I don’t blame her though. I blame myself. If I had been honest before I left, maybe we wouldn’t be here.

I still don’t like Hunter. It’s not just because he’s with the girl I still love, it’s because I don’t trust him. There’s something not right about his behavior with her. She’s more fragile than he realizes, and it’s my instinct to protect her.

Gripping my phone tight in frustration, I let out a groan and throw it on the passenger’s seat. I can’t call her. It would derail my sobriety.

As I’m pulling out of the parking lot, I reach over and adjust the radio to find something to drown out my thoughts. It’s hard to do, but I have to try. When I’m satisfied with my selection, I drive the two miles to my off-campus apartment. It’s been a busy week with the new students moving into my building that I’ve barely had time to meet any of them.

I release a disgruntled sigh when I notice my usual spot is taken by a small, red coupe. I’ve parked in the same spot for over a year now and it’s beyond frustrating to move. I park three spots over and stomp over to the entrance.

Just as I’m pulling on the door, I catch the owner of the car throwing a large bag of laundry into the trunk. I turn around to confront them.

“Hey!” I call as I walk toward her. “That’s my spot.”

The thief swings her long, brown hair over her shoulder, turning to glare at me. Annoyed I had the audacity to question her, she faces me with disdain. “Funny, I didn’t see your name on it. These spots aren’t assigned to anyone.”

She turns away from me as if our conversation is now over. This girl has a serious attitude.

Not to be discouraged, I keep going. “I’ve been parking there ever since I moved in. Everyone knows it’s my spot.”

She laughs as she twists her hair up on top of her head in a messy bun. The sunlight shines around her like a disgruntled angel and I can’t help but step closer. Truth be told, I’ve always been attracted to a bitchy girl. It’s probably weird, but I guess every guy has their vice.

Her expression remains dismissive as she reaches into the pockets of her cutoff denim shorts for her keys. “You’re one of those guys, huh?” She locks eyes with me. “Well, I don’t know you and I don’t care.”

I let out a surprised chuckle. I’m taken aback by her hostility. It’s also kind of turning me on.

“Listen, babe.” Her green eyes narrow, but I continue, leaning into her. “You’re obviously new here, so let me properly introduce myself.” I extend my hand to her. “I’m Judah Holloway.”

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