Home > We Wolf Rock You(5)

We Wolf Rock You(5)
Author: Andie M. Long


For a few moments I just stood up in the shower and let the cold water run over me. I needed to try to get over the shock of thinking someone had broken into my house. Then I turned the shower off, stepped out of the cubicle and towelled myself down before getting a new bath sheet from the unit under the sink and wrapping that around me.

I managed to get the bathroom door open after three pulls on it that made me feel like I was doing a tug-of-war with Rex and a few of his shifter mates, and padded across the landing to my room.

My phone had a message on it. No surprise there then.

Erica: Keep an eye out for Rex. He did a runner this morning.

I started to type a reply, but then I decided that if I told her he was here, the band or their security would collect him before I got my luxury breakfast. Sod that.

Freya: Oh God. I will do.

The dots appeared that showed she was typing a message back.

Erica: He will probably turn up at yours so shall I send some security round?

Freya: No. I'm going out anyway. I need to do some shopping. If he turns up, I'll call you straightaway.

Erica: How are you this morning?

Freya: Bummed I'm not in five-star accommodation. You?

Erica: Being bummed in five-star accommodation.

Freya: TMI!!!!!?????!!!!

There was a delay.

Erica: That was Zak. I needed a wee. Now I need a PIN number for my phone!

Freya: Bahahahaha. So what are your plans now, other than being shagged senseless?

Erica: Well it was to come home, hand in my notice at the supermarket, and start looking for a place of my own, as from Monday you're looking at an official member of The Paranormals PR Team.

Freya: OMG that's amazing!

Erica: I know, right? And from next week they're all in the recording studio, so I'll be staying in the surrounding accommodation for the time being.

Freya: You lucky sod.

Erica: It won't be the same without you. I wish you could be here. Think of a job you could do for the band!

Freya: A few days ago I'd have said a hand job or a blow job for Rex, but now he can kiss my arse. Scrap that, he probably would take it as an invitation right now. Anyway, when you've worn your vagina out, come meet me for coffee or something okay? I'm back at work tomorrow given that stupid jewellery stores in shopping centres open on weekends. Let me know when you're free.

Erica: I will do. Look out for Rex.

A knock came at my bedroom door.

Freya: I will and in the meantime, I'm reading up on shifters. Anyway, I'd better go. Speak soon xo

Erica: xo


There was a further knock.


"Freya, I'm just popping out for a few things I need. I've arranged for someone to come and repair the doors, but they'll be about an hour so I'm going to pop for some food and we'll eat here, okay? If you're still hungry after we can always go out later."


While Rex was gone, I finished getting dried and changed and then I logged back into my computer and continued to read about shifters.



(Not to be reproduced. Copyright F. Love, 2018)



To ask a wolf on a date is stating your interest in becoming their mate.


To attend the date and eat with a wolf is part one of courtship. Part two is to find out if you are physically compatible through the act of sexual intercourse. Part three is to complete the mating process under the full moon and be bitten by the wolf at which time non-pack members become both wolf (if not already) and pack.

Most wolves determine their mate by a scent. This scent is so intoxicating it can lead to periods of overwhelm until mates become accustomed to it.

Should a female show interest in more than one wolf then they must let the female decide. Alternatively, they can take out the other wolf.

To cook for a potential mate is a demonstration of the fact you will care for that woman and her future cubs.


He was trying to trick me! The twat was trying to cook me a meal. But… it said you could have sex just to find out if you were physically compatible. Hmm, that was food for thought. I carried on looking at the information. I'd no intention of asking him on a date, so I was safe on that score, although I had said he could take me for breakfast so did that count? I continued reading.


If a wolf asks you out for a meal as a potential mate you must realise that this is a binding sign of you being interested in courtship if you accept.


Fuck my life! So I daren't go out for lunch now either. This just all sucked. I needed to think of a way around things because I deserved luxury today after the shocks I'd endured. I put my computer down and made my way downstairs.






It had taken me a while to escape the clutches of my 'security guard', Roman, but escape him I did. They'd all stayed with me for far longer than I desired, especially after my room dash, but eventually Noah and Zak's dicks got the better of them and they went back to their respective partners, leaving me with Roman.

We'd already had our fair share of whisky, but Roman was a party boy… so I kept the music flowing. Some good old-fashioned rock anthems like Def Leppard's Pour Some Sugar on Me, and Alice Cooper's Schools Out. And while the music rocked, I kept Roman topped up, until he was in a stupor, his head bowed as he snored softly, his back against the sofa.

I needed him to be comfortable and not disturbed. Roman's natural habitat as a satyr was woodland so I looked around the room. We'd been sent some congratulatory flowers and also the hotel's interior design person had filled the place with plants.

Taking a cushion from the sofa, I put that on the floor and then I carefully moved Roman into a position lying on his side, his back against the sofa, and his head on the cushion. The music had moved onto Whitesnake's Is this Love? and I started to feel a pang. Oh no. I needed to put something different on. The playlist clicked over to Thunder's Love Walked In. What was this sorcery? It was making my chest ache with longing. I took a large swig from the whisky bottle to give me the strength to carry on and picked up the first plant.

I did feel a tiny bit guilty for ruining the display, but hey, I was a rock god, we were supposed to trash rooms, weren't we? I pulled the parlour palm out and threw the dirt over Roman's body and then laid the plant in front of him. It was a five foot specimen so did a good job of being woodland-style. I did the same with two more plants, scattering the loose soil around him and putting one at his head and one at his feet and then I put the flowers from the large bouquet over his body.

That was Roman sorted, but now what? I looked at my watch. It was four am. I was tired and needed some sleep. I knew that my satyr friend would sleep for hours upon hours in his deeply inebriated state, and decided I would risk closing my own eyes for a couple of hours. The perfect idea came to me. I moved the sofa which was sat on high legs until it covered Roman. It meant I had to make sure he moved onto his back okay, but with me laid on the sofa above him, if he did wake up, I could run from the room before he even managed to get out. The perfect plan. Climbing onto the sofa, I set my Apple watch's alarm to wake me at seven am and closed my eyes.

When my alarm beeped a few hours later, Roman was still fast asleep, so I quickly got ready and made my way out of the room. The moment I opened the door, Harriet, one of our security team stood up to get in my way.

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