Home > We Wolf Rock You

We Wolf Rock You
Author: Andie M. Long




Splinter's mouth met my own in a scorching kiss and I melted into his embrace, the party going on around me disappearing. A hot man who actually showed me some attention. It had made a change this week that was for sure. I could feel his hard cock pressing up against me and forgetting myself for a moment, I pushed back against him.

And then I was kissing fresh air, as the fact I was in a full room came back to me. I looked around at my best mate, Erica, and she pointed to a few metres away—where Splinter was crouched on all fours snarling. Oh, surely not? We all wanted an animal in bed, but out of it? Was he a bloody shifter too?

But the biggest growl came from the man whose attention I'd been trying to get all week. The one who had shown zero interest in me to the point of rudeness and who I'd just a couple of days ago told I was no longer going to bother with.

The Paranormals' drummer, Rex Colton.

"Mine." Rex growled. "My mate."

"Holy fucking shitballs. Looks like Rex's have finally dropped." Erica's new boyfriend, lead singer, Zak announced.

Rex stalked towards me, his eyes predatory and he reached out and pulled me into his arms. As I raised my knee to give him a clear message of what I thought of his actions, he yelled out in pain. I'd not even hit my target yet, but oh Splinter had. He had Rex's junk in his hand and was twisting hard.

I was pulled to one side by Zak as Noah and Mya pulled the men apart. They were struggling, but members of security joined in and finally the guys stood facing off.

"She's mine. My mate." Rex growled at Splinter.

"Since when?" Splinter asked.

"Since you kissed her."

"Oh, sorry, pal. I'd not heard you say that. I just thought you were being one of those 'don't want her but no one else can have her' kind of arseholes. Only I know all about how you've been treating her. She told me." Splinter looked at me, releasing an appreciative sigh. "Freya's a beautiful woman and she deserves someone who will treat her with respect. If you're mated, then you need to sort your fucking self out."

"He is not my mate." I announced, glad that only those in the know about paranormal creatures were within earshot, "because NEWSFLASH, I'm not a fucking shifter."

"Neither was Renesmee in Twilight, but Jacob imprinted with her." Erica said none too helpfully.

I pointed at Rex. "He has seen me on many occasions. If I was his mate, he'd have known it before now. He needs to go see his furry friends and find out what the fuck is going on with him, because he's clearly confusing asshattery with fated mates."

"That's true," Zak said to Rex, "don't you usually instantly know your mate?"

"She's my mate. I just must have a delayed response." Rex was still grinding his words out as if they were pieces of hare in his mouth he was trying to chew while another wolf tried to get the carcass off him.

"Listen up, you mutt." I shouted over to him. "You had your chance and you made me feel like an idiot. You totally affected my self-esteem and had me heading towards Loserville. The week we were spending with you is over, and so is my time with you. So fuck off and good riddance."

I turned to my best friend. "Can I talk to you for a minute, outside?"

"Sure. In fact, let's go back up to our room for a bit, shall we? Get a break from all this intensity."

As I walked out of the room, I heard Rex emit a painful howl.

Yeah, well, I’d felt like doing that myself at some points this week, so rather than feel sympathy I just thought 'good' and I hoped it hurt like toothache.


Once back in our hotel suite, I walked over to the windows that looked out over the city and sighed. Staying in this suite with every meal provided and every comfort afforded had been truly special, but the week was over and real life beckoned. We were supposed to depart by noon tomorrow, but I was done.

"Talk to me." Erica patted the sofa next to her. "What's going through your mind, because days ago you wanted to climb Rex like a tree and now you're acting like someone shit on his branches."

I paced around the room. "He didn't want me. Then I date someone else and all of a sudden I'm his mate? That's huge isn't it? To be a mate. Like forever and ever, amen. I don't think so. I'm not being the mate of an arsehole who didn't want me, so he needs to go unmate himself. As I've seen from my date this evening, there are plenty more shifters in the woods. Plus, I'll take a human boy thank you very much. I've no intentions of birthing something with claws."

"It was all very strange. They're supposed to mate with their own pack, aren't they?"

I sighed. "I have no idea. All I know is that I want to go home, Erica."

"Oh, Frey. It's our last night."

"It is, and I want you to spend it with Zak, bestie. You only just got together and I really, really want to be in my own house, alone. We've spent all week around so many people and it has been the most incredible experience to have shared with you, but I want to pack my stuff now and get the hell out of here."

Erica had known me long enough to know when my mind was made up.

"Come on then. I'll help you pack and make sure you get out of here safely. You must call me the moment you're home though."

"Yes, Mum." I said and she rolled her eyes at me.

"I almost got destroyed by a demon this week, you'll forgive me for being a little safety sensitive."

My bestie had experienced quite the week. She ran The Paranormals fan club and we'd been invited by Zak to spend the week with them as VIPs. She'd ended up as Zak's own VIP but not before having to face Abaddon, the demon who ran the seventh dimension of Hell.

"I'll let you know when I'm home and then I won't be contacting you until Monday, because I'm spending all weekend in bed, and I have a feeling you'll be doing the same, only I'll be sleeping." I winked at her.

Bless her, her eyes lit up. I'd been like that when I'd first got together with my ex, John. But it hadn't lasted, to the point where I'd split up with him just before we came here. I had no regrets about that. All my regrets centred around the fact I'd wasted so much time throwing myself at Rex like a fly near a yellow-coloured sticky pad in a greenhouse.

No more. I was going home, and I'd throw myself into work, which my boss would no doubt tell me would make a nice change; and I'd be on the lookout for a new man to fancy.

I packed up my stuff and wheeling my case to the door, I gave my bestie a massive hug. "I'll speak to you next week, Erica, because talking with Zak's cock in your mouth will be difficult for you."

I shook my head in amused dismay when she just smiled. Time to leave the loved-up lunatic to it.

Vikki, the PA, had said we could have a driver take us back home and so I contacted them and waited until I received a text telling me the car was there and then I made my way down in the lift to the lobby. I took in my surroundings one final time: the luxurious lobby of the five-star Poppy Hotel with its deep red carpets, gold accents, and staff who couldn't do enough for you. It had been a week to remember, seeing how a tour was put together and what went on behind the scenes, but I was ready for my own bed and some space.

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