Home > Her Accidental Highlander Husband(49)

Her Accidental Highlander Husband(49)
Author: Allison B. Hanson

   “Read it.”

   The missive had been addressed to Kenna, and the seal was broken.

   Mari shook her head and unfolded the letter. Peering at the parchment, she squinted to make out the poor scratching on the page. It was from Lucy, her maid.

   Your Grace,

   I hope this letter finds you well. Or for that matter finds you at all. I remembered you once said you had a sister in Scotland who’d married a laird. I looked through your things and found a letter from her. Don’t worry, I burned the letter after I copied the address. I’m doing everything in my power to make sure the crown’s tracker doesn’t find you, but he is relentless. He’s questioned everyone in the house many times and has made threats that if we servants didn’t confirm that you ran to Scotland, we would be put out without a reference.

   He’s a beast with a juicy bone and won’t give it up.

   He says as soon as one of us verifies you went to Scotland, he will have enough evidence to go and fetch you home for trial.

   Be vigilant, Your Grace. It won’t be long before one of the staff corroborates his claim just to be done with him. And when that happens, he will be heading for you.

   Stay safe, Your Grace.

   Your faithful servant,


   Mari had been a fool to hope she’d been forgotten. She’d prayed that enough time had passed and that she was free to live her new, happy life with a man who treated her kindly.

   It was so easy to pretend things were fine, being so far north. Away from London. Away from her past.

   But Sir Ridley, the tracker, hadn’t given up. She was not safe here. Nor would she ever be. Eventually the tenacious man would be granted his warrant, and he would show up at the castle gate to collect her.

   What would happen when he did?

   Visions of Cam being hauled away or killed for trying to protect her haunted her mind. He’d vowed to protect her with his life, and she didn’t want him to be forced to honor his promise. Especially when there was no chance of saving her.

   Even if he gave his life to keep her safe, she would still be taken to stand trial for a murder. And since she was in fact guilty, she would surely be hanged.

   There was no reason for Cam to be harmed. Her plight was hopeless, but his need not be. She would do whatever she had to in order to keep him safe.

   “We must not speak of this letter to Cam. I will not ask you to keep a secret from your husband, but please tell him not to mention it to mine. I don’t want him to be upset or worried over this.”

   “Worried?” Kenna’s eyes went wide. “Worried isn’t even half of what the man will feel when he finds out.”

   “Even more reason to keep him from finding out. I can’t have him sitting on the south wall day and night, waiting for the English to arrive.”

   “What will you do?”

   “Let me think on it. I’ll come up with a plan.”

   Kenna patted her hand, anxiety clear in her eyes. “I will wait to mention it to Lach until we’ve come up with a plan. I canna lose you, Mari. I just got you back.”

   Mari’s sister wasn’t one for dramatics, but being a mother brought on strong emotions, and they were getting the best of Kenna as her eyes brimmed over with tears. “All my bairns love ye, sister. You’re their only auntie.”

   Mari took Kenna into her arms, and they swayed together. “Things will be fine. You’ll see,” Mari promised, though at the moment she had no idea how things could ever be fine again.


   Mari was quiet at the evening meal, and quieter still when they walked to their chamber that night. Cam had seen her angry, but that wasn’t the case now. She wasn’t mad as much as distracted.

   “Is everything well with you, wife?” he asked when they were in the privacy of their room.

   “Yes.” She smiled, but it wasn’t her normal smile. It was the fake duchess smile she forced to her lips when she was being pleasant and didn’t want to be.

   That was no kind of smile for him. He wanted her real smile, or he wanted to know why he wasn’t worthy of it.

   “Now I know for sure something is the matter. Your lips are pressed into the false smile of a duchess.”

   “I was a duchess, if you recall.” She looked away.

   He crossed his arms, trying to read her, but she would not meet his gaze.

   “I recall what you were. But I thought the days of seeing that forced expression were over. What has ye unhappy, lass?”

   “I believe I answered your question already. Do you plan to interrogate me until I invent something merely to satisfy you?”

   Who was this woman in his wife’s skin? His Mari’s fiery green eyes stared back at him for a few seconds before skittering away once more.

   “A dog growls so he doesn’t have to bite,” he said, waiting her out.

   She scowled at him. “Are you calling me a dog?”

   “Nay, and you’re doing it again.”

   “What are you accusing me of, exactly? I can’t be sure with all the talk of biting and growling.”

   “I’m accusing you of starting an argument with me so you don’t have to speak the truth. You’re hiding something. Why not just tell me what it is so we can deal with it together?”

   “Can we not just go to bed? I’m much too tired to puzzle out what you want from me.” With that, she dropped her gown on a chair and crawled into bed in her shift.

   As was his habit, he watched the way the thin fabric caressed her skin. His cock stirred, but he frowned, knowing he wouldn’t approach her tonight. It was clear she didn’t want his conversation or his touch.

   Very well. He would give her space. She’d lived with her first husband’s demands for many years. It might take as many years for her to realize she was free to be upset with him or simply in need of solitude.

   He slid into bed next to her and kissed her shoulder since she was facing away from him. “If I’ve done something to upset you, know I’m sorry for it.”

   “You’ve done nothing wrong.” Her voice was thick with tears.

   “Why do you weep? Will you at least let me hold you and offer comfort if you don’t want to discuss it?”

   She turned toward him and nuzzled against his chest so close they all but shared the same skin. She kissed him and ran her hand lower along his stomach.

   “Make love to me, husband,” she whispered.

   “I’m always happy to oblige.” He rolled her onto her back and kissed her everywhere. “I’ll pleasure ye until a real smile is back on your face,” he promised.

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