Home > Asia (The Adlers #6)

Asia (The Adlers #6)
Author: Avery Gale




One year earlier

Asia Adler sighed with relief when she finally slid into the small rental sports car. Goddess bless whoever was responsible for the invention of heated seats. She’d forgotten how cold it was in New England in the fall and winter… and most of the damned spring. Sitting on cold leather was the worst. Her South Texas blood was too thin for this nonsense. She programmed the luxury car’s GPS to the hotel where she knew Franklin Cordesi was staying.

Their first conversation had been more than a little strained. Asia had been miffed when he’d called Adler Oil to speak with Austin, then insisted on being transferred to her. She’d already been running late for a meeting, so their conversation had been cut short, with her promising to return his call, and she had… after reading the file and the notes, her brother-in-law, Luke Grayson, forwarded at her request. Damn, it was handy having a hacker in the family. Luke’s official title might not include that particular tidbit, but in Asia’s opinion, it was a simple semantic oversight.

The file’s contents had both infuriated and intrigued her, and while she regularly found herself annoyed with people, she couldn’t remember feeling this challenged by or attracted to anyone in a long time. During their second call, he anticipated her questions, knowing she’d waited to return his call until she had more information.

Franklin Cordesi had chuckled when she painted his profession in a negative light, telling her they were more alike than she was willing to admit. Hearing his explanation had been damned humbling. They both advocated for their clients in any way they could, charged them handsomely for the service, then walked away unscathed, no matter the result.

Asia had been surprised when she’d sensed his sudden reluctance. He’d blown out a weary breath and admitted the situation with her younger sister, London, had been anything but ordinary.

“I didn’t anticipate the affection I developed for her, Ms. Adler. I’m not in love with London, but I’m certainly fond of her. I would like very much to help her stay safe.” The pregnant pause that followed hadn’t been the ploy many people use. She’d somehow known he was genuinely worried about the brilliant young researcher, who was on the verge of knocking the pharmaceutical world on their ass.

When he’d finally continued speaking, she hadn’t been able to take her eyes off the pictures Luke had included in his report. Cordesi might be English by birth, but his dark hair and olive skin were a testament to the dominance of his Italian gene pool. Luke’s file included a picture of Franklin sitting at a small metal table with the Eifel Tower in the background—the shot had captivated her. Everything about the photo was enchanting—the setting, the chic woman walking past on the sidewalk, her head turned to check Cordesi out as she passed on the street, and the adoring look the male waiter gave Franklin as he set a tumbler of amber liquid on the table in front of him. Clearly, the man’s appeal wasn’t limited to women, although there was nothing in the file indicating he was bi-sexual. All the elements painted a picture of a complex man, but it was the couple sitting with him who continually drew Asia’s eye.

The man in the picture looked like an older version of Franklin, a much older brother or perhaps, a well-aged father. Everything about the man’s posture screamed dominance—the upward tilt of his strong chin, the way his arm wrapped possessively around his slender companion, and the way his thumb appeared to be tracing the pulse point inside her wrist. The diamond choker around the woman’s neck looked suspiciously like a collar—Asia had wished she could read the inscription on the small heart lying in the hollow of her throat.

Admitting the spark of interest, she felt any time she thought about Franklin Cordesi, hadn’t been easy. After all the trouble he’d caused her family, Asia felt a pang of guilt, knowing she was attracted to a man who had at one time considered her little sister an assignment. Her mind had wandered as he’d attempted to explain the multitude of dangers London faced as a result of her research. Surprisingly, his concerns were the same ones Asia had expressed.

The colorful picture his voice painted in her mind had nothing to do with the subject at hand, and Asia was forced to steer her wandering thoughts away from the hot scene she’d watched last weekend at Dark Desires. Seeing one of the club’s dungeon masters bind a male and female sub in deep red rope before flogging them at the same time gave a whole new meaning to dangling in the breeze.

“Ms. Adler?” He’d pulled her back to the moment, and she sent up a silent prayer to the Goddess of all things Discreet, hoping she hadn’t been panting into the phone.

“Yes. Sorry, I’m at work, so distractions are more common than I’d like.” She’d ended the call, promising to warn London, then update him on her sister’s decision. After disconnecting the call, she’d reshuffled her schedule before quietly retreating upstairs to the apartment she’d recently remodeled one floor below Austin’s enormous penthouse suite. It had taken her longer than she would have liked, but she’d finally persuaded her big brother to relinquish a small portion of his five thousand square foot home to create a two-story outdoor living area they now shared.

Asia found the immaculately designed and landscaped outdoor space settled her mind, spending as much time outside when she was home as she did inside. The view was stunning during the day and so breathtaking at night. She often slept on one of the cushioned loungers, gazing at the stars. High above the haze of city lights, the stars danced like diamonds tumbling over navy-blue velvet, mesmerizing her, and pushing all the daily stress of her job to the back of her mind. Shaking her head to clear the memories, Asia reluctantly pulled herself back to the present.

Refocusing her attention on the drive wasn’t easy. She found herself breathing a sigh of relief when she discovered her hotel was closer to Evan Monroe’s clinic than she’d initially thought. She planned to get settled in her suite, then call Elijah Monroe to arrange a meeting with her sister. Asia had promised herself she wouldn’t let Cordesi know she was on her way, swearing off calling him until after she’d spoken to London. It was a temptation she was finding more and more challenging to fight.


Franklin was grateful his suite was on a lower floor, despite his usual preference for the upper levels of the high-end hotels he preferred. Looking down as the sleek, black luxury coupe pulled to a stop in front of the valet stand, Franklin smiled when one long, slender leg emerged from the door as the woman he’d spoken with yesterday reached across the seat, gathering her briefcase and purse.

Asia Adler graciously accepted the hand the young valet extended. The man’s simple acts of chivalry made Franklin’s entire body stiffen in response. Jesus, Joseph, and sweet Mother Mary, what was that about? She didn’t belong to him, and he had no reason to care who touched her—but his reaction had been primal. He’d known she was on her way—Ms. Adler wasn’t the only one with connections and friends with more access than integrity.

The photographs he’d seen, both official shots from the Adler Oil website and the candid shots taken by his team, didn’t do the infamous Ms. Adler justice. Studying Asia as her long, tan legs ate up the short distance between her car and the hotel’s front entrance, he was close enough to see her shudder against the biting wind. The well-respected attorney apparently hadn’t taken time to buy appropriate winter clothing if the thin coat she wore was any indication. Those stilettos make your legs look amazing, pet, but a killer pair of leather boots would be much more practical. As she sauntered confidently through the sliding glass doors, Franklin sent a quick message to his assistant, requesting a warm coat and boots be delivered to Ms. Adler’s newly reassigned suite as soon as possible.

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