Home > Sunkissed Days (Magnolia Sound #0.5)(31)

Sunkissed Days (Magnolia Sound #0.5)(31)
Author: Samantha Chase

“I’ll try,” she said with a smile and then he was gone and she could hear him handing the phone back to her mother.

“He’s exhausting, Mallory.”

“I know, but…you have to see things from his point of view. That house is his whole life. It’s his security. Leaving there–even if it’s only for a day or two–is going to stress him out a lot.”

“It’s stressing us all out. Believe me, there’s a lot of work that goes into evacuating. We have to secure the house and make sure we have all essential documents along with sorting through everything and just taking the necessities. I’m telling you, I’m a nervous wreck!”

“Is it really bad that he wants to stay?”

“Sweetheart, I understand why he wants to, but at his age, it’s just not practical.”

“Are you sure no one can stay with him?”

“Jake’s offered and I have to tell you, I’m not feeling good about that either.”

“Why not?”

“This storm is big. Really big. We’re looking at the possibility of a Category 4 hurricane when it makes landfall, and basically landfall is…”

“You,” Mallory said sadly. “Magnolia Sound is the coast so there is no land before you.”

“Exactly,” Susannah said. “Georgia and Beau already have a place for us about forty miles inland. It’s a townhouse they own and rent out but it happens to be vacant so we’re all going there. Well…almost all of us are going.”

“Mom…I really wish there were something I could do, but…”

“I know, I know. I appreciate you even trying. Georgia was here earlier having a fit and all she managed to do was make things worse. He was almost ready to pack a bag and then she came over and carried on and now he’s acting like a petulant child. I tell you, it’s maddening!”

“I know Aunt Georgia is not the best in these situations.”

“She’s not the best in any situation. Honestly, she’s almost as obsessed with this house as Pops is! I think that’s what got him so worked up again. He accused her of wanting him out of the house so she could somehow try and take it from him!”

“No!” Mallory cried with a small laugh. “I mean I know there’s been a lot of heated discussions about her wanting the house, but…how could Pops possibly think that she could use a hurricane evacuation to take it from him?”

“At one point he accused her of being some kind of witch who caused the storm,” Susannah said with a hint of amusement. “Look, Georgia is my cousin and I love her, but I swear I want to strangle her sometimes.”

“As do her kids,” Mallory said with a laugh.

“Oh, that reminds me! Parker’s graduation party has been moved to mid-September. I have the date written down here somewhere. Georgia wants to have the party at the country club, but your cousin desperately wants to celebrate someplace fun and a lot less formal. And if I know Parker, she’s going to want the kind of party that will make her mother crazy.”

“That’s reasonable. It’s her party, right? But…wait. I didn’t realize there was even going to be a party. I thought Parker wanted to go away somewhere rather than have a whole big thing.”

“They’re doing both, but the vacation is coming first. You know your aunt loves to throw a party, even if it’s not the kind of party the guest of honor wants.”

That was the truth. Her aunt was the belle of the ball of Magnolia Sound when it came to throwing parties; she lived for occasions to host one. “I’ll mark my calendar but text me the date when you find it, please.”

“Can do.” She sighed. “Okay, I need to go pack up. We’re heading out in the morning and there’s still so much to do.”

“You’re just packing up the basics, right?”

“That was the plan, but a bunch of us are helping out the local eateries and getting as much food from them as possible to help cut their losses. Some places closed shop already, but Henderson’s Bakery and Café Magnolia put the word out that they had food ready for anyone heading out of town. I’m planning on getting some things for Pops before I go.”

“If he loses power, what good will it be?”

“Baked goods will keep,” Susannah said. “And I just plan on getting sandwiches from the café that can go in a cooler.”

“Where’s Gertie? Did she leave already?”

Gertie had been Pops’ housekeeper for longer than Mallory was alive. She was practically family. “She was out of town visiting her family and when the news first mentioned the storm, we told her to stay put.”

“That was smart of you, but I’m sure she’s worried.”

“She only comes in once a week now,” Susannah said. “I think she’s ready to retire but she doesn’t want to leave Pops.”

That sounded like Gertie, all right.

“Okay, sweetie, I’ll call you once we’re settled.”

“Be safe, Mom. And please keep talking to Pops. Maybe have…have Jake talk to him. I’m sure he’d listen to him before anyone else.”

“Hmm…you may be right. I’ll do that. Have a good night, sweetheart.”

“You too, Mom. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

Once they hung up, Mallory’s stomach growled loudly and she went back to the kitchen to make herself a sandwich. She didn’t have much to choose from and ended up with ham and swiss on whole wheat. Not the most inspired dinner, but with her plate in hand, she went back to the sofa and turned on the TV, hoping to catch the weather report.

“And now the latest on the storm that has the mid-Atlantic coast holding its breath. Hurricane Amelia has picked up strength as she seems to be heading directly toward the Carolinas. With the projected path, the storm should make landfall late Thursday night. The first evacuation orders have been issued to all coastal residents up and down the Carolina coast, with mandatory evacuation orders expected to go out within the next twelve hours. Residents on the barrier islands, Outer Banks, and Magnolia Sound areas in North Carolina look to be in the direct path of Amelia. Right now, this is a Category 2 hurricane, but predictions have it hitting Category 3 after midnight tonight with the possibility of hitting Category 4 by the time it makes landfall. And we all know when winds range from 131 to 155 mph, they can cause catastrophic damage to property, humans, and animals. Severe structural damage to frame homes, apartments, and shopping centers should be expected. Category 4 hurricanes often include long-term power outages and water shortages lasting from a few weeks to a few months, so again, it’s important for any remaining residents to have a significant nonperishable food and water supply at hand.”

Her appetite gone, Mallory tossed her sandwich back onto the plate and grabbed the remote to change the channel. There wasn’t anything she could do from here–last she checked not only was Garden City, New York still eleven hours from Magnolia Sound, but she also had zero ability to stop a hurricane.

“Oh, but if I could,” she murmured, standing and taking her sad dinner back to the kitchen and tossing it into the trash. “Now what do I do?”

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