Home > Sunkissed Days (Magnolia Sound #0.5)(27)

Sunkissed Days (Magnolia Sound #0.5)(27)
Author: Samantha Chase

Slowly they made their way back up the stairs, across the deck, through the kitchen, dining room, and living room, before ending up in his study. Mallory stood back while he walked around and then took a seat behind his desk. He opened a drawer and pulled out an envelope. With a serious expression, he held it out to her.

“What’s this?”

“Just a little something so you know you can always come back and visit at any time. Consider it a travel fund. You know I’d love to come and see you and walk around that fancy college of yours,” he said, “but I can’t handle the pressure of flying anymore. Those days are behind me.”

The image of walking around campus with Pops made her smile, but she knew he was right. It would be too much for him.

She took the envelope from him but didn’t open it. “Thank you.”

Another curt nod. “You got everything packed up?”

“I think so.” Then she looked over her shoulder. “Gertie mentioned to me last night that she was going to make me up a cooler of snacks and drinks for the ride so I’m going to go grab it.” Walking around the desk, she hugged him and kissed him on the cheek.

“You come back in here before you leave, you hear?”

She squeezed him again. “I will.”

Swallowing hard, Mallory left the study and made her way back to the kitchen where she found Gertie putting several foil-wrapped items in a small cooler. “What kind of goodies are you sending me off with?”

There were brownies, fruit, bottled water, two chicken salad sandwiches, chocolate chip cookies, and a bag of chips all securely packed up for her and Mallory knew she wouldn’t eat half of it, but chances were Sam would finish off whatever was left when she got home. With a fierce hug, she thanked Gertie – not only for all of the wonderful meals and her cooler of treats, but for being the one to stay here and take care of Pops.

Cupping her face, Gertie said, “You mean the world to him, you know that, right? There isn’t anything he wouldn’t do for you.”

Mallory nodded.

“That man loves his family like I’ve never seen another man do,” she went on. “All of you. He’s so proud of each and every one of you and as much as most people don’t believe it, old Zeke is still as sharp as a tack.”

“Oh, I believe it. Sometimes I have to remind myself that he’s really ninety because he doesn’t act that way to me.”

“To me either. I think he’d still be out there running the construction company or taking part in all of the businesses he still owns in town,” Gertie went on. “But his body is tired. He’s slowed down a lot but having you here all summer has done a lot of good, so…thank you.”

It was quite possibly the sweetest thing she could have said.

“Thanks, Gertie.” She gave the older woman another hug and then reached for the cooler. “I should get going.”

“I’ll put this out in the car for you. I need to go check the mail. You go give Zeke another long hug to hold him over until you come to visit again, okay?”

“Sounds good to me.”

Together, they walked out of the kitchen when Mallory realized she didn’t have her phone on her. She panicked for a moment and then turned to Gertie. “I think I left it out by the breakfast table. Let me go grab it.” She hugged her again.

“Have a safe drive, Mallory.”

They went in opposite directions and as Mallory skipped down the steps she breathed in the ocean air and smiled. No doubt she was going to miss all of this, but it had been a good summer – a great summer! And the memories of it would get her through until she could come back.

Things between her and Jake weren’t the best. After their wild romp on the boathouse roof almost a week ago, things were strained and he was distant. They said their goodbyes last night. He said it would be for the best if he didn’t come by this morning.

She had to agree.

Looking over her shoulder toward the path that led to his house, she was tempted to run over and see him one last time, but she knew he wasn’t there. He was going to Wilmington today to visit some friends. And again, she had to remind herself how it was for the best. She already cried all night. No sense in making herself cry more while she drove.

Like that’s not going to happen anyway…

Grabbing her phone, she ran back up to the house and straight to Pops’ office. After another round of hugs, kisses, and promises to call when she got home, Mallory made her way down to her car and gave the big house one last look.

A long breath whooshed out as she started the car. “I’m coming back,” she murmured. “This isn’t goodbye and it isn’t forever.” And with those words, she slowly drove around the large, circular drive and made her way up to the road.

She hadn’t gone more than a mile when she groaned.

“Dammit!” Immediately, she did a three-point turn and made her way back to Pops’ house. “Darn phone charger.” Berating herself for forgetting it, she shook her head. “As organized as I am, how could I have left it behind?”

The answer was simple – she’d brought it down to the boathouse yesterday and left it there by mistake. All morning she kept reminding herself to go down and get it, but between breakfast with Pops and saying goodbye, it slipped her mind.

Rather than going to the front door, Mallory pulled the car around to the Sound side of the house and parked since it was closer to the boathouse. No need to go inside and go through another round of goodbyes, right?

It took less than five minutes, but as she was heading back to her car, she spotted Jake walking up the back steps of the house and going into the kitchen. Was he coming to say goodbye to her before she left? Her heart skipped a beat and she giddily went after him.

Just one more kiss, she told herself. One more kiss and I’ll be able to handle anything.

When she walked into the kitchen, he wasn’t there.

Through the dining room, and he wasn’t there.

Nope, not in the living room. What in the world?

In the distance, she heard voices. Jake was talking to Pops. She heard her name mentioned and while she felt a little bad about eavesdropping, she was a little curious if Jake would profess his love for her to her great-grandfather or – at the very least – say how much he was going to miss her.

“I hate this, Zeke. You know that.”

“I know you do, but you’ll do it because you know it’s the right thing.”


“It shouldn’t be like this…I hate lying.”

Lying? What was he lying about? She thought.

“You’re not lying, son. You’re doing what you need to do.”

“Am I? Because it feels like a lie. I should have talked to Mallory…”

“Leave Mallory out of this!” Pops snapped. “This has nothing to do with her and everything to do with you and your future. And if you actually want a future – a chance to make something of your life – then you’re going to take this and go.” He paused. “Don’t look back, Jacob. You know this is what you need to do.”

Her stomach clenched and she felt like her breakfast was about to make a reappearance. What was she supposed to do? What were they talking about? What was Jake lying about?

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