Home > Bringing It Home (Code of Honor #3)(20)

Bringing It Home (Code of Honor #3)(20)
Author: Reese Knightley

“It’s okay.” He slowly lowered the blanket.

“How did you sleep?”

“Good.” He hadn’t slept that good in a long time. Even though he’d woken up in pain several times, it was knowing he was safe that made it bearable. He didn’t mention the nightmare.

“I love it,” he said, gesturing around the room.

Diesel seemed to flush at his words. “Thanks. Need to use the restroom?”

“Yes.” He slipped from the bed and found he was wearing a pair of too big sweatpants and one of Diesel’s t-shirts, miles too big.

“I put those on you. Memphis said you didn’t have luggage.”

His face heated—had Diesel seen his bruises? Mortified, he struggled to say something.


“The sheriff.”

“I did have luggage, and a backpack. It was stolen.” All the fear he and Fraser had gone through to get a few of his things and Auto had taken them. Tears stung his eyes.

“I’ll let him know to keep an eye out for it.” Diesel’s voice was gentle.

“What’s that?” He wiped at his eyes and pointed to the plastic bag Diesel held.

“Hold your cast out.”

In a few moments, his cast was covered and a rubber band at his elbow kept the bag in place.

“Now you can take a shower.” Diesel pointed to the open door across the hall. “Use the towels on the rack in there, I have to do laundry anyway.”

“Thank you.” Triton slipped past Diesel and into the bathroom, shutting the door. He gasped at himself in the mirror.

“Oh my god, you look like shit. No wonder he won’t even look at you.”

His hair stuck in dirty, limp strands to his bruised forehead. His right eye had a broken blood vessel and his cheek was bruised and swollen. Marks littered his body as he slowly pulled his pants and shirt off. He started the water and took a lukewarm and awkward shower.

He rubbed the shampoo into his hair one-handed and ran out of steam, so he stood beneath the water hoping the soap would rinse out.

He was exhausted once he made it back to the room. He dropped the towel on the floor and pulled on the clean t-shirt that Diesel had left draped over the footboard of the bed.

Crawling in, he lay like a limp noodle against the soft pillows and silky sheet while struggling with his tears.





A noise at the door drew his eyes up.

“How’d that shower feel?”

“Good, thank you.” He cleared his throat.

Diesel carried a brown paper bag and lifted a fold out tray Triton hadn’t even seen tucked next to the bed. The tray was placed on his lap, and Diesel dug out a container filled with soup, rolls with butter, and a spoon.

“I made sure it wasn’t too hot. All I need is for you to burn yourself.”

“Thank you.” He gulped, unable to stop the tears.

“Hey now. None of that.” A line creased through the man’s brow.

“I’m sorry.”

“You don’t have to be sorry. I just don’t want you to burn yourself.”

That sounded a lot better than the first time Diesel had said it.

“I won’t, I promise, and I can clean up after myself. I can help you. I know I only have one arm, but I can do a lot of things one handed.”

“Stop talking.” Diesel cut off his diarrhea of the mouth.


“Quit saying you’re sorry.”

Triton turned his gaze away.

“Now, tell me what happened.”

His gaze snapped back. Oh shit. That was the last thing he wanted to tell Diesel. Words wouldn’t come out. His thoughts got all jumbled.

At his hesitation, Diesel picked up the spoon, dipped up a spoonful of soup, and lifted it to his lips. “Here, eat your soup.”

Triton was so surprised, he opened his mouth and took the bite. It was so good, he moaned and licked his lips.

Diesel sucked in a breath and handed him the spoon so he could eat. Triton watched, a bit fascinated, as Diesel buttered a roll and then handed it to him. He couldn’t remember anyone ever doing that for him. His mouth watered and he sank his teeth into the soft bread.

“It’s so good. I’m so hungry,” he said around a mouthful.

“How did you lose your ID?”

He sat his spoon down and the bread aside. “I don’t know.”

Diesel lifted his hand and wrapped it back around the spoon.

“You eat and I’ll talk. You left Texas probably without telling a soul. Did you quit your job?”

“Not officially. I was fired.”


“Because I failed to show up.” He kept his head down.

“Eat.” Diesel nudged his hand and Triton resumed his eating.

He took a few more bites beneath Diesel’s watchful gaze and polished off the bread and most of the soup. He grew full.

Diesel didn’t say another word until the meal was cleared away and he was tucked back against the pillows.

“I’m not going to ask you why you failed to show up at your job because I have a pretty good idea,” Diesel growled out, bringing Triton’s eyes up from where his fingers were twisting the sheet. “Does Maddox still think you’re in college?”

“Yeah,” he whispered.

“I told you to stop lying to him.”

“I’m not, I just didn’t tell him.”

“Triton,” Diesel barked his name, causing Triton to freeze up. “Your lying to others and me stops now.”

He swallowed around a tight throat; unable to tear his eyes from Diesel’s stern gaze.

“Is that clear?”


“I want your word.”

“I promise,” he rushed to say.

“Did you call Bull before you left?”

“He called me.” He chewed on his lip and plucked at the blanket. “He thinks I’m spending spring break with a friend. Bull also thinks I’m living on campus.”

He sat quiet beneath Diesel’s stern look.

“I’m sorry. I won’t lie again.”

Diesel nodded after a moment. “So, nobody knows where you are?”

“Fraser does.”

“Another one of Clay’s men?”

“No! Fraser is my best friend.”

“Okay, start at the beginning and tell me everything. I’ll know if you lie.”

“I won’t lie, I promise,” He trembled when Diesel reached for his hand and linked their fingers.

“This is a really good start. Now, start at the beginning.”

“I got back with Clay after you left.” He stopped at the brief flash of pain in the older man’s eyes.

The silence stretched and tears streamed down his cheeks. “Don’t ask me why, because I don’t know why! It was a stupid thing to do. I know that, believe me. Fraser has told me enough times what an idiot I am.”

“Stop right there.”

“What?” He paused, wide-eyed.

“You calling yourself an idiot or stupid stops right now, along with the lying. Is that clear?”

He searched Diesel’s green eyes. “Yes,” he whispered, feeling something settle in his chest. He drew a deep breath and let it out. A lot of his anxiety eased.

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