Home > Bringing It Home (Code of Honor #3)(22)

Bringing It Home (Code of Honor #3)(22)
Author: Reese Knightley

“Molly, go lay down,” he ordered.

Reaching the closed bathroom door, he rapped softly.


Nothing. He pressed his ear to the door and heard the distant sound of muffled sobs.

Easing the door open, he found Triton on the floor, a broken water glass lay scattered, and the boy wore only a towel.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”

“Triton, look at me,” he ordered, and his chest lurched when the boy lifted tear-filled eyes to his. “You’re going to do as I say, you hear me?”


“Listen to me.”

Fear swept over Triton’s whole body, but Diesel ignored it for the moment. “Climb up on the toilet seat.”

His tone left no room for arguing, and Triton climbed up on the closed lid. Thank fuck the boy’s bare feet were now out of the glass.

“Now,” he said and moved right up to Triton. “Hook your arms around my neck and wrap your legs around my waist and hang the fuck on.”

“What?” Confusion.

“Do it.”

“But my cast.”

“Just do it, boy,” he grumbled, keeping his voice firm and calm. It was better if Triton reached out to him rather than the other way around. He needed to get the boy to trust him.

Triton reached up and wrapped those slender arms around his neck and those long legs around his waist, causing the towel to float to the floor.

He gritted his teeth, more to get his fucking cock under control than from the added weight. He cupped the boy’s ass and moved back out into the hallway. Sure, he could have put him down in the hallway, but he kept going all the way until he reached Triton’s bed.

His breathing was ragged, his cock like iron, and his blood pressure through the roof. He leaned over until Triton could sit his ass on the bed.

And looked his fill. Light hair in a barely there treasure trail that nested around a long, thick cock that was cut and standing at attention. Despite the fading bruises, the boy’s skin was all white and smooth. Skin Diesel could trace for hours.

Triton’s hands were fisted in his shirt and his heels were still hooked around his jean-clad legs.

He lifted his gaze from the boy’s pretty prick to his face. Triton’s head fell back on his slender neck and his lips parted.

Ah, fucking hell.

He closed the distance and took those soft lips in a savage kiss. His tongue probed, seeking entrance, and when Triton gasped and let him in, Diesel devoured the young man. He bit, nuzzled, and marauded Triton’s mouth until the boy’s lips were swollen and he was gasping for breath. His own cock, painful in his pants, matched the hardness of the pretty prick between Triton’s legs.

“Get in bed. I need to clean up.” He took a deep breath and stepped away.

Triton’s mouth opened as if to argue, but then he scrambled back awkwardly with one arm until he was covered.

Diesel shut out the sight of that naked, sexy body. Although, it was damned near impossible because that slim body was just the kind he craved.

Just like Shawn. Diesel turned away and went to retrieve the broom and dust pan. It didn’t stop his memories, though. Shawn had been young and hadn’t known his own mind. The boy had definitely been too young to understand commitment.

From that point on, he’d only hooked up casually and only with men close to his age. He never hooked up with one younger than thirty-five, and never ever did he bring one home.

So why was it suddenly important for Triton to stay?

And why the hell did he not want to call Maddox?





The kiss had been everything he’d wanted and more. Tender yet explosive, leaving him aching for Diesel and yearning to never let go, but he knew he must.

Over the past twenty four hours, he’d suggested leaving, but every time he brought up the subject, Diesel shut him down with a flat out no or gave him a squinted stare that meant the same thing.

He sighed. And just to make sure he wasn’t going to leave, Diesel kept good on his promise and brought him to his doctor’s appointment.

He was moving much easier by then and only needed help getting out of Diesel’s SUV.

Diesel parked him in a chair in the waiting room and then crouched in front of him.

He met the man’s serious gaze.

“Stay here, read something, I’ll be back,” Diesel ordered.

“Okay.” He sat and stared at Diesel.

The soldier seemed surprised that he obeyed. Why wouldn’t he? Lately, all he wanted to do was obey Diesel and make him proud.

“I’ll be in the back. If you need me, come find me,” Diesel murmured and reached out to cup his cheek.

“Okay.” Triton trembled beneath the touch, but it wasn’t from fear.

“Promise me.” Diesel dropped his hand.

“I promise.” He crossed his heart.

Diesel, appearing satisfied, nodded and followed the nurse into the back office.

Triton lifted a hand to his cheek and held it there, closing his eyes at the remembered touch. After a moment, he glanced around at the small waiting room. Country music played in the background from overhead speakers.

He rested his head on the back of the couch and closed his eyes. The physical therapy session was going to last about an hour.

Laughter from the girl behind the counter as she spoke on the phone woke him from his slight doze. The clock said that forty-five minutes had passed, and he blinked the tiredness from his eyes.

Gingerly, he stood up, easing to his feet slowly. Other than a few aches and pains, he was on the mend physically. He was smart enough to know that emotionally might take a bit longer.

“Hi, um.” He approached the receptionist’s window and searched for her name tag. “Sissy? Would it be okay if I go back there?”

“Sure can, love, he’s in the room at the end of the hall.” The door buzzed, signaling it was unlocked, and Triton slipped inside and headed down the hallway to the room at the end.

Pausing near the entrance, he suddenly had doubts about intruding when he heard Diesel talking to the doctor.

“I’d suggest you wear your brace if you are going to be on your feet for long periods of time.” The voice had to be the doctor’s.

“What about returning to active duty?” Diesel asked.

“We’ll see how stable it is after the full nine months of therapy.”

“Okay. That’s roughly five months away.”

“Diesel, you need to prepare yourself. If you can’t pass the Army physical, you may never return to active duty.”

“I know.”

Triton pressed his hands to his mouth and turned and hurried back down to the waiting room.

Sissy looked at him oddly.

“They were busy, I’m just going to wait out here.” He gave her a brief smile.

What would happen if Diesel didn’t return to active duty? Would the guy be really sad? If he didn’t go back to the army, what would Diesel do?

He stared blindly out the window, calming his beating heart before he actually saw the rain-covered street. The town was small, only a few streets, and they were on the main one.

Across from him was the post office and a few doors down was a general store. From what he could tell, doctors’ offices lined the side he was on.

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