Home > The Duplicate Bride(54)

The Duplicate Bride(54)
Author: Ginny Baird

   Derrick flicked on his turn signal and glanced at Brent. “I get along with everybody. You know that.”

   “Normally, yes.” Brent paused a beat before asking: “So, why not her?”

   Derrick set his chin. “She’s…challenging.”

   “So then, rise to the challenge.” Brent shrugged.


   “Please, Derrick. I don’t ask you for much, but I am asking for this one thing: a totally uneventful and happy wedding day.”

   Derrick considered this a moment, and then his shoulders sagged. “Sure, of course. I’ll see what I can do to get along with Meredith.”


   “All things considered,” Meredith said as they packed the bridal gown and accessories away, “I think the fitting went okay.”

   “Yeah,” Hope said. “Apart from the fact that I got all weepy in front of everybody.” After a few sniffles and reassuring hugs from Meredith, she was feeling better about things. It really was just a few more days until Jackie would be here.

   “Nobody thought anything of it,” Meredith told her. “They just figured you were being sentimental.”

   “It’s hard not to be sentimental when you’re playing a fake bride.”

   “I can only imagine.” Meredith daintily picked up the wedding shoes and slipped them into their box. “But I honestly wasn’t kidding. You really do look dynamite in that dress.”

   “Yeah, but it won’t be me who’s wearing it on Saturday.”

   Meredith flipped her long, dark hair over her shoulder. “He’s really gotten under your skin, huh?”

   “Only in the best possible way.”

   “I’m sorry, Hope. Sorry that everything’s so twisted. But, seeing the two of you together, I’d say he’s equally into you.”

   “Yeah?” she asked, daring to dream.

   “Maybe if you explain to Jackie what’s happened—”

   Hope was shaking her head before Meredith even finished. “No. She’ll totally flip.”

   “You’re probably right about that. And anyway, then you’d still have the problem of telling Brent and his family. My gut says none of them will take this very well.”

   “I agree. One hundred percent.” Hope’s shoulders sagged. “It’s just two more days, and then Jackie will be here.”

   “She’d better,” Meredith said. “Or I’m going to wring her neck.”

   “Yeah, you and me both.” Hope stared at her, feeling like she didn’t deserve this compassion. She was Jackie’s bestie, after all, and here she was, being so kind. “Thanks for all of this, Meredith.”

   “All of what?”

   “For being a friend when I need it.”

   “Believe it or not, I do understand,” Meredith told her. “I know what it’s like to love someone when the odds are impossible.”

   “That happened to you?” When Meredith’s eyes misted, Hope decided not to press her on it. “Oh no. I’m so sorry.”

   “It’s all right,” Meredith said. “Life moves on. It will move on for you, too.”

   Hope’s cell phone buzzed on her dresser. “Wait,” she said, checking the screen. “That’s Jackie calling now.”

   “Great,” Meredith said. “I’ll go help Sally gather wood for the fire and let you take it. But, Hope,” she said before leaving. “Maybe you should tell her?”

   “Oh, no. I couldn’t.”

   “She’s going to figure it out soon enough. If I were her, I’d rather not be blindsided.”

   A frown tugged at Hope’s lips. She frankly could no longer stand the thought of Brent marrying somebody else—anybody else. Much less her sister, who clearly didn’t love him and was possibly conflicted about the commitment herself. “I know you’re right. It’s just… This is going to be tough.”

   Meredith gently patted her shoulder. “You don’t have to tell her today, but I’d suggest filling her in before she gets here. She at least needs to know.”


   Hope spoke into her phone as Meredith closed the door. “Jackie. Finally. How’s it going?”

   “I’m still wrapping up the Martin wedding,” Jackie said. “But things will be all set by the close of business tomorrow. I fly out of Nantucket first thing Friday morning and will be in Blue Hill by lunchtime.”

   “Super. I wish it was sooner.”

   “I know you do. Me, too. I saw the latest update,” she said, changing the subject. “By the way, you look great in the dress.”

   “I’m sure you’ll wear it even better,” Hope said as heat burned in her eyes.

   “Is everything all right?”

   “Sure. Why wouldn’t it be? This is a horrible thing we’re doing to the Albrights, Jackie. All of them, including Brent.”

   Jackie huffed. “Yeah. I know. Don’t believe I haven’t thought about that, but one thing led to another, and—”

   “We should have stopped it. I mean, I should have. In a way, this is all my fault.”

   “You were the honesty-is-the-best-policy spokesperson.”

   “I know,” Hope said, breaking into a whimper. “And I’ve let everyone down.”

   “Let’s try not to have negative thoughts right now,” her sister insisted. “Brent and I made a deal, and I intend to make good on it, just like he and I planned.”

   Hope’s chin trembled. “Sometimes plans change, though.”

   There was a pause. Then, “What are you talking about?”

   “It’s Brent. I like him.”

   “Sure you do,” her sister said. “Everybody does. Brent’s a very nice guy. I wouldn’t be marrying him otherwise.”

   “You never loved him, did you?” Hope asked, her voice quaking. “Not even the tiniest little bit.”

   “What Brent and I have is mutual, Hope, and mutually decided on, okay? Please don’t go second-guessing me now. I’ve got enough stress on my plate.”

   “Oh, right,” she said wanly. “Like I don’t.”

   “Fine. You’re stressed out, too. And I’m very, very, very sorry about that. But I’ll be there soon, and everything will be all right.”

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