Home > The Duplicate Bride(55)

The Duplicate Bride(55)
Author: Ginny Baird

   Somehow, Hope was beginning to doubt that. “I’ve got to know. Is your not being here really about the Martin wedding, or is something else going on?”

   “I don’t know what you mean?”

   “You’re not having doubts? Getting cold feet, maybe, because if you are—”

   “No, absolutely not. Come on, Hope. What do you think? That I can’t make up my mind? I told you about Rodney and how he treated me.”

   “Yeah, but a rebound marriage is no way to go.”

   “This is not a rebound marriage, okay?” Jackie said, beginning to sound irritated. “Don’t think I haven’t thought all of this through. I have. A gazillion times. I’m actually offended you’d think any differently. And even suggest the cold-feet thing. Who on earth put that in your mind?” She gasped. “Meredith?”

   “Meredith’s great,” Hope said without directly answering. “She cares about you.”

   “Unbelievable,” Jackie said. “Just when you think you have a friend.”

   “She is a friend. To both of us.”

   “Really?” Jackie snapped. “Since when?”

   This was going downhill fast. “So, um, about Brent…”

   “What about him?” Jackie sounded so combative Hope was suddenly afraid to go there.

   “Uh, it’s just that you’d better get here soon. Promise me, Jackie.”

   “Of course, I promise, but what are you getting at, Hope? Why are you being so weird?”

   “Things keep happening. Things that I can’t stop.” Hope’s face burned hot at the thought of Brent’s steamy kisses.

   “Oh yeah? Like what?”

   “Like Brent trying to text you,” she said, thinking of another problem.

   “Yeah, that part’s been bananas. He’s sending all these mushy texts, which is so unlike him. Tonight was awesome. Can’t wait to see you. Why is he sending these, anyway? Are things really going that super?”

   Hope rubbed the side of her neck. “I’ve…made some headway. As you! Totally you, Jackie. That’s who Brent thinks I am, remember?”

   “Huh. Well, anyway,” Jackie continued. “Some of his messages haven’t made any sense. Why would I need an umbrella next time, and what’s the joke about the cozy coat closet?”

   Hope’s heart hammered. “Uh. Don’t know. Maybe it’s an inside joke?”

   “Between who?”

   “You and Brent.”

   Jackie seemed to dismiss this in an instant, focusing on something else. “The sailing photos were cute, though. Loved those.”

   “Oh, good.” Hope waited a beat. “So, have you answered? I mean, at all?”

   “No, because I wasn’t sure what some of them meant. Except for the last one. That was pretty self-explanatory.”

   “What was it about?”

   “He was asking about the dress fitting.”

   “You should say that it went fine.”

   “Okay, I’ll do that.” She sighed. “Because obviously it did.”

   “The dress is not my size. It was tailor-made for you, which is why you need to get here to wear it.”

   “I know. Okay. I hear you. Don’t be like a broken record, Hope. I told you I’d be there, so I will.”

   “Great. Tomorrow.”

   “Yeah, tomorrow. Please just stop.”

   Hope’s voice shook when she said, “I only want what’s best for you, you know.”

   “Well, good,” Jackie answered, “that’s good, because I can tell you what that is. It’s Brent.”



      Chapter Fifteen

   Later that night, the group stood around the smoldering firepit, drinking wine and beer and enjoying the savory smell of baking shellfish. It was cooler than Hope had anticipated, and she’d only worn a thin cardigan over her T-shirt and leggings. She didn’t even realize she’d been hugging her arms around herself for warmth as she chatted with Sofia until Brent slipped up behind her and draped a jacket around her shoulders.

   “You looked a bit chilly,” he whispered. “Better?” His dark eyes glimmered in the fire’s glow, and Hope caught her breath.

   “Yeah, thanks. That was really thoughtful of you.”

   “My pleasure.” He gave her a peck on her cheek, and her skin warmed beneath his kiss.

   “He’s practicing,” Sofia said as he left to gather more firewood. “His good husbanding skills.”

   “Husbanding’s not a word,” Sally said, strolling up beside them and holding a beer.

   “It is now,” Sofia said.

   Hope snuggled into Brent’s jacket, sliding her arms through its sleeves. The lightweight windbreaker carried a hint of his outdoorsy cologne, and she loved being wrapped in his scent. She zipped it up, happy contentment surging through her. She felt closer to Brent wearing his clothing, and anything that made him seem a part of her life filled her heart with happiness. She told herself not to fret over the fact that it was fleeting and to simply enjoy the present.

   She saw Meredith across the lawn speaking animatedly with Ava, Elsa, and Margaret. William was helping Grandpa Chad retrieve drink refills from the house, and Derrick knelt by the firepit, poking at the coals occasionally with a long, charred stick. Hope saw him glance briefly at Meredith. Then he shook his head and returned his attention to the fire.

   Meredith gestured with her wineglass, laughing at something Elsa said, then—seemingly against her will—her gaze trailed to Derrick. When he glanced up, she looked away, and Hope couldn’t help but smile.

   “Lots of tension between those two,” Sofia whispered.

   “You know what they say,” Sally teased. “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.”

   Hope giggled at their guessing. “I don’t know, you guys. Seems like ice cubes might form in an inferno first.”

   Sofia and Sally chuckled.

   “They’re not a bad pair.” Sofia took a sip of ginger ale. “All animosity aside.”

   Sally shrugged. “Opposites attract.”

   Hope lifted her wineglass toward the others. “Here’s to—”

   “Please don’t say opposites.” Sofia giggled.

   Hope twisted her lips. “I was about to toast to attraction.”

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