Home > Purgatory In Pink(26)

Purgatory In Pink(26)
Author: M.J Knight

"You know what they say when someone asks you, 'What are we going to do next?'" Clint and I look at each other questioningly at Fletcher's remark.

"God, you guys seriously suck at your football trivia." He deadpans before enthusiastically yelling, "'We are going to Disney World!'"



Chapter Fifteen: Ayida



About an hour later, Augustine and Bastien pull into Clint's, looking haggard and tired. Augustine had a cracked rib and cheekbone from what we heard, and Bastien received a stab wound right above his hip. Both guys checked themselves out of the hospital against doctor's orders. I welcome them into the house before directing them into the kitchen to sit at the table while I fix everyone some sweet tea.

Both guys look almost scared of Holder, can't blame them. I reckon I'd freak out too if Holder's sister got kidnapped on my watch as well.

"Listen, guys; everyone take a deep breath. Let's sit down and discuss some shit. You are safe here." I say, pulling out a chair for Bastien and squeezing Auggie's shoulder. "Cole, maybe grab one of your T-shirts and bring it to our informant, and then escort him in here… please."

Cole cringes at the idea, but agrees, as Fletcher and Clint go to stand behind Auggie and Bastien, not knowing whether to keep Dante off them or them off Dante.

Cole stalks back inside a few minutes later, Dante in handcuffs, trailing behind him. He looks like a kid with Cole's shirt on. It would almost be comical if it weren't such a sobering timeline, we were under. Augustine and Bastien are on their feet, and guns pointed at our prisoner. Clint and Fletch, bravely or like the crazy fuckers they are, step in front of Dante, preventing the two guards from taking any shots. I hope Dante realizes what a big deal it is for them to take a point of protection over him.

Dante looks at me and nods his head in respect and appreciation. I guess he isn't as stupid as I thought.

Clutching his hip, where I can now see blood seeping through his shirt, "This fucker had us jumped!" Bastien roars.

"They took Winnie!" Augustine growled through his clenched swollen jaw.

"He's a walking dead man, Holder. You have our word." Bastien adds, turning his gaze to Holder.

Turning calmly around, I walk towards one of the kitchen drawers and slide out two revolvers that Clint hides there, cocking them back. "Bastien. Augustine. Put your guns down now, or you two will be the dead men walking."

They both swallow thickly before dropping their weapons on the kitchen table and sitting back down in their chairs.

"That's better. Now, I was trying to say that we have everything handled," I turn, giving the guns back to Cole so he can put them away. His hulking figure at my back provides himself with a peace that he can take care of me if need be. "I understand why you want to kill Dante, but believe it or not, the little shit grows on you once you read his text messages and get to know the inner sensitive side of him." My change of heart is causing both Dante and Holder to look at me inquisitively.

Refocusing, I chastise the two guards more, "Once Clint and Fletcher stood in front of him, blocking your shot, you should have lowered your weapons. It is blatant disrespect and signing your death warrant for turning a weapon onto a member of The Family unsanctioned." Both men are now turning white as a sheet.

"Now again, everyone have a seat. Dante, sweet tea?" I offer.

"She is out of her mind," Dante grumbles as I hand him a cold drink.

"Take a break, Dante, or would you rather spend some more time in the workroom?" With that, he picks up his drink, and gingerly starts drinking it once Augustine and Bastien sip first.

"Let's lay everything out from all perspectives. This will be hard to hear," I say, addressing the two men, "but Dante didn't do this to you. He didn't order the hit, he didn't even know it was happening until it was too late, and Dick had already blackmailed him with Winnie by then. His men did do this to you, though, surely based on a fat check from Richard Broussard, no doubt." Both soldiers look at Holder in disbelief. No Head has ever defected from The Family before.

"He is trafficking women and children… sex slaves," Cole inserts clenching his fists, "and it's most definitely not sanctioned by the rest of the syndicate."

"They are coming up from Puerto Rico in a shipping container via the Miami ports. Cole already has some of his crew driving down there to keep their eyes peeled, but Dante here won't give up the location of his father's warehouse, short of us bringing him with us to Miami." Clint says, cutting his eyes at Dante.

"What happened to the motto of: 'Shoot first, ask questions later'?" Augustine questions, glaring at Dante.

Clearing his throat, Dante counters back with his own death stare at Auggie. "All I know is my father is picking the container up from the port and taking it to our warehouse. I am sure you could keep torturing me until you get me to tell you where our warehouse's location is, but I only have so many tattoos you can remove, and as you stated, time is of the essence. So, like I said, I'm going to Miami to rescue Winnie. What you do with the container's contents is between you, Ricardo, and your God. Winnie is mine, and I will gut anyone that has touched her."

Bastien growls. Interesting.

"Well, we are going too." Augustine looks at Bastien, who confirms the sentiment. Both men have a look of determination on their faces. "Winnie was taken on our watch, and we will get her back and help secure the container too."

Augustine struggles to open his pill bottle with his sore ribs, Holder reaches for the bottle and pops the top. Augustine pours the contents in his hands, swallowing one of the pain reliever pills with his tea before tossing one over to Bastien, and shockingly pushing one across the table to Dante. Interesting again. Teamwork makes the dream work- Team Winnie for the win, I think with a knowing smile.

"Better make it tickets for 11." Fletcher pipes in. "Ahmya just texted and said she's calling in her favor and will discuss it with you on the flight. So, looks like the 8 of us, plus Ahmya and 2 of her guards."

I rub my temples through the exhaustion of this scenario. "Fletcher. Holder. Can you make up the two of the guest bedrooms, please? Holder, your guys, can share, and Fletch makeup the smaller room for Dante." I give Dante and the two soldiers a look that speaks very much to the 'you better not fuck this up.'

"Ummm…. Donut?" I ask, looking at Clint.

"What about the goblin?" His eyes were narrowing at me.

"I don't suppose Liz and William would be willing to babysit their grand-bird, would they?" This causing laughs and chuckles around the table.

"I'm sure it will be a resounding 'fuck that shit' from my mom, but Dad seems to have a soft spot for you from what our driver Jeffrey says. I'll call them in a minute."

Now focusing on Cole, I ask him, "Any chance Emma and James will let us borrow their private jet for the next few days?"

"Well, you certainly made an impression on Mom at the ball, so I'm gonna say she will agree to it."

"Excellent. I love it when a plan comes together." I say with a genuine smile. "Now, let's get some sleep because morning comes early, and Winnie and the container of women and children can't wait…"

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