Home > Purgatory In Pink

Purgatory In Pink
Author: M.J Knight




This one is for the Head Bitch In Charge.

My wifey, and the woman that owns Cole.


I love you, bitch!



A Look Back



His casket is beautiful. The flowers are gorgeous. The service was perfect. Today is the day I say my final goodbyes to my Old Man.

"You okay Blue? It's almost over." I know Cole is trying to make me feel better, but I don't want it to be over. When I leave here that means it's real. Right now, it could still be a bad dream. A nightmare. I just want to wake up now.

"I'm fine, Cole. Just hug me, please." Giving me a small smile, he wraps his huge tattooed arms around my shoulders. It's not just him though. I feel Fletcher's arms around my waist. Clint and Holder's hands rubbing and soothing my legs.

"We all love you and are here for you, Blue." Comes Fletcher's voice muffled by my hair. I know he is telling the truth. Since that horrible night, they have treated me like a princess. Cooking for me, bathing me... They even took turns cleaning Donut’s cage... Most of all they haven't ordered me to talk. They have just been supportive and let me grieve the way I needed. That’s real love.

I lay my yellow rose on top of his casket before its lowered into the grave. "Bye Old Man. Tell momma I love her and miss her. Y'all have fun until I get there, because then it's going to get wild." I whisper as a lean down to kiss the warm wood.

With tears streaming down my face, I walk hand in hand with Clint and Fletcher. My other guys flanking us. We are a unit, a family. Nothing can tear us apart.

Reaching Fletcher's new SUV, a thin older man wearing an expensive suit stops us.

"Miss Underhill, you have been summoned. Please, come with me." What the hell? Why would I go anywhere with a stranger?

"Umm, no thanks. Maybe another time," I reply noncommittally when Holder's hand wraps around my arm.

"Ayida, this is Jeffrey. He works for the heads. You need to go with him. We're not allowed in their meeting, but you'll be okay. No one will harm you there." He explains while I look back and forth between my men. They all nod their agreement. I guess I'm going.

They all kiss me gently and watch as Jeffrey slips his arm through mine to escort me to the long black town car waiting for us. He opens the rear door and I slide in. The leather is cool from the air conditioning, and it's a welcome relief from the humid Louisiana heat.

Getting in the driver's seat he turns to me, "Buckle up Miss Underhill. Safety first," he says with a friendly grin.

"Jeffrey, why am I being summoned? Can you at least tell me that much? It's been a long few days and I don't feel like playing games." I grumble. I'm also hungry so I'm not in the best mood.

Jeffrey peers at me through the rearview mirror and I can still see his happy expression.

"Well, I guess I can let you in on the little secret, Miss Underhill... I will be working for YOU very shortly."



Chapter One: Ayida



"Excuse me? Working for me?" My brain has a hard time keeping up with his words. What does that even mean?

"You look confused. Let me clarify. The Family is offering you Mr. Underhill's seat at the table. You'll be one of the heads. An equal part of the power that is the Saupoudrer Family." My driver, Jeffrey, explains with an even bigger grin.

I'm in complete shock. "Jeffrey, do they know I'm new to all the crime stuff? That I've only been learning from Old Man for a few months?" I question the sanity of this 'Family.' “I mean, the Sons of Fortune have years more experience than me. Any of them would be better candidates than me.”

"Yes, Miss Underhill. They know that. They also know you beat a man to death with a crowbar for trying to hurt you again, and you also avenged your father by carving his killer's skin and muscle from his bones. You're not one to be taken lightly. If you don't want the position, it will just close. Mr. Underhill didn't have anyone else to take it. The other children have to wait until their fathers pass down the positions, or they die." He says while turning on some old jazz music to play quietly. Effectively ending the conversation.

My mind starts to wonder. I've replayed Old Man's final words over and over in my head. He thought Momma was murdered. He wanted me to prove it. If I turn down this position, I will still have money, but I won't have power. In this world, you need both. I will never find out anything if I'm not in The Family. The guys could help, but I need to do this myself. That solidifies my answer.

Pulling up to a huge, beautiful, old stone building, I notice that it resembles a gothic cathedral, complete with lancet stained-glass windows, flying buttresses, and steepling at the roof. I take a deep, steadying breath as a plan takes hold in my head. I'm not weak. I'm not helpless. I am a strong, badass woman. Maybe I'm exactly what the Saupoudrer Family needs. Someone to shake things up.

Jeffery holds open the big arched door for me to enter. The inside is aesthetically pleasing. It's filled with elaborate tapestries, old paintings, and other medieval-looking decor. It screams real "old money". Walking down the vaulted hallway, I can hear raised voices at the end. Arguing, if I had to guess. I imagine some of the heads probably don't want me here, but that's just too bad. I'm grabbing life by the balls, I'm here, and I'm about to stir some shit up. I straighten my spine and get ready for battle.

"You watching this, Old Man? I'm doing what you taught me. Causing a little hell and having a lot of fun." I say to the ceiling.

Pushing through the double doors into what appears to be a surprisingly open and radiant boardroom, heads swing in my direction. I'm greeted with smiles and scowls. I spy my seat and walk toward it with purpose. Sliding into the tall, leather, wingback chair, I lace my fingers on top of the marble tabletop.

"I hear y'all have something to ask me?"



Chapter Two: Ayida



I casually let my eyes peruse the room of men and women. All are impeccably dressed from their coiffed hair to their shiny shoes. I can’t help but wonder if these people know Old Man was looking into them for my mom’s murder.

A beautiful woman who looks to be in her fifties, sitting directly across from me, clears her throat and draws everyone's attention. She must be the one in charge, and I would bet a hundred dollars- she is Clint's mother. She shares the same stormy blue eyes with her son, but her tight-lipped smile looks nothing like his sweet one. "Miss Underhill, it's a pleasure to meet you finally. We have heard quite a bit about Frank's daughter, but didn't realize she would be so… colorful." She says with a small smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes. I see how this is gonna go.

"I'm Elizabeth Brock, and this is my husband, William." She says, gesturing to a classically handsome man with grey parted hair and kind brown eyes standing behind her with his hand on her shoulder. Smiling at me, he reminds me of George Clooney. Definitely more relaxed looking than Elizabeth. I think I'll get along with him. I can see a mixture of Clint’s facial features between his parents.

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