Home > The Carrera Cartel(132)

The Carrera Cartel(132)
Author: Cora Kenborn

“You’re right,” she said, staring straight ahead with a slight nod. “I probably wouldn’t get back up without a crane anyway.”

I appreciated that she didn’t push me. Marriage may have bound us into some twisted sisterhood, but it would take a lot more than a piece of paper for us to link arms and start calling each other “bestie.”

However, I was curious how things were going. Brody had insisted that I meet him at his apartment, so he could drive me to the courthouse himself. I humored him, not expecting to find Eden and the Carrera kingpin himself sitting in his living room.

“Do you think Val found someone to post the money he put up for Mateo’s bail?”

“Absolutely. One thing you’ll learn is that most everyone can be bought. Usually, the ones with the highest moral compass are the ones with highest price tag.”

“That’s depressing.”

“It’s reality,” she countered, cocking her chin with a sympathetic stare. “Something tells me you know more about it than you’re willing to admit.” I stiffened, and she let out a sigh. “Look, Leighton, I know what it’s like. You feel like you can’t trust anyone. There’s a voice inside you telling you if you take your foot off that ledge and leap, you’ll lose the only part of you that’s ever made any sense. Because what our men do?” She shook her head. “I’ll never try to convince you it makes any sense, but I’m here if you need a friend.”

“Then why did you leap?” I had to know why a perfectly sane woman would leave everything behind to follow a criminal.

“Love.” She smiled as a black Land Rover pulled up by the curb. “I considered the consequences of living a life with Val or without Val. The reward of being with him outweighed any risk waiting for me in this life or the next.”

The window of the Land Rover rolled down and Valentin Carrera poked his head out, his eyes shielded by reflective sunglasses. His hair was shorter than Mateo’s but just as dark, the longer strands at the top slicked back.

“Cereza, get in the car,” he called out. “We have a groom to collect.”

Eden grinned, grabbing my hand and leading me down the steps. Just before climbing in, I caught Brody’s eye. Forcing a smile, he tightened his hold on the steering wheel and blew out a nervous breath.

Me too, big brother. Me too.



Chapter Thirty-Seven






In the middle of wringing my hands, I froze. A side door opened, and Mateo walked out, flanked by two uniformed officers. He looked like a wild animal ready to strike, but it was the feral look in his eyes that stole my breath.

Needing to regain my focus, I turned my gaze toward my brother. “Now what?”

Brody hesitated, eventually stepping between us. “Now I pronounce you...whatever this is.” He opened his fist revealing two gold bands. They weren’t fancy—just simple circles. Reaching for Mateo’s wrist, Brody tilted his hand and deposited both bands into his palm. “There’s a big show outside, kids,” he said, frowning. “Put your game faces on.”

“Mom?” I asked with a sigh.

“She’s worried about you, Lil’ Bit. She’s just doing what she thinks is right.” He smiled while shaking his head.

“For who, though?”

He didn’t answer. Maybe it was for the best. My brother would never see anything but the best in our mother, and who was I to try to sway him? Besides, if her contacts came through for her and found Stella, maybe I’d be the one swayed.

As the three of us walked toward the door, I slowed my stride. Both men turned around, ready to bark commands at the same time when I held up a hand.

“Brody, I think you should stay behind.”


Taking his elbow, I led him toward the tinted window and pointed toward the meticulously landscaped grass covered in wires, cameras, microphones, and hungry anchors. “That’s why. The last thing you need is to be photographed coming out of the police department with a suspected cartel member and his new wife.”

“What about you guys?”

I snorted. “And miss all the fun? Not on your life.”

For once, Brody didn’t argue, pulling out a set of keys and handing them to Mateo. “I had a soldier park your Tahoe one block over in the alley.” Giving me a quick kiss on the forehead, he glared at Mateo. “Take care of my sister, Cortes.”

Before either of us could say a word, he was gone.

After a beat of silence, Mateo brushed my hair away from my eyes. “Te ves hermosa.” You look beautiful.

“Thank you.” My cheeks heated under his gaze.

“I think there’s only one thing left to do.” Holding my left hand, he kissed the small gold band before slowly slipping it on my finger. “For now, mi amor, this will serve as a reminder of my vow. I’ll die for you, and even then, I’ll fight my way back from hell to die for you again.”

Taking the other ring from him, my hands trembled, but I managed to slide it on his finger without dropping it. I didn’t have the perfect words to say, so, I just quoted a certain redhead who suddenly made a lot of sense.

“For you, Matty, I’ll leap.”

He smiled, and although I knew he didn’t understand my vow, I didn’t mind.

Our fingers entwined as we stepped outside. A microphone squealed as my mother’s voice commanded everyone’s attention. “My daughter is a victim here, not an accomplice. She was acting as an informant when members of the Carrera Cartel obviously threatened her.”

My feet moved on their own, carrying me toward the podium. It wasn’t until I was a few steps away that I realized Mateo was gone. Panicking, I scanned the crowd until I saw him leaning against the side of the police station. Lifting his left hand, he kissed his ring.

The words were silent. The meaning was clear.

You can do this, but you can do it alone.

He hadn’t deserted me. Mateo stood back, giving me room to leap.

The minute my mother saw me, she motioned me toward the podium, linking our arms in solidarity. “Speak, darling.”

Instead of making a scene, I settled into my new role. “Thank you all for coming, but I have nothing to say.”

“Did Mateo Cortes kill Hector Diaz? Is he part of the Carrera Cartel?”

The barrage of rapid fire questions came out of nowhere, but I remained calm. “I can’t comment on that. A wife can’t be coerced into saying anything incriminating about her husband.”

A gasp rushed over the crowd. “Husband?”

“Yes,” I answered, keeping my answer concise. “I’m married to Mateo Cortes.” I held up my left hand and flashed my ring. Behind me, my mother let out an Oscar-worthy cry.

A morning show anchor pushed her way to the front. “Are you saying the mayor’s daughter is the wife of an alleged cartel member?”

“No, my mother has nothing to do with the fact that I’ve been in love with Mateo Cortes since I was eighteen.”

The same blonde focused on my mother. “Why have you never mentioned you had a granddaughter, Mayor Donovan?”

I stepped back, happy to let her tap dance her way out of this one alone. Maybe if she hadn’t been so quick to believe her abusive husband over her own child, I would’ve given her a chance to know her granddaughter—hell, even given her a chance to realize she had one.

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