Home > The Carrera Cartel(135)

The Carrera Cartel(135)
Author: Cora Kenborn

Sleep came late, but just before I drifted off, his raspy whisper blew across the back of my neck. “Te amo, Star.” I love you, Star.

I closed my eyes.

It was the first time I’d heard those words in four years.



Mateo yawned and stepped out of the bedroom. “She’s at it again?”

Dragging my eyes back toward the screen, I nodded and waited for her to take the podium. Jackie had already given her dutiful intro, looking like she hadn’t slept in days.

Unlike my mother’s campaign manager, Mateo and I had slept in much later than we’d intended. We awoke to a call from the front desk informing us that a nice young lady had dropped off my car and a few wedding presents we’d forgotten. He also said she’d left her phone number if I’d like to call her. Of course, the lady had been Eden, and the wedding presents, thankfully, were a fresh change of clothes and toiletries.

Also included was a note to turn on the television because the circus was in town.

Right on cue, my mother walked up to the podium dressed to the nines in a smart maroon pantsuit and matching lipstick. The banner scrolling across the screen had me rolling my eyes.

Mayor’s estranged daughter forced to marry into killer cartel.

“As you all know from the press conference yesterday, my daughter is deeply troubled. The Carrera Cartel has bought their way out of a murder charge once again, and this time they’ve infiltrated my own family, convincing my child their evil is justified. If this kind of brainwashing could happen to my family, it could happen to anyone.” Pausing for dramatic effect, she broke down in tears and waved her hand for a bodyguard to escort her off the podium.

“She’s laying it on kind of thick, isn’t she?” Mateo asked beside me.

I shrugged. “Press porn is her specialty.”

Having had enough, I pressed a button on the remote and darkened the screen. Glancing at Mateo, I watched him flip his cell phone over and over in his palm.

“Did she ever visit you in San Marcos?” he asked.

“No. I said all I had to say when I walked out. Why?”

He stared at his phone like he wished it wasn’t there. When he finally looked up at me, I saw regret in his eyes.

“Mateo, you’re scaring me.”

“I have something to show you. I should’ve shown you days ago, but I wanted to spare you. I thought maybe it was just Emilio being an asshole, but after what he said, and especially after what she did to a Muñoz informant...” His voice trailed off.


Setting the phone on the coffee table, he tapped a button on the screen. Sounds no daughter should ever hear from her own mother filled the room, followed by a visual I’d never forget. I wanted to look away. The scene unfolding before my eyes was depraved. It was nauseating and vile, but I couldn’t stop watching.

When it was over, Mateo tucked his phone back in his hand. I didn’t know if he had any answers, but I asked anyway.

“Where did you get this?”

“Hector’s apartment. Someone wanted this bad enough to kill him for it.”

“And you found it?

“Yes. It was encrypted, but let’s just say I know a certain IT professor who’s good at his job.”

I wanted to ask for more information, but my mind swam with more important questions. “Why would Emilio have a sex tape with my mother, and why would Hector have it?”

“The answer to both? Insurance.” Shifting toward me, he took my hand. “Think back, Leighton. What do you remember about the night Luis died?”

I was confused. “What does that have to do with my mother?”

“Just humor me.”

As if on autopilot, I recounted everything from the moment Alex accosted me in the quad until I showed up on Brody’s doorstep, surprised at how calm I sounded.

Mateo’s eyes narrowed. “He said, ‘get rid of her’ and not, ‘kill her’?”

“Yes, I’m positive.” I nodded. “Everything’s a blur after that though. Brody told me to run, and that’s what I did. Next thing I knew, the DEA showed up.”

“When did Brody tell your mother about Stella?” The caution in his voice worried me.

“I’m not sure. Why?”

“Luis started acting strange out of the blue, right?”

“Yes,” I said, dread gripping my chest. “What are you getting at?”

“Leighton, Emilio said Brody put a target on Stella’s back when he opened his mouth.” Frustrated, he scraped his hands down his face. “I think he was implying she was the target instead of you.”

My breath came quick and shallow. “My brother wouldn’t hurt his niece.”

He squeezed his phone, unable to meet my eyes. “I agree.”

Those two words hung in the air like a grenade. Mateo was lost in his own thoughts, but then again, so was I. Horrible, unspeakable thoughts that ripped my soul apart.

Someone wanted to hurt my baby.

My mother. My mother and Emilio. Alex. Alex and my father. Emilio. Emilio and my father. Finn. Finn and Alex. Everyone’s name swirled in my head like a diabolical game of spin the bottle.

My head pounded, nothing making any sense until one damning line broke through the noise.

“Oh, please, Leighton. I know what you’ve done. I’m the mayor. I have access to all police reports.”

I was about to excuse myself to be sick when Mateo closed his eyes and leaned back. “I think we should shower then head over to the townhouse and talk to Val.”

“You go ahead. I don’t feel well. I’m going to stay here and try to sleep it off.”

Kissing the top of my head, he headed toward the main suite. “Okay, get some rest.”

Once I heard the water run, I dug into the bag Eden sent over and finding my phone, I dialed the number on the piece of paper the concierge had given me earlier. She answered almost immediately.

“Leighton, I’m so glad you called—”

“Yeah, me too,” I said, cutting her off. “Listen, did you mean all that stuff you said about being there if I needed a friend?”

“Of course.”

“I need a friend. Preferably one who can be quiet.”

Her pleasant tone shifted. “Whatever you’re doing, I advise against it.”

“I’m doing this with or without you, Eden. With you, I might make it out alive.”

After a long pause, she sighed. “What do you need?”

Thank God.

“Mateo spoke of an IT professor who decrypted something for him. He said he’s the best. I assume he’s on the cartel payroll? You know who he is, don’t you?” It wasn’t a question. She was Val’s wife. She knew.

“Leighton, please...”

“Fine, I’ll find out another way.”

“Wait!” she called out just as I was about to hang up. “Professor Henry Bright at Rice University. Val’s sleeping. Give me thirty seconds, and I’ll text you his number.”

“Thank you.” I didn’t think she’d cave so fast, but I was grateful.

As promised, thirty seconds later, a number popped up on my text alert. After immediately dialing the number, a man with a corporate sounding voice answered.

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