Home > Playing The Game (Providence University Book 6)(31)

Playing The Game (Providence University Book 6)(31)
Author: Ali Parker

“I want to get up,” I said. “I can’t stay here. I have to check on her.”

“She’s not out of surgery yet, but if you’re good, we’ll let you up in a little while, and you’ll be all set when she gets put in a room.”

I knew it was the best they could do for me. I agreed to lie still and let myself rest a bit. And as soon as the nurse left fifteen minutes later, I rose up slowly and took a deep breath.

I was fine, though my head was a little swimmy. I had to see if Avery had made it through. Besides, I knew that Clara and Dillon were there somewhere, and possibly her parents.

Without being released, I got up from my bed and peeked around the curtain from where they had me in my own little curtained-lined room. I slipped out, moving quietly down the hall. Thankfully, they hadn’t stripped off my clothes, which were slightly stained with blood. They must have been too busy working on Avery, which was just fine as long as they saved her life.

I was disoriented a bit but found my way out to the emergency waiting room.

Dillon stood at the other end of the hall, pacing in a circle as Clara was at the desk asking questions.

I called out to him. “Dillon.”

He looked up and met me halfway. “Man, are you okay? We saw the wrecker on the way. The car is totaled. Clara is freaking out.”

“Has she heard anything?” All I still cared about was how Avery was doing.

“They said Avery was admitted for internal bleeding and had to have surgery. That’s all they’ll say. She got really messed up, so I guess you were driving.”

“Yeah, but it wasn’t my fault.” I didn’t want them to blame me as much as I wanted to blame myself.

“We know. I talked to a cop just outside. He said he saw it, and neither of you saw it coming. The driver of the truck didn’t make it.”

“I caught a glimpse of it just before he hit us. I turned to look, but I had no time to react. Avery took the impact. I swear I don’t know what I’ll do if she’s not okay.”

Clara looked over from the desk, where she had been dealing with other matters for her sister.

She rose up out of her seat, and I expected her to come over and slap my face. I wouldn’t blame her if she did.

Instead, she surprised me. “Are you okay?”

“I’m not worried about me.” I felt the tears run hot down my cold cheeks. “I just want her to be okay.”

Clara began to cry too. “Me too.” She wrapped her arms around me, and for a thin girl, she gave a pretty tight hug. “It’s going to be okay. She’s got to be fine. She’s too strong to quit.”

About that time, the nurse came around the corner. “There you are.” She walked over, giving me a stern look. “You’re supposed to be lying down. You have a concussion, and that blood pressure is very unstable.”

“I’m not going back in there until I get news about Avery.”

“Sir, come on. You letting yourself go down isn’t going to help her any. Now come on and let’s get you all better so you can be there for her.”

I didn’t want to go. “No,” I said.

About that time, a doctor walked out of the back and called out Avery’s name.

I nearly ran over the nurse getting to him. “Is she okay?”

Clara walked up. “Avery is my sister,” she said. “Could you please tell us something?”

“Certainly,” said the doctor, giving me a sympathetic look. “Are you okay, son?”

“I’ll be better when I know something.”

The nurse, who finally caught up to me, shrugged but let the doctor speak.

“Yes, about your sister,” he said to Clara. “We had to go in and remove her spleen. She’s lost a lot of blood, and we need a donor. You should be a match.”

“I can’t give blood,” said Clara as tears fell down her cheek. “I’m a heart patient.”

The doctor nodded as if he could tell just from looking at her too.

“I’ll do it,” I said. “I’m a universal donor.” I saw the nurse shaking her head. “Can’t I do that with a concussion?”

“If your blood pressure was normal, yes, we could do it. But you have to go lie down.”

“We’ll stay with you,” said Clara.

“There’s something else,” said the doctor. “To keep her stable, I’m going to have to put her in a drug-induced coma. Her body has been through a lot, and it’s the only way she’s going to make it.”

Clara began to weep and fell against Dillon.

I turned to the nurse with tears in my eyes. “See if I can give. I have to help her.”

She gave me a sympathetic look and led me back to my room.

Clara and Dillon weren’t far behind.

I lay down, and the woman got the blood pressure cuff as I tried to think happy thoughts for Avery. I mostly thought about her in better days when she was smiling and happy. I had to take care of her so she could smile for me again.

The nurse checked my blood pressure, and a look of surprise came over her face. “You’re good to go,” she said. “Barely, but if you can relax, I’ll allow it.”

I felt a big sigh of relief, and the nurse disappeared only long enough to get what she needed and get back to me. It all moved really fast, but soon, they had the blood they needed and carried it away.

In the silence as they left, I closed my eyes. All we could do now was pray.



Chapter 19






I woke up with the sun shining in the window and no idea where I was. My parents were only shadows in the corner, chatting softly, but I could see Clara plainly sitting beside me.

“Where am I?” I croaked out, my voice so raspy I felt as if I had drunk a pail of sand.

Clara leaned forward, her eyes wide with amazement. “Avery? Oh my God. She’s awake!”

My parents came into focus, gathering around the bed. “I’ll get the nurse,” said my father, taking off in a hurry.

“You’re in the hospital, honey,” said my mother, whose hair was limp as if she hadn’t combed it in a week. “We’ve been so worried about you.” She had a weepy tone in her voice, and instead of comforting me, it put me on edge.

“What happened?” I pulled the sheet closer.

“Don’t you remember the accident?” asked Clara. “You and Seth were supposed to meet us for dinner. You had a wreck on the way, and you’ve been here since.”

I remembered the double date and how nervous I was that Clara wouldn’t accept Seth. I remembered we were almost to the restaurant and Seth smiling at me as if he was reassuring me things would be fine.

Fear overcame me as I realized Seth was not there with them. I closed my eyes tightly and squeezed out a couple of tears. “Where is he? Is he okay?” What if Seth hadn’t made it?

Clara patted my shoulder. “He’s fine. He’s gone to rugby practice. He has his big game tonight.” Her eyes were bright, and she looked healthy for a change. “He’s been here every day with you, worried sick. I guess I was wrong about him after all. He’s kind of growing on me.”

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