Home > Playing The Game (Providence University Book 6)(32)

Playing The Game (Providence University Book 6)(32)
Author: Ali Parker

Hearing that made me feel good, but for a moment, I was afraid I’d woken up in an alternate universe. “Where’s Dillon?” I asked, hoping more questions would sort it out.

Clara handed me a bottled water she had taken the cap from. “Here, drink this. You sound like you’ve gargled glass.”

I took a drink as she continued.

“Dillon’s been around too. He had to go and meet with his coach. He’s been worried as much as the rest of us. I guess you’ve grown on him too.”

“How long have I been here?” It felt like only a day had passed, but she made it sound like it had been much longer.

“Just over a week,” said my mother.

“A week?” Had I lost an entire week? I had way too much to do. We had one more game to go, despite no chance of making finals, but we wanted to end strong. And there was school. I had worked hard all year, and now I was an entire week behind? I tried to sit up in bed, but Clara put her hand on my chest to stop me just as the pain in my side made me wince.

“Take it easy, sis. You’ve had surgery. They took out your spleen, and you’ve been in a coma. We’ve been waiting for you to wake up on your own since yesterday. They had no idea how long it would take.”

I let that all sink in and decided instead of focusing on what had happened to me, which I obviously couldn’t change and had no control of, I would focus on how to move forward. “Is Seth coming back?”

Before she could answer me, the nurse came in with my father. “Welcome back,” said the woman, who had a kind smile and her hair pulled up in a twist. “You can’t say you haven’t had a good rest.”

“When can I go home?” I was anxious to get my life back to normal. I had school and tests coming up, not to mention I had to cheer Seth on. He didn’t need this kind of distraction from his game. I had vowed to myself not to interfere with his game.

“You’ll be here a bit longer, I’m afraid. Just a couple of days most likely. But you’re doing really well. I think we’re looking at a Monday release.”

“Was Seth hurt?” I asked, looking at Clara for the answers.

“He had a concussion and a black eye, but he’s going to be fine.”

The nurse spoke up. “Something tells me that hard head of his could handle the lick he took.”

“Oh? You’ve met?”

“Yeah, I was working the ER on a fill-in when you two showed up. I don’t know how romantic you’ll think it is, but he gave you a pint of blood. He was very determined to help you at all costs. I’ve never had a patient make an escape to go and check on their loved one.”

I couldn’t believe he’d done that, but something else she’d said got my attention. “Wait, I needed blood?” The idea of Seth being a part of me was a little more than I expected to hear.

“Yeah, I’m sorry I couldn’t help you,” said Clara. “But Seth volunteered. If I was healthier, I could have.” I could tell that she was beating herself up about her health. I didn’t want her to blame herself and get to feeling down again just because she couldn’t do anything to help me.

“It’s okay, Clara. I know you would have if you could.”

The nurse excused herself as my mother spoke up. “You are both very lucky.” She kissed my head and smiled at Clara. “You girls are so strong. And Seth? Well, he seems really sweet. Your father likes him too but hopes you’ll take things slow.”

My father stepped up to the side of the bed. “And don’t worry about the car, kiddo. I’ve already got a replacement for you.”

“Thanks, Dad.” I was glad he was there. I hadn’t even thought about the car, but I bet it was totaled if I needed a replacement.

My father’s phone rang, and he glanced down. “Hey, kiddo, I have to go.” He turned his attention to Clara. “Are you staying with your sister?”

“Yeah, I can stay a while. You two should go home and get some rest.” I had a feeling Clara was ready for our parents to be gone.

My mother spoke up. “I’m going to get something to eat, get a shower, and I’ll be back to spend the night.”

“It’s okay, Mom, come back tomorrow,” said Clara. “I’ll stay tonight. Me and Avery have a lot to talk about.”

Mom hesitated. “Okay. I guess that’s fine. I do need the rest.”

“And the shower,” said my father, who was still waiting to say his goodbyes.

Mom gave him a pointed look, but he gave her a teasing grin. Sometimes, he still liked to tease as if they were still getting along. I wasn’t sure if it was his way of trying, but my mother had given up on them being friends ages ago.

“Come on. You used to have such a good sense of humor.” He shook his head and let out a sigh.

“Being married to you will do that to a person,” she said, getting in her jab. The two kissed my forehead and said their goodbyes, and thankfully, they left.

Clara got up to close the door. “I hope you don’t mind me sending them away.”

“Something tells me you have been putting up with a lot the past week while I’ve been sleeping.”

“Yeah, you can say that. But let’s not worry about our parents. You need to relax and get better so we can get the hell out of here.”

“Yeah, I think between the two of us, we’re keeping this hospital on their toes.”

“At least I broke them in.” She giggled, and it faded into a sigh. “I’ve been so worried you weren’t going to wake up.”

“Well, at least now you know what it feels like to worry about your sister. Payback is a bitch. Isn’t that the phrase?”

“Yeah, it’s a bitch, all right. And speaking of bitches, I owe you an apology.”

“Why?” She had done so much for me.

“Because I wasn’t good to you about Seth. I should have given him the benefit of the doubt, knowing how much you cared about him. I should have trusted your judgment.”

“Most of the rumors were not true. Seth admitted that he was wrong to cheat, but that was the only truth in any of them. They were all just blown out of proportion. And he let a few of them continue for Layla’s sake, even if they made him look bad.”

“I can believe it. I mean, I still don’t want anyone to break your heart, but I’ll give Seth a chance. He’s really earned it and proved to me that he cares. I know the look on his face, that fear in his eyes. It was the same as Dillon’s when I was in the hospital.”

“I need to tell him I’m awake.”

“Let’s send him and Dillon both a text.” She took out her phone and began typing out a message.

“Where’s my phone?” The last time I had seen it was in the car when I had just called her.

“It was smashed in the accident, but don’t worry. Dad got you a new phone too. Seth called Omega House and asked for Dillon’s number. He told Micah what happened. A lot of people have been coming by to see you, and well, it’s pretty common knowledge that you and Seth are a thing.”

I chuckled. “That’s all I have been wanting, and I ended up sleeping through the whole thing. I thought we’d make some grand entrance at a party or something but not like this.”

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