Home > Love Hurts (Pure Sin Trilogy #1)(7)

Love Hurts (Pure Sin Trilogy #1)(7)
Author: Thetta James

“Hey, man, what’s with the goofy look?” Javier asks. I look at him and say,

“I just made a date with the most beautiful woman to ever fall into my arms, literally.”

“Ah, the one from the gym?”

“Yes, and check this out, she and her friends are going to the opening of that new club where I’m going undercover. Are you still working security?”

“Yes, I have a few of my brothers from my old Navy Seals team working with me.”

Javier Perez, ex-Navy Seal, honorable discharge due to an injury that would leave anyone else down for the count, but not him. He fought his way back with physical and mental therapy. Now he’s one of the best detectives I’ve ever worked with. He knows that I’m going undercover and he’ll make sure that my cover is kept intact. I’m glad he’ll have my back while on assignment at the club. I’ll be there to watch and observe the operation and see if there’s any suspicious activity, but I plan on learning everything I can about Ms. Crystal Stephens. Keeping my thoughts to myself, I think about how her perfect, light caramel colored skin would look with the marks I want to put on her. How her voice would sound as I fuck her after I’ve flogged that gorgeous round ass. I’m so caught up that I don’t hear Javier calling me.

“Jackson, Jackson! Dude where’s your head? The chief wants us in her office.”

We go into her office and have a seat while she briefs us on the upcoming undercover operation. I have to do everything in my power to concentrate, but my mind is on Crystal. I’m so drawn to her and I’m hoping that this time around, I’ll have a real shot at a relationship. This has been a long time coming and I don’t want to mess this up. I’m finally ready to explore the possibility of a relationship. I want Crystal to be the one that gives me a chance. To finally have some normalcy in my life. I’ve been here three years and I haven’t even come close to thinking about a relationship. I’ve had a few dates here and there, but nothing serious. For so long, I’ve failed at relationships. With my line of work, it’s hard to give a woman the attention that they need and to be honest, no one I’ve dated has been worth it…until now. The connection we had was instant and no woman has ever affected me this way.

We wrap things up and the plan is set into motion. We have to figure out where the drugs are coming from before more young girls die. The sooner we catch them, the better. I’m concerned for my city, but when this is all over, I want to explore this thing with Crystal. I’m drawn to her and I’m hoping she feels the same. Pure Sin will be the perfect place to relax and get to know each other.

Javier and I head back to our desks and finish making plans for the sting. It’s time to head home for the day and just as I grab my jacket, my phone rings. “Detective Barnes,” I answer. In the next five minutes, I’m in my car and on my way to start the investigation of a homicide. This is never easy and when I pull up to the scene, my heart sinks. The person laying on the ground, already covered by a sheet, is small. Talking to the police officer that was first on the scene, I learn the victim is a sixteen-year-old girl and they recovered drugs near her body. This is getting out of hand and I make it my mission to put a stop to it. Now I’m charged with notifying her parents that their little girl won’t be coming home.



Chapter 7






Steph and I are going over the schedule for the week.

“Did you make the calls to the temp agencies?” I ask.

“Yes, you have two interviews this week. One on Wednesday and then on Thursday.”

“Sounds good.”

“So, I have a date!” I blurt the words out like an idiot and Steph has a goofy smile on her face.

“I take it you’ve talked to Jeffrey?”

I tell her about dinner and about Jeffrey’s boyfriend.

“Are you ok?”

“Yes, I know this is for the best and they seem really happy. I’m just happy that I still have my best friend.”

“Yes, that’s true, so who’s the new guy?”

“His name is Jackson and I sort of fell into his lap at the gym.”

“Wait, what?”

Laughing, I tell her how I almost face planted because I slipped and fell from the treadmill and Jackson took care of my ankle.

“Oh my god girl, was he that good looking?”

“Steph, he is more than good looking. That man is sex on legs! He’s meeting us at Pure Sin this Friday, do you have plans?”

“The hubs and I were just going to dinner and a movie, but I’m sure we can make it.”

The week drags on, but our new temp has started, and she is amazing!

“Charlene, I’m so glad to have you on board. You’ve been a godsend. We’re ahead of schedule and we can actually leave the office early on Friday.”

“Oh, it’s my pleasure,” she says. “If you need me to do anything else, just let me know.”

“Thanks, I will.”

Back in my office, my mind drifts off to thoughts of my first date with Jackson and my body instantly reacts. I have a feeling that he will be exactly what I need. The way he took control and nursed my ankle, how he scooped me up in his arms, taking my breath away. I still remember how he smelled of fresh linen, mild citrus, and all man. It penetrated my senses, and I wanted him. It’s just that simple and from the look he gave me, I’m pretty sure he felt the same.

“What do you think about this layout for the feature on Justine Simone?”

Interrupting my thoughts, Steph walks in with the mockup for our newest celebrity. “You never cease to amaze me, I say. These are fabulous and I know Justine will love this. Let’s do a full layout and present this to her at our next meeting.”

“Monday is pretty open.”

“Great, have Charlene call Bev and see if Justine’s available. The sooner we get her approval the better. We also need to get her scheduled for a photoshoot. I’m thinking next Saturday. Since she purchased that property next to the Beckham’s, I know we can get some great shots both in and outside her home. I laugh and say, maybe we’ll even get lucky and see David!”

We fall into a fit of laughter like love-struck teenagers. Charlene comes in and confirms our meeting with Justine and Bev on Monday. We finish up and walk out together. Locking up the office, I turn to Charlene and invite her out with us on Friday. She’s been looking to get back into the dating scene and since she’ll be working here, this will be a good way to help her meet some new people and we can properly welcome her to All Things L.A.

“As it turns out, I’m free,” she says.

“Awesome! I’ll see if I can get another VIP pass from the owner and then you’ll have full access to everything that Pure Sin has to offer.”

“That would be amazing, thank you!”

“No thanks needed. I’m happy to include you and you’ll meet my besties too. I hope you love to party, because those two won’t accept anything less!”

We laugh and talk some more on our way to our cars. Making sure they’re safely on their way, I get in my car, turn on my favorite 90s playlist, and head home. Everything is coming together with the latest campaigns and I couldn’t be happier.

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