Home > Fake Heart (My True Heart, #2)(26)

Fake Heart (My True Heart, #2)(26)
Author: Britney Bell

In one swift move, I pick her up, cup her ass to hold her weight, turn us and place her back on the wall for support. Her moans tell me she is on board with whatever I choose to do to her. My choice is to give her the orgasm she needs and then when we get home, Big Tex’ can have his fill.

“Hang on to my shoulders, sweetheart. Let me get my hand positioned just right.”

“Oh, oh, yes, Clay. Right there.”






Tonight’s event that was mandatory to attend by my father was not nearly as daunting. I was actually looking forward to it. I love hanging out with Clay, although the bar in Heartville with his friends is much more relaxed and preferable than this stuffy place.

“Well, I’m glad you made it, darlin’, and it’s great to see you again… What was your name, son?” My eyes roll, typical Dad not to remember anyone outside of his circle.

“Clay Walker, sir. It’s good to see you again as well.”

“Right, okay, it’s just good to see this young lady with the same man more than once. I tell ya, I kept tellin’ her she needs to give up on that silly daydream of hers and come back to work for me, so she can meet a nice fella and establish some roots. She’s been running around, wasting all this time, when what she really needs to do is get married and start running a household. We have a legacy to uphold here. I’m glad that she’s finally come to her senses with you.” Leave it to my father to say just what he thinks about me seeing the same guy twice in a row.

“With all due respect, Mr. Caldwell, your daughter is amazing and was long before she met me. Having a steady relationship has nothing to do with who she is as a person and the accomplishments she’s made as a strong businesswoman in her field. She does not have to give up who she is and what she loves to be an awesome wife or mother. She is the best damn woman I’ve ever met, and I wouldn’t change a thing about her.” My dad’s demeanor softens, but I know it’s not going to change in the blink of an eye from arrogant know-it-all to a loving father whose eyes were just opened.

Without a hair out of place or a wrinkle in her dress, my mother walks over to greet us. “Romi, honey, I think you found a winner here.” She pulls me into a gentle hug and air kisses my cheek. Can’t mess up our makeup, now can we.

The heated conversation between Clay and my father switches, and my mom starts talking about all kinds of random stuff. She is just chatting Clay’s ear off, while I’m over here dying to go to the bathroom. Not able to wait any longer, I lean up on my tiptoes and whisper in his other ear that I will be right back. He squeezes my hand a little in acknowledgement, and I place a chaste kiss on his cheek before turning to walk away.

The hallway to the ladies’ room has a few art pieces of beautiful pastel paintings hanging on the wall, but I have no time to admire them. I’ve got to go. I’ll come back to check these out in just a sec.

Hurrying on, I make it and then freshen up with a hair fluff and a lip gloss smack. Now back to the intriguing paintings in the hall.

They are wonderful, there are so many colors intertwined together to form a woman sitting on a park bench reading a book. “What the…” My body is yanked backward and being dragged across the hall to the other side as I kick and fight to get away from my captor. “Hel…” is muffled by a large hand covering my mouth. With two steps we are entering a dark room, and the door closes immediately behind us. It’s pitch black, I’m scared shitless, my head throbs with heart palpitations and nausea stirs as my head races with horrific thoughts of what might come next.

“I’m going to remove my hand, but only if you promise not to scream.” What in ever-loving fuck? Allen.

“It’s alright, Romi, just please promise not to scream.” Rebecca? What? I’m so confused, but I nod my head up and down in agreement to the terms.

Allen releases me, and the light above flickers on, momentarily blinding me. Utility cart, mop bucket, shelves filled with toilet paper and other supplies… How fitting, a supply closet.

“Somebody better start talking.” My words come out harsh, breathless and on the very edge of losing it.

“Sorry, this is the only way we could get you alone to talk to you,” Becca says with a look of worry on her face while Allen is leaning against the wall of shelves that houses cleaning products with his arms crossed over his chest. Mr. Suave over there looking like he doesn’t have a care in the world.

“What on earth could possibly be important enough that you would have to be this extreme?”

Allen leans off the wall into a standing position with his arms still crossed in a defensive pose. I can’t tell if he’s trying to be intimidating or just trying to show off his arm muscles to Becca. Whatever, they are puny and pathetic. Now, Clay’s on the other hand… ooh la la. “First off, we both want to apologize to you. Romi, I’m serious. We are both truly sorry for our actions, especially on the day of the wedding.”

“Yes, Romi, we are sorry,” Becca cuts in.

Allen places his hand on her shoulder, and she pauses to let him finish. All I can do is stare at the two of them, confusion still making me speechless. “Okay, so, what we are going to say will sound strange to you, but please hear us out. Back when Becca and I started seeing each other, we tried something that was new to both of us, and it turned out to be very beneficial. I know how good you are in certain aspects of the bedroom area, and with how close you used to be with both Becca and I, we thought opening this up to you would be great for all three of us.” Yep, if it's possible, I’m even more confused than before.

“Get to the point, Allen,” I grind out.

“We are part of a group that meets on a weekly basis and offers options… sexual options.” My jaw hits the floor.

“Wait. Are you thinking I would be willing to do this?”

Rebecca answers before Allen can, “Yes, at first it would only be just us three who can touch each other, but as you get more comfortable, you can feel free to open up to anyone else in the group as well.”

“And by open up, you mean literally?” I respond, shocked. Yeah, I’m not a prude and I have watched porn and have seen a bit of videos like this, but weren’t all those just staged or something.

“I don’t even know where to begin with this. I already told you, I don’t play skeletons in the closet.”

Allen moves closer to me and invades my personal space to whisper in my ear, “Come on, you used to be open to trying new things. Just give it a try, Romi. I can see that you are interested in the way your nipples are hard under this smooth satin dress.”

“Step back.” I push him lightly. “Everyone has their own likes and desires, and I’m not knocking you for yours, but as you can see, I am with Clay and neither of us are interested in joining your group. Frankly, I think it's appalling to apologize to me, just so you can get me in bed or spread out on a table or any other place you could have possibly dreamed up. How long have you been talking to each other about this?” To think I’ve been the subject of their sexual fantasies frustrates me to a new level. They are the ones who betrayed me, which left me all alone to pick up the pieces.

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