Home > Claimed by Her Mafia Man(13)

Claimed by Her Mafia Man(13)
Author: Sam Crescent

“What about the women? Did he visit them?”

Daniella raised her brow.


“I have to wonder why you want to know these things.”

“I’m curious about what he’d be like, you know. Nothing more.”

“There is always more to it, but I’ll let this one slide.”

“If you must know, he did visit some of the clubs, at least if rumor was to be believed, but he never took women.”

“He didn’t?” Isabella asked.

“No. He was only ever there to relax. Enjoy a drink. I did hear that if any clients were mean or hurt them, he’d be the one they had to deal with. Some consider him a monster, me, I thought he sounded more like a hero.”

August wriggled out of her lap and she helped him down to the floor so he could crawl around after his toys.

Reaching into her bag, she pulled out an envelope.

“Isabella, don’t. You’ve already done so much for me.”

“I want you to leave town,” Isabella said. “I organized some passports for you both. I’ve even opened up a bank account with enough funds. You can leave all of this behind.”

“You’re my best friend,” Daniella said.

“And you’re one of mine, but I need to know you’re safe. Please, take it.” Ever since Isabella had learned of the women who were taken off the streets and sold on the black market like nothing more than cattle, she’d made it her personal mission to help as many women as she could.

There was an entire apartment block on the outskirts of the city that helped to house those who were saved, only some of them were in such need as they’d been physically, sexually, and mentally abused by men, some of whom were in the Family.

Daniella was one she’d found during a social meeting in a capo’s home. She’d been chained up with the dogs, covered in all kinds of disgusting mess. She’d been heavily pregnant.

She shouldn’t have been snooping around but social events bored her. She hated being around pompous assholes who really believed they were better than everyone else. That night, she’d snuck Daniella out of the house. She’d never returned to the party, and for the last two and a half years, she’d helped her at every chance she got. She was there when August first came into the world.

Isabella had purchased this apartment, and anything Daniella ever needed, she provided. It had been two and a half years, and Daniella was only eighteen. She’d been taken young, hurt in ways that Isabella could only imagine.

“I don’t want to do this,” Daniella said.

“Someone within the Family is trying to kill me,” Isabella said. “I’ve been selfish allowing you to be so close for so long.” She reached out, taking Daniella’s hands. “I cannot bear the thought of anything happening to the two of you. Please, when all of this blows over, I want you both back, but I can’t guarantee your safety, and to put a guard on you, it could risk you even more.”

In the past few weeks, there had been two other attempts on her life. One was trying to run her and Randy off the road. The person responsible ended up dead in the middle of the city. Someone had put a bullet through his brain, which ensured he was unrecognizable as well.

The second attempt was at a department store. This one she didn’t know if it was just a coincidence or not. Either way, Damon rarely let her out of his sight. In fact, Randy was the one down at the car while she came to see Daniella.

“Promise me, you will do whatever it takes to keep yourself and August safe?”

“I will.”

She wrapped her arms around her neck and held her close. “I love you, Daniella.”

“And I love you too. Don’t let this new husband of yours change you. You’re too good for anyone.”

She burst out laughing but was just happy to be able to help her friend again. After hugging each of them again, she left the apartment, heading down to Randy.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I will be.”

“Will she leave?” Randy asked.

“I hope so.” She blew out a breath. “I don’t know what to do right now, Randy. I can’t think without feeling sick for potentially putting them in danger.”

“When you started to help them, you put them in danger. There’s another shipment of girls coming in next week,” he said.

“Great,” she said. “I get married and a bunch of girls lose their freedom.”

“Your father never agreed to the sale and distribution of women. You should know that.”

“It doesn’t make this any easier, does it?” She blew out a breath. “I don’t know how he did it, you know.”

“Your father?”

“I want to hurt every single person who even thinks about touching them. Daniella, she was so young when she was taken. She should be in high school right now. Organizing prom or something.”

“You never went to prom.”

“My life is different. You know that. I’m not like other girls.”

Randy patted her hand. There was a time she would have seen that simple action as being condescending, but right now, she accepted it for the comfort it was.


In a few days, Damon would be a married man.

His father wanted him to move back into his home with his wife. He declined. Until Isabella was ready, they were staying here, in Drago’s home. He glanced around at the large house, imposing in its own way. The décor clearly spoke of a man of power.

Making his way upstairs, he paused on the corridor where he saw Isabella’s bedroom door slightly ajar.

She’d been avoiding him lately. The fitting had been a ruse. His men followed her to an apartment block. Slowly, little by little, he was able to paint a picture of his future wife, and she was a truly amazing woman. There was a fire inside her to do good, and he was never going to allow it to see burned out.

With every piece of new information, he found himself falling for her. It was insane to think of actually loving a woman, but he truly believed Isabella was the woman for him.

He stood at the entrance to her bedroom, lifted up his knuckles, and knocked.

She lifted her head. Paperwork was all over the bed. She wore a crop top and a pair of small shorts. Her hair was wild, as if she hadn’t brushed it after her shower.

“You weren’t down at dinner,” he said.

“I wasn’t hungry.”

“What is all this?” he asked, stepping into the room.

“You shouldn’t be in here.”

“Isabella, we’re going to be married very soon.”

“But that’s not today.” She didn’t look up.

“What is it you’ve got?”

She looked up, pushing some hair off her face. “If you must know, I’m looking at all the information my father had on the Boss.” She shook her head. “I want to get to the bottom of who is putting me in danger.”

He saw the tears in her eyes and within seconds, they were gone.

“What is all this?” he asked.

“It’s nothing. I’m tired of not knowing who is coming after me and I’d like to know. I want them to face me in person.” She put her hands on her lips and looked ready to hurt someone.

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