Home > My Real Life Time-Out (ARC COPY)(9)

My Real Life Time-Out (ARC COPY)(9)
Author: Rimmy London

He’d caused that—his arrogance and disregard. No wonder she wanted nothing to do with him.

He watched as she smoothed her skirt and walked confidently out of the building, glancing up at the camera as she left as if she knew she was being watched.


The video cut out, and it left him feeling awful, although he quickly buried it. He couldn’t risk losing this deal, it was his one chance to rise to the forefront of the company and take it solidly in his name. His stepfather never had complete confidence in him while he was living, but had managed to leave the company to him after his death…only because there was no one else.

If ever he needed to prove himself, this was it. To no longer be seen as the vagrant stepchild who went from rags to riches with his mother’s marriage. To climb to the top of a successful career and gain the confidence and admiration of the powerful investors who despised him… That was his goal.

He squared his shoulders and stood, after struggling a bit to free himself from his dogs.

The way to impress them was through Elayna Vega. She was his ticket. He was practically doing her a favor. Her lens was brilliant, and she had a talent for professionalism and a sharp mind when put on the spot. She was perfect for the job.

But first, he had to convince her to work with him just one more time.



Chapter 6



“Elayna, you promised.” Sasha wasn’t angry, but the sadness in her voice was worse. “Let’s just spend the day at the beach, sunblock and sand, easy surf and hot guys…please?”

“Okay, okay, yes! We can go.” Elayna had one thing she knew couldn’t wait any longer, and this was the first Saturday she could remember that she hadn’t filled up with favors. “But could we maybe head farther up the coast? I’ve been putting this off, but Benjamin’s ready to return to the ocean.”

“Aw, really?” Sasha gushed. “Well, he’s a pretty cute little guy, and technically, we’ll be at the beach…so I can work with that. But we stop by the boardwalk to get something for lunch before we go home, deal?”

Elayna smiled. “Deal.”

Benjamin was listening, sitting up on his hind legs and grooming the soft fur on his belly while he pretended not to hear her. His gaze panned the room every few seconds, scanning where she stood at the kitchen counter.

Elayna knelt next to him with sadness tugging at her heart. She remembered so clearly a tiny, lethargic lump of fur shivering in her hands and refusing to eat. Rescuing him had engraved his little personality on her heart, sour attitude and all.

“Okay, Benny,” she said quietly, “time to go.”

Benjamin climbed into her arms, recognizing the way she usually lifted him up to snatch treats from the counter. But this time she took him out to the car, glancing behind her to see his crate and blanket, food dish and toys.

She swallowed back a wave of sadness and forced her mind to thoughts of the ocean with kelp forests and other otters. Maybe even his family.

“Here you go.” She settled him on the front seat and set off for Sasha’s house.

By the time they arrived at the beach where Elayna had found him, the otter was scratching. He’d been moved to the floor to allow Sasha the front seat, and it seemed to tick him off. He began clawing at the console again.

“Hey.” Elayna scooted him off. “Stop that.”

“Looks like he’s ready to be out in the wild,” Sasha said, reaching down to scratch him.

He arched his back at her touch.

Elayna parked in a sandy turnout off the highway and gathered him in her arms. Her camera hung around her neck, and she swung it to the side and out of the way. But the moment they began down the narrow, steep trail, Benjamin began to squirm. His tiny, sharp claws scratched at her arm.

“Ouch!” She repositioned him, and he tried to scramble onto her shoulders. “Whoa, hold on!” She clung to him as he wriggled, and Sasha held her hands out, ready to catch him if he fell.

“He’s going crazy.” Sasha giggled, trying to help by trapping her hands over him like safety nets. “Hold on, fella!”

“Ow!” Elayna tried to hold on tight enough to keep him from scratching her, but he was getting more and more out of control. She could see the shore, and she assumed his instincts were kicking in. With a sigh, she lowered and let him go, lifting her camera and capturing as many pictures as possible while he dug at the sand in his eagerness. He left a scrambled trail behind him as he raced into the water and dove under a wave. His slick body looked at home there, and his head poked up over the surf as he looked back at the girls.

Elayna smiled and he ducked under the water again.

Sasha knelt next to her, letting her knees sink into the wet sand. She draped her arm across Elayna’s shoulders. “You did it,” she said quietly. “Do you think he’ll find his family?”

“I don’t know.” Elayna sighed. “This is the same beach where I found him, so…” She smiled even though her eyes were wet.

Sasha squeezed her in a side-hug. “Wanna walk for a bit?”


They headed north, farther away from civilization where their view was of hills and grasses. A few houses could be seen scattered about the area, but not the kind that regular humans lived in. They were the six-chimney type.

“I’m gonna miss him,” Elayna said, linking her arm with Sasha’s.

“Well, at least he won’t wake you up at night scratching around for food.” Sasha laughed, lifting one arm dramatically. “Woman, bring me my frozen trout!” she shouted.

Their giggles turned to laughter.

Suddenly she heard someone behind them, puffs of breath joined with the graveled sound of feet trudging through the sand.

They spun around, Sasha bringing up her fists like she was about to box.

A jogger skidded to a stop.

“Oh,” Elayna and Sasha said together.

Kayson Blake grinned back at them, although his eyes seemed to rest mainly on Elayna. “Hello, again,” he said quietly between gusting breaths.

His chest was impressive and very bare. Elayna tried not to notice. She smiled, feeling awkward. “Hi.”

“Remind me not to ask you for fish.” He winked. “Sorry, but I couldn’t help overhearing.”

Sasha’s loud laugh echoed around them, and Elayna joined in, trying to choke off the hysterics so she could explain.

“No, no.” She waved her hand back and forth. “It was just Benjamin.” She pointed at the sea. When she turned back to Kayson, he had one eyebrow lifted and cast a suspicious glance at the ocean. She swallowed a giggle at the confusion on his face, wanting more than anything to tell a story about some ex-boyfriend named Benjamin, who she just threw into the sea for demanding fish.

“He, uh, was a baby otter I rescued. It’s been about a month, and he was ready to go.” She gazed back at the water, hoping to see a glimpse of him.


She turned back to Kayson, enjoying the way he smiled.

“That’s very 'save the world' of you.” His smile melted on one side, becoming a crooked grin that was utter perfection.

Elayna couldn’t think of a single thing to say and gazed back at him with her lips slightly parted.

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