Home > Honeymoon Hideaway(26)

Honeymoon Hideaway(26)
Author: Mia London

“Our time?”

He exhaled. “I mean, I can have my own room, but Cat, let’s take a few days and talk, reconnect.”

Shit! This was her vacation, not their honeymoon.

Leave it to Jack to ruin something meaningful to her, once again.

He sincerely appeared remorseful, but geez! She didn’t want to be a bitch, she just didn’t want him here. She didn’t want to talk to him. She never wanted to talk about that fateful night.

Tears gathered in her eyes. Clearly the pain was still raw.

Nicholas came into view at the coffee bar. He glanced at her, then down at his coffee.

“Jack, I’ll be right back.”


Nicholas could tell by the pasty, white skin that the man crouched beside Cat, holding her hand, was her ex.

Her gaze locked on him as she crossed the room.


“Hi. Look, I’m sorry, but—”

“Your ex showed up. I can see that.”

Her beautiful face filled with so much emotion. “I’m sorry. I’ll try and get rid of him.”

She had to be tormented by Jack’s unexpected appearance. Nicholas wouldn’t make this situation any harder for her.

He clasped her hand, sure that Jack couldn’t see, not that Nicholas cared too much. “Don’t worry about it. Talk to him. You need to get closure. It’s okay.”

Her eyes looked glassy.

He wanted to tear the other man apart for ruining their last day. But what could he do? Nicholas stayed kind and congenial. He didn’t know their full past together. Cat needed support right now, not a jealous—what?—lover. Nic had no claim to her.

He held her gaze. “Remember everything you’ve learned these past two weeks. You’re a new woman, Cat. A confident woman.” He kissed the back of her hand. “I want to kiss you goodbye, but he’s watching.” He gave her a small smile.

Her eyebrows pulled together, but he couldn’t stay. “Good luck to you.” He lifted his coffee and walked out of the restaurant.

He resisted with every ounce of his will power not to look back at her. If Jack was watching, at least now the interaction could be explained away easily enough. Especially if she decided not to reveal everything to the undeserving bastard.

Put a smile on your face, Cat, and get back in there. If it’s meant to be, you can find a way to forgive him.

Although, geezus, Nic didn’t want her to ever see that piece of shit again. But he didn’t exactly have anything to offer her instead. They lived a thousand miles apart. He had his career, and she had hers.

Coffee cup in hand, he slipped on his sunglasses and walked the patio, making his way to the beach.

He considered ordering breakfast, but really had no appetite. He slipped off his shoes and socks and left them on the chaise lounge, walking aimlessly along the surf.

The ache inside was the exact feeling he’d had when his best friend had died. Dillon had been so full of life. He’d died in a freak accident a few years prior, teaching Nicholas the most important lesson of all. Live life to the fullest.

Dillon had done that, and Nicholas had sworn he’d do the same thing.

Now, however, there was no zest for life, only a chasm of emptiness.

He knew his time with Cat had to end. Of course. But at least they could have had one last day, and night, together. But that was shot to hell because of her ex.

He wanted to hit something.

He didn’t even get to fucking kiss her goodbye.



Cat’s head pounded, and pressing her fingers into the ache didn’t do a hill of beans good.

When Jack had shown up at the resort, Cat had wanted to cry. Truly, how could he have ruined her last full day on the island? Her last day with Nicholas.

The strangest sensation fell over her as she watched and listened to Jack. She couldn’t believe she’d almost married him. She’d half-expected for some rush of emotion to hit her when he’d taken her hand, given her a heartfelt apology, and begged her to think about trying to reconcile.

But it hadn’t.

In fact, she felt nothing but pity for him. She refrained from telling him as much.

They’d walked outside and found a shady table to talk. About an hour into the conversation, it was pretty clear she was playing therapist, something she’d sworn she’d never do for any man. As giving as she was, she knew better…but it didn’t matter too much. She would likely never see Jack again.

After hours of talking, she closed the door of the taxi cab behind him, finally waving him off. He’d wanted to fly back with her in the morning, but Cat stood her ground and told him to leave immediately. It took some convincing, but thankfully he’d agreed and was on his way to the airport.

She had successfully exorcised the demon of a broken engagement by a cheating fiancé.

All she had left to do was try and salvage her remaining precious moments with Nicholas.



Nic heard a knock at his hotel door. His heart skipped a beat.

He glanced at the time—six-thirty at night. He set his drink down and crossed the room.

The day had been shit, frankly. He’d barely eaten. All he could think about was Cat, and a few times Cat and the asshole. He hoped she’d found the guts to tell him to take a long walk off a short pier.

But he also knew there was a chance she’d take him back, and Nic would never see her again.

He opened the door. Standing before him in the same pink dress as earlier, Cat gave him a tentative smile.

“I told Jack we’re through. He’s on a flight back to Austin.”

Excellent. Nic paused, thinking about his next move. “Come in.”

She strode to the middle of the room and pivoted to face him. She looked adorable—bright eyes focused on him, waiting to see what he’d do.

He stalked closer—his heart damn-near beat out of his chest.

He stopped two feet in front of her. Maybe it was the alcohol talking, but he needed to say the words. “I can’t give you forever.”

She didn’t bat an eye. ”I know. I want right now.”

Fuck! That’s all he wanted, all he could ask for. Well, maybe one more thing.

“Did you eat?”

“Some. I’m not hungry for food.” She made two steps in his direction, laying a hand on his chest.

They had a few hours left together. He would make them count. He still didn’t move and knew it was likely making her insane that he hadn’t touched her yet. “Cat, I want you to spend the night here, with me. But if you do, know that until you need to leave for the airport, you’re mine. Anything I say. Can you live with that?”

She swallowed, but kept his gaze. “Yes,” she answered in a small voice though her eyes sparkled.

Fuck! He wanted her, in so many ways, every way. His dick strained against his jeans.

He snaked an arm around her and hauled her body against his. His lips crashed to hers and consumed her mouth. Her precious, warm mouth.

Her arms circled around his neck causing her wonderful breasts to compress against his chest.

He broke the kiss. “What are you wearing under this dress?”


Double fuck! Just as he suspected. I’m going to fucking consume every inch of you.

He stepped back and whipped off his T-shirt. Her fingertips slid down his chest to his abs, skirting the waistband of his jeans. He’d love nothing more than to feel her mouth encompassing his dick, but he needed her naked for him. Now.

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