Home > Honeymoon Hideaway(30)

Honeymoon Hideaway(30)
Author: Mia London

She looked up from her notes and sat back, eyeing him. “Where do you see yourself in the next few years, Nic?”

He took a sip from his water glass. “In management. I suspect the company will continue on this growth trajectory and may add director-level positons. I could step into that role before VP.”

Her grin stretched, eventually showing some straight white teeth, seemingly not fazed by his cockiness. Of course, Juliette had an excellent poker face.

“I figured as much. So, Wilson and I are in agreement—you need to take on a management role sooner, rather than later.”

Nic swallowed. Was he hearing that right? They were ready to promote him now? He didn’t want to get his hopes up.

“Again, you’ve done a great job. How do you feel about being the regional manager for the Eastern US Region?”

That was his boss’s job.

“Before you wonder, Alan is being promoted to head HR. He’s blessed this move and knows that we’re speaking today.”

Alan had given his blessing, which was exactly what Nic had been hoping for. “Wow.”

“As I mentioned on the phone, I need to replicate you.” She grinned, likely seeing the confusion on his face. “Having you in charge of a sales team, teaching them, training them to make them as successful as you is where you need to be. As much as we’d love to have you stay in that territory, it makes more sense to create more Nics who can be just as successful in many territories.”

He nodded.

She flipped a sheet of paper before him. “The pay structure is a bit different, but there is still a commission component based on how well your team performs against quota.”

Wow. The figure was impressive. More than what he was making now, with a focus on a salary instead of commission. Mentally, he calculated his timeline of his salary compared to his brother’s and sister’s.

“What do you think?”

He raised his head. “Juliette, this is great. I’m happy and surprised.” So why didn’t it feel right? This was what he’d been wanting for years. “I can’t wait to start.”

She leaned forward to offer her hand. “You deserve it.” They shook and returned to more basic conversation about the company and future projections.

Normally, he’d call his brother and sister—do a little celebrating. But sitting there, all Nic wanted to do was call Cat. He wanted to celebrate with her.

The food was filling, but for some reason, Nic couldn’t remember the taste. It was like half of him was present and the other half was someplace else.



Nic hoisted his oversized duffle bag out of the trunk of the rental car and headed up the path to his parents’ house.

The door swung open as he reached for the knob. “You’re here,” his mother exclaimed, bubbling with happiness as she slung her arms around him.

“Hi, Mom.” He dropped his bag to hug her and leaned down to kiss her cheek, inhaling her signature scent. Her hair was cut shorter, but otherwise she hadn’t changed a bit in the four months since he’d last seen her.

She stepped back, grinning. “Let’s go inside. Everyone’s here.”

They walked into the kitchen, which was a spacious, well-equipped room with an over-sized island perfect for the amount of food Mom had spread out. People sat on stools to chat with the cook.

Lisa stood beside Dad as he mixed a pitcher of margaritas. Jared, Lisa’s husband, was conversing with Samuel and his girlfriend, Monica, also a doctor. Thinking about, Lisa might have right: their relationship seemed to be getting serious. This was Monica’s second family event to attend with Samuel.

“Brother, you made it.” Samuel offered a hand and leaned in for an off-center hug.

“How’s it goin’?” Nic hugged Monica, Jared, his dad, and lastly Lisa—her usual sparkly self seemed to bubble with extra enthusiasm.

“Glad you’re here, son. Glad everyone’s here.” Dad patted him on the back twice.

Mom pulled cheese and some veggies from the fridge while Nic sat on the vacant barstool at the island.

“So, what’s new? You seem kinda quiet.” Samuel pointed his way with a carrot stick.

Both his siblings were older by a few years. Nic would often be the brunt of their jokes but there were equal times that he knew his brother and sister cared. “Nah, I’m good. Lot on my mind. I was offered the regional manager position last week.”

“Aw, sweetie, that’s great,” Mom said, pleased.

“Good job,” Samuel chimed in with the others.

Nic nodded. “Thanks.”

“Perfect timing then. Let’s all grab a glass for a toast.” Dad filled the blue-rimmed margarita glasses, then waited for everyone to join in. “Congrats, Nic. Here’s to a great reunion of the Westbrooks and happy Independence Day weekend.”

“Here, here,” they all called out before taking a sip.

Lisa set down her glass, pushing it toward the center of the island.

“Something wrong, sweetie?” Mom’s brow furrowed.

Lisa glanced around a beat. “Since we’re making announcements, I have one.” She looked over at Jared, who wrapped his arm around her waist. “We have one. We’re having a baby.”

“Aw. Congratulations. That’s great.” The family members spoke over one another, then Mom, Dad, and Monica took turns giving Lisa hugs.

Nic smiled because she looked happy—so did Jared. Nic was happy too, but also confused. Previously, his sister hadn’t shown much interest in having babies, not while she had a successful law practice.

Samuel asked aloud what he’d been thinking. “How will you work that with the practice? Will you hire another attorney?”

Dipping her broccoli in the ranch dip, she replied, “I could, but I’m thinking about selling so I can focus on our family.”

Nic’s brother and sister were just as driven toward success as he’d always been. Nic stared at Lisa, trying to process what his sister was saying. He’d never expected she’d consider having babies and now selling the business? He was dumbfounded.

The conversation continued like Lisa hadn’t just dropped a bomb. Drinking and snacking. Was he the only one that thought this was out of character for her?

After dinner, Nic took his duffle to the downstairs office that had a deep sofa he could sleep on. He didn’t mind not having a bed. It would only be for a few days. Besides, his siblings all had significant others with them. If he’d brought Cat, he would have gotten a hotel.

That thought came out of left field and stopped him cold in his tracks.

There wasn’t a day that passed since Saint Lucia that he hadn’t thought of her. It was driving him nearly insane. He missed her every minute of every day.


He turned to see his brother walking through the doorway. “Hey. What’s up?”

“Just checkin’ on you. You seemed a little quiet at dinner.” Samuel leaned against the desk.

Nic threw his toiletry bag on the sofa. “Isn’t it strange that Lis wants to quit and sell her practice to start a family?”

Samuel grimaced and shook his head “Some women know when it’s time to have kids, even if they never thought they wanted them before. She is thirty-five. Biologically speaking, she doesn’t have time to waste.”

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