Home > Then I Met You (Love in Everton #6)(7)

Then I Met You (Love in Everton #6)(7)
Author: Fabiola Francisco

Finn walks over to us, placing his arm around Abbie and moving Mason’s blanket away from his face so he can look at him. I watch as he kisses Abbie’s temple and whispers something that causes her to blush and smile. Giving them some privacy, I walk into the living room and sit on the sofa.

My mind wanders to my future, attempting to imagine what it will be like. Dreams of having a family of my own, a successful music career, and a house full of laughter pulls me away from the conversation. I sigh and smile.

“Sutton,” Faith pulls me out of my thoughts. “When do you go back to Nashville?”

I shake my head and respond, “I’m in Everton for a couple more weeks to record my music video before heading back to Nashville for a few shows, and then I come back.”

“That’s a lot of traveling,” she comments.

“Yeah,” I nod. Maybe Ainsley was right when she said that I’m spending more time here than Nashville these days.

“Hey, she keeps me in business. Don’t discourage it,” Averly jokes.

I laugh and nod. “I most definitely do.” Her bed and breakfast is amazing, and I wouldn’t imagine staying anywhere else when I come into Everton.

“That reminds me,” Averly says. “Would you rather stay in the guest house since you’ll be here for so long? You’ll have a kitchen and more space to move around.”

“Really?” My eyes pop open.

“Yeah. My manager just moved out into her own place nearby. Same price as your current room.”

“Well, since you twisted my arm…” I roll my eyes playfully, and we all laugh.

“Great. I’ll make sure it’s ready for you tomorrow.”

“Thank you. Honestly, I’m happy in my current room, but it’d be nice to cook and not eat out or pester Knox and Ainsley for meals.”

“You’re not a pest,” Ainsley shakes her head.

“You know what I mean.” I lean my shoulder into hers.

“Why don’t you ever pester us for meals?” Poppy says with a pout, clearly feeling left out.

“Because the studio is in their house, and I think they feel bad for me and ask me to stay for dinner.”

“Well, you’re coming over for dinner tomorrow night,” she decides with a stern look I assume she gives her students.

“If you insist. Geez, y’all are gonna break my arms if you keep twisting so hard,” I tease.

It feels great to be a part of this group of friends. Being the outsider, I was afraid I’d come into Everton, work, and spend time alone. Instead, Knox and Harris have welcomed me in like a sister, introduced me to the people they care about, and made sure I felt welcomed. Southern hospitality has nothing on Everton.

Did I hear Knox correctly?

“Are you serious?” I shriek.

“Yup,” he nods.

“We’ve got to work on this right away,” Harris adds.

As soon as I got to Knox’s house and down to the studio, Knox and Harris were waiting for me to tell me the news. Matthew Barber, a friend of Knox and Harris and one of Hollywood’s greatest actors and producers, wants us to write and record a few songs for his upcoming movie. I’m about to pee myself, I’m so excited.

Matthew and Grady James own One Harbour Entertainment, a production company, and they’re working on a new film. Apparently, Matthew called them on Friday afternoon to talk to them about this possibility, but they wanted to talk it over and get more details before telling me. This is definitely the best news to start the week.

“How many songs?” I ask, clapping my hands. The excitement vibrates off my body like waves or tiny earthquakes, but that sounds more dangerous.

“Five. Some will be duets, and others will be sung alone. He’ll call later today to go over details,” Harris explains.

“This such a huge opportunity.” I lean back on the sofa and blink the tears back before they slide down my face.

“You deserve it,” Knox says.

I nod and inhale deeply, keeping my emotions intact.

“Don’t get emotional.” Harris pulls me in for a side hug. I guess I’m not that good and hiding them.

“This is just…” I’m at a loss for words. “A movie by Matthew Barber is huge. All you need to tell me is that Ronan Connolly is going to star in it,” I add.

When Harris and Knox look at each other with raised eyebrows, my eyes popped out of their sockets.

“We don’t know who’s starring yet. They’re still in negotiations.”

“Oh. My. God.” I take their I don’t know as a Ronan is going to be the star even though it could not happen.

As much as I’d like to pretend I’m cool and collected, I’m still a girl who goes a little overboard with her favorite celebrities. Not to mention I’m obsessed with Ronan’s sister-in-law’s fashion line. I will, one day, wear one of her dresses to an awards show. It’s on my bucket list, next to being nominated for New Female Artist of the Year.

While we wait for Matthew’s call, we look over our schedule, the local shows we’ll be performing in the area, and talk about my upcoming music video. Every day I wake up and give thanks for the life I’m living. It’s hard work and a lot of time away from my family, but I’ve found a great second family that I belong in.

With each moment I spend here, the more I realize that my time in Nashville may be over, but I question how I can be a successful country musician and not live in Music City. Regardless, being a musician calls for a lot of traveling, and maybe Everton being the place I always come back to will be the smartest choice since the label is here.

In the past year, I’ve spent more time sleeping in hotels than I have in my own bed. Going from gig to gig, flying to Everton, and going on tour for a few months has been nonstop. I love it, but I spent as much time in Nashville as here. Over the next few months, though, I’ll be in Everton more than Nashville with all the new projects coming my way. Songs for a movie, a second album in the works, more shows, and appearances.

I am excited to be in Nashville for the American Music Awards next month with Knox and Harris. I’m not nominated this year, but I am going to bust my butt to be nominated next year. Knox, however, is nominated for the first time in two years since he took a career break, and I know people are buzzing about seeing him back at an awards show.

He and I will also be performing our duet. The experience in itself will be amazing, and I know it will be another great opportunity to put my music and name out there to continue building my career. Not to mention the other artists I’ll meet at an event like this.

When Matthew calls, we have our phone conference, and I listen intently to the details. My life is changing for the good, and I am so ready for this ride.





I comb a relentless hand through my hair as I expel a hopeless breath. Standing in line at the pharmacy, I want to push everyone out of the way and rush to the counter. I close my eyes, and take in deep, even breaths and count to ten as I scrub my fingers over my forehead, failing at smoothing the deep lines that have formed there.

People take forever picking up medicine they have prescriptions for. I’ve never understood that.

I sigh when the line moves up a bit, but it’s not moving fast enough. Frustration shakes my body, and I shove my balled-up fists into my leather jacket pockets before I lose my calm.

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