Home > Broken Kingdom (Royal Hearts Academy #4)(22)

Broken Kingdom (Royal Hearts Academy #4)(22)
Author: Ashley Jade

He blows out a breath. “Is there anything else you need before I head home for the night?”

Dude’s already bought me a futon and a television. Plus, he paid the first month’s rent and he’s loaning me one of his bikes.

Ergo, my dad’s done more than enough.

“Nope. I’m all set.”

He nods. “I’ll call you tomorrow after work. Get some sleep.”

“Dad,” I call out when he starts walking away.


“Thanks for saving my ass.”

He smiles like it’s no big deal. “It’s what parents do.” He starts to walk away again, but stops abruptly. “Just make sure you get the ass I saved to a meeting tonight.”

“I plan on it,” I tell him as he jogs down the stairs.

I’m about to head inside my apartment, but a book on the floor catches my attention.

The muscles in my chest tighten when I notice the title. Elephants on Acid.




Satan keeps her manipulating trap shut the entire car ride home, which suits me just fine.

Why I let this girl get under my skin is anyone’s guess, but tonight was the last favor I ever do for her.

Irritation prickles the back of my neck as I roll down my window and light up a joint.

“Get out.”

I have a few drop-offs tonight so the sooner she’s gone, the better.

I expect her to protest, but to my surprise she grabs the joint from my fingers and brings it to her lips.

I’m about to snatch it back, but the next words out of her mouth stop me in my tracks.

“I’ve never gotten drunk before.” A frown mars her face. “I’ve never smoked weed before either.” She takes an apprehensive puff. A second later she starts coughing up a storm. “Shit.”

I can’t help but laugh. “Everyone coughs their first few times.”

I have no clue what to make of the expression on her face.

There are times when she straight-up looks like she has the weight of the world on her shoulders.

It makes no sense to me.

She’s rich, she’s beautiful, she’s smart—dangerously smart—she could have anything—anyone—she wants in this world.

Yet there are times she looks so lost…so full of pain…it takes my breath away.

However, I know better than to get too close.

Her brothers have their issues and I sure as fuck have mine, but at least we still have traces of humanity.

Bianca has none.

The girl is a black widow, luring unsuspecting victims into her web.

And the moment she captures you…she’ll fuck you and your life up before she devours whatever remnants are left.

A soul as black as the night sky.

Lips as red as the blood she’s out for.

I make a mental note to jot that shit down in my notebook later.

“I have somewhere to be,” I inform her, hoping she takes the hint.

Her face tenses as she goes back for a second hit, almost like she’s trying her hardest not to cough as she inhales.

Fucking hell. The girl is as stubborn as she is lethal.

She smiles smugly as she hands it back to me, but I make no move to take it.

“Keep it.”

Whatever gets her out of my car.

Her eyes drift to the pink Mercedes that’s still parked in the driveway. “Best birthday present I received.”

“It’s a nice car.”

Too bad she’ll never drive it.

“That’s not what I was talking about.” Her expression turns somber. “It’s probably the weed, but I can’t remember the last time I felt safe enough to let my guard down in front of anyone.” Leaning over the center console, she kisses my cheek, lingering for a second too long. “Thank you for rescuing me.”

The sincerity in her voice punches me in the chest.

Don’t fucking do it—I tell myself, but it’s too late. I’m already opening my glovebox and handing her the bag.


She eyes it warily as she steps out of the car. “What is it?”

“Look inside and find out.”

I hadn’t planned on getting her anything for her birthday, but I was picking up some rolling papers and the title caught my attention.

Once I realized it was about psychology my attention went out the window, but I thought Bianca might enjoy it given she wants to be a psycho-something one day.

“Elephants on Acid?” she questions. “You got me a psychology book?”

“Happy almost birthday.”

Reversing out of the driveway, I press a button on my dashboard.

“What’s up?” Jace answers.

“Baby Covington is home safe and sound,” I inform him.

The relief in his voice is tangible. “Thank fuck. Where was she?”

“Chilling with Hayley.”

“Chilling with Hayley where? And why the hell didn’t she pick up her phone?”

“Don’t know,” I lie. “All I know is they got into an argument and she asked if I could pick her up.”

He sighs. “I wish she would have called me, but I’m glad she’s safe. Thanks, man. I owe you.”

“No problem, brother. Enjoy your trip.”

A trip no one invited me to go on.

“Thanks. I’ll hit you up when we get back.”

“Sounds good.”

A text comes through as I hang up.

Hayley: How does Thursday night at Sushi Sushi sound?

Oakley: Works for me.

Hayley: Great. Can’t wait to see you, babe.



And I can’t wait to see her.

So I can ask her why the fuck she lied to me.



Chapter 13






“You’ve been really quiet tonight,” Stone comments as we slip into bed.

His observation draws me from my thoughts. “Sorry. I’ve just been…”

Ruminating about another man.

“Thinking,” I settle on.

He drapes an arm around me. “Talk to me, Bourne.”

I want to. I just don’t know how to tell him what I’m feeling without making him angry.

“It’s starting to bother me.”

The fingers that were stroking my arm stop. “What is?”

“Not remembering who I used to be,” I admit. “I thought it was for the best…but I’m not so sure anymore.”

There’s a sharp flare of irritation in his eyes. “Is this about Oakley?”

I have to be honest with him. “I don’t know…maybe?” I feel his entire body tense as I continue. “I can’t help wondering why I was with him the night of the accident.”

And why I feel this unexplainable pull toward him.

“Does it really matter?” A long sigh escapes him. “I’m not trying to be a dick, but even if you got all your memories back, it wouldn’t change anything.”

I mull this over for a moment and realize he has a point.

No matter what I may find out about my past, it won’t change my future with Stone.

However, I’m so tired of feeling like a computer with erased files.

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