Home > Broken Kingdom (Royal Hearts Academy #4)(23)

Broken Kingdom (Royal Hearts Academy #4)(23)
Author: Ashley Jade

Tired of everyone I care about keeping me in a safe little box and only giving me tiny crumbs of information about myself that I have to fight for.

Tired of having no control over my life because I don’t have all the facts.

I don’t want to upset Stone or make him feel like he has any cause for concern though, so I simply say, “I guess not.” I draw tiny circles over his stomach. “But if you knew anything important about my former life, you’d tell me, right?”

I need to know he’ll always be honest with me.

No matter how uncomfortable the truth may make him.

He presses his lips to my temple. “You know I’d never lie to you, Bourne.”

He’s right. Stone’s always been honest with me so I have no reason to start doubting him now.

“I know.” Taking a deep breath, I decide to tell him something else that’s been weighing on my mind. “Don’t freak-out, but Oakley moved into your apartment building. I ran into him on the stairs earlier when he was moving in.”

I expect him to say something, but he doesn’t.

When I peer up, I see he’s fast asleep.

Being careful not to wake him, I flick off the light and curl up beside him, trying my hardest to ignore this crushing feeling in my chest.

The one telling me my heart is holding on to a secret…

And figuring out what it is could change everything.




My brothers appear to be just as confused as I am when they walk through the front door.

“Do you have any idea what this is about?” Jace questions.

I shrug. “Nope.”

“Fucking weird,” Cole mutters.

Amen to that.

Earlier our dad sent us a group text declaring we were having a family meeting tonight and it was imperative that we all be there.

Given he’s always at work and he hardly speaks to us…it came as one hell of a surprise.

“I hope he’s not sick,” I whisper, because even though we aren’t close the thought of losing my only remaining parent isn’t something I can deal with.

“Let’s get this shit over with,” Jace utters.

United, the three of us make our way into the kitchen.

Where we find Dad and Nadia sitting at the table.

Immediately, we all stiffen.

Whatever this is about, one thing’s for sure. It’s not good.

Jace is the first to speak. “Why the fuck is she here?”

I can tell our dad wants to yell at him for his language and his dig at his girlfriend, but he lets it slide.

“Sit down, kids. Nadia and I have something very important to tell you.”

A sick feeling rolls through me.

Beside me, Jace and Cole bristle.

“I’ll stand,” Jace says.

“Me too,” Cole chimes in.

“Ditto,” I add for good measure.

A horrifying thought occurs to me just then.

“You better not be pregnant,” I blurt out.

Nadia practically chokes on her drink.

I don’t know much about the woman—hell, I don’t want to—but even I have to admit she’s pretty. Beautiful even.

Given she’s clearly from India, just like my mom—it’s safe to say my dad has a certain type.

Or maybe he’s just trying to fill the hole Mom left in his heart.

If that’s the case—I can’t blame him.

However, I’m not cool with the two of them procreating.

I’m the baby of this family goddammit. And if this bitch thinks she’s just going to waltz in uninvited and start popping out additions to it, she can kiss my squat-sculpted ass.

“Nadia’s not pregnant,” my dad quickly says.

I start to relax…until I hear his next words.

“We are, however, getting married.”

Reaching for her hand, he kisses it.

I can’t help but notice the ugly, gaudy diamond on her left ring finger.

Jace—who always has something to say—stays silent. However, it’s obvious he’s not pleased with the news.

None of us are.

“When?” Cole bites out.

Dad and Nadia exchange a glance. “We haven’t decided on a date yet, but sometime within the next year or so.”

Without a word, Jace exits the kitchen.

A moment later the front door slams shut.

Cole snorts. “Wow.” His eyes land on Nadia. “Enjoy living in a dead woman’s house with the husband you stole.” He glares at Dad. “Congrats, man. Make sure to have your whore sign a prenup.”

With that, he walks out.

Nadia’s face falls.

Dad looks at me, his eyes begging, pleading with me to show some compassion.

But I can’t.

Because it hurts.

So fucking much.

“You’ll never take her place,” I tell Nadia, and I mean it with every fiber of my being.

Despite her mistakes and the secret I’m forced to keep—I will always love my mother.

There’s not a person on this earth who could ever put a stop to that.

Tears clogging my vision, I run out the patio door. I’ll spontaneously combust if I have to spend another minute trapped in here with them.

God, I miss her.

I miss her smile, her laugh, her smell…the way she hugged me so tight—like I was the most important thing to her.

But mostly?

I hate how it’s all starting to fade away.

Every day that passes my memory of her withers more and more.

If I’m not careful…one day I’m going to wake up and every trace of her will be gone.

“You have a lot of nerve,” Oakley calls out.

I was so lost in my thoughts, I didn’t even realize he was out here.

However, I’m not in the right state of mind to go toe to toe with him right now.

“Look,” I start as he stalks over. “I’m really not in the mood—”

“I don’t give a shit,” he snarls. “Not only did you hook up with Hayley’s new boyfriend behind her back…you videotaped her touching herself and put it on a fucking porn site.” Face twisting in disgust, he takes a step forward, cornering me like I’m his prey. “What the fuck is the matter with you?”

I blink, not understanding what he’s talking about.

Yes, I recorded Hayley touching herself.

Hell, I recorded her doing lots of sexual stuff.

However, I didn’t put those videos on a porn site.

Not yet anyway.

Ice runs through my veins as it dawns on me.

There’s no way Hayley would know I planned to do that.

Not unless she talked to him.

Holy shit.

This is bad. Real fucking bad.

Hand clutching my stomach, I utter, “I don’t know what Hayley told you, but—”

“She told me everything,” Oakley spits.

Somehow, I doubt that…because if she did?

There’s no way Oakley would be looking at me like I’m the most despicable person he’s ever come across.

And he certainly wouldn’t be taking her side.


I can’t finish that statement because he takes another step forward causing me to lose my footing and teeter back…but not before grabbing his shirt.

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