Home > Hollywood Double (Hollywood Name Game #4)(27)

Hollywood Double (Hollywood Name Game #4)(27)
Author: Alexa Aston

“How do you do it?” he asked, bewildered by all these changes lurking around the corner.

“I’m not nearly as big a star as someone like Rhett or Dash,” she explained. “I look pretty ordinary when I go out in public, especially if I throw on sweats and a ball cap and hide behind sunglasses. I can actually go to the farmers’ market or stop at Starbucks without it becoming a major event.”

Keely leaned up and kissed his cheek. “The best thing is to take it one day at a time.” She leaned over and snagged a cookie and brought it to his lips. “Take a bite. I think all problems can be solved with chocolate.”

Mac bit into it. “Mmm. That’s good.”

“Cassie’s from Texas. She says this was Barbara Bush’s chocolate chip cookie recipe and it’s famous there.”

He took the cookie from her and inhaled it as she grabbed one for herself.

“What do you think we should do?” he asked. “I mean, now. Tonight. Knowing they’re lurking out there.”

Keely wiped a crumb from the corner of his mouth. “I say we have wild sex but keep the window closed and the curtain drawn.”

Mac rose and pulled her up then swept her off her feet, a huge grin on his face. “Service with a smile,” he teased, as he carried her to the bedroom, Jax following at a distance.

He undressed her slowly, kissing his way along wherever her clothes came off. Mac made love to her slowly and thoroughly, enjoying every sigh and moan that escaped her lips. As he held her in what he thought of as the afterglow, he realized he enjoyed this as much as the physical act itself. Having Keely close, snuggling with her, inhaling her light perfume, stroking her bare back, made him love her all the more. This woman completed him in ways he could never put into words.

They showered together, prolonging his time with her, and then he dressed.

“I guess it’s time to run the gauntlet,” he said.

She kissed him. “Don’t scowl. If they know you’re angry about them being around, they’ll try to get a rise out of you. You wouldn’t believe some of the things they do and say to get under your skin. It’s best to walk briskly to your truck and get in. No conversation with them. No looking around. Be a man focused on a mission.”

“I brought my Jag. I’d hoped we could take a ride with the top down.”

“Not happening tonight,” Keely said firmly. “Maybe another time. When things have cooled down a bit and you’re not the It Guy all over the media.”

Mac pulled her into his arms and kissed her, long and slow, still tasting a hint of the chocolate from the cookies they’d eaten.

“Okay, now I’m ready.” He thought a moment. “I guess going to the Corrigans tomorrow is off?”

“No way. We should take separate cars, though. Cassie said come at three.”

“Okay. I’ll meet you there.” Mac picked up his script.

She walked him to the door. “Call me when you get home.”

“I will.”

He opened the door and hurried outside. Dusk was settling in. Sure enough, he saw three guys standing at the end of the drive, cameras raised. Mac lowered his head and ignored their questions as Keely instructed him to do.

Until he reached his car.

“Is Keely a good lay, Mac?” one called out. “Was she sleeping with Beau Braxton before you? Is that why you killed your friend? To get his job—and claim his lover?”

Anger raced through him. Without thinking, he strode to the end of the drive. He reached the paparazzi and snarled, a string of expletives erupting. The three men backed up but kept snapping away. Just before Mac let a punch fly, he caught himself and whirled around. He marched to the Jag and got in, starting it and racing the engine before he backed down the driveway. The photographers scattered as he threw it from reverse into drive and peeled out, his foot pressed to the floorboard.

Keely would not be happy about this.






Mac ran a comb through his hair. He hadn’t bothered to look at the Internet today or turn on the TV, wanting to avoid seeing any kind of picture from last night’s encounter with the trio of paparazzi. He did read the newspaper delivered to his doorstep but skipped the entertainment section. He was due at Rhett and Cassie’s soon and had one stop to make on the way. His mom had always stressed bringing something when you were invited somewhere and he knew what he wanted to get. The only social outings he’d made the past four years were watching ball games with Greg or some of his fellow stuntmen. That had involved grabbing a six-pack and tossing in a twenty for pizza once it arrived.

Today would be different since it was family oriented. Keely mentioned that neither Rhett nor Dash were big drinkers. Mac remembered the sweet kids he’d spoken with after his audition and decided a trip to his favorite bakery would be in order. Everyone, especially kids, liked cupcakes. They could run around and play while they held one in their hands. Besides, he had a sweet tooth himself.

Nothing out of the ordinary stood out in his apartment’s parking lot. But immediately, Mac noticed a tail after he pulled out. Five minutes later, he parked and went inside the bakery. One photographer remained outside while another followed him in and grabbed a cold drink from a refrigerated case. After Mac instructed the teenager behind the counter as to what cupcakes to box up, the photographer asked Mac where he was going on such a beautiful California afternoon.

Mac ignored him. Paid. Walked out.

Both motorcycles kept fairly close to him. He didn’t try to lose them because he didn’t care if they knew where he ended up. He had the gate code and would get in quickly. The pool was in back of the house, which was secluded with trees, bushes, and a high fence, according to Keely. Mac followed the directions on his phone and pulled up behind a dark SUV that was driving through the gate. Mac followed behind it up to the main house.

He got out and immediately recognized Breck and Jo O’Dell, who exited the other vehicle, and approached them.

“Mac Randall.” He stuck out his hand, juggling the bakery box with his other, and Breck shook it.

“Breck O’Dell. Former Delta Force. Current screenwriter. Husband to the lovely Jo. And father to Bruiser.” A huge grin spread across his face.

Jo joined them. “Quit calling him that, Breck.” She looked at Mac. “I gave birth to Brad. Brad O’Dell. This guy keeps calling him Bruiser and I do not want that nickname to stick. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Same here,” he said. “No Brad? I thought kids would be here today.”

Jo laughed. “This is date night—or I guess date afternoon—for us. No kid involved. I pumped before we came so the boy’s got plenty to drink. I plan to eat fast and see if Cassie will let Breck and me go at it in her pool house before we have to go home.”

Mac burst out laughing. Jo O’Dell was just as outrageous in person as she was doing her standup act.

She eyed his box. “Am I catching a whiff of something sweet?”

“Not as sweet as you, baby,” Breck said smoothly. “Come on. Let’s go inside.”

The door opened as they approached and Cassie greeted them. Mac handed the box over.

“Cupcakes. Mostly for the kids.”

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