Home > Hollywood Double (Hollywood Name Game #4)(29)

Hollywood Double (Hollywood Name Game #4)(29)
Author: Alexa Aston

Mac glanced toward the women and saw Keely next to London. Both of them were talking and laughing.

“I guess she got over that,” he said dryly.

“She did. They’re thick as thieves now. Keely’s helping host a baby shower next weekend for London.” Knox paused. “Are you with Keely?”

When Mac hesitated, Knox said, “I saw something on the news.”

He frowned. “I know. Yes, we’re together. We didn’t know it would get out as fast as it did.”

“Welcome to Hollywood, Mac,” Knox joked. “I know you’ve done stunt work in the past. How is it learning lines?”

“Touch and go,” he admitted. “When I hear them aloud as Keely and I are rehearsing, they soak in. If I try to sit with the script in front of me, I go cold.”

“I tape my lines with London,” Knox said.

“Keely mentioned that. I haven’t tried it yet.”

“I’m dyslexic,” the actor said, matter-of-factly. “By taping them, it frees up London to go do her London thing at the piano or in the studio and I can listen to my dialogue until I get my lines down. I’ve recently started a foundation for kids and adults with dyslexia. It’s something I hid for most of my life but in loving London, I’ve found I’m brave enough to do anything. Even tell the world I’m dyslexic and that there’s nothing wrong with that.”

“I know what you mean.”

Knox’s steady gaze met his. “You’re in love with Keely.”

“Damn straight. And yes, before you ask, it was fast. Almost too fast for her.”

“When it’s right, it’s right,” Knox said softly. His eyes sought out his wife and Mac saw the intensity in them as Knox gazed at London. “I was a loner most of my life. Meeting London flipped me upside down and turned me inside out.” He grinned. “I’ve enjoyed every day since then. I can’t wait to have this kid and a bunch more. To grow old with her and build a lifetime of shared experiences. I know, it sounds mushy and gushy—but that’s how I feel.”

“Then I’m mushing and gushing right there with you,” Mac revealed. “It’s taken thirty-four years until I’ve felt as though I’m starting to live. All because of that wonderful woman there.”

“Come fix a plate,” Rhett called. “It’s ready.”

Mac and Knox returned to the group. He saw besides the burgers and chicken that several sides had appeared. He loaded his plate with potato salad and baked beans, as well as a cheeseburger and two drumsticks. As he bit into the burger, he looked around at the people gathered. These were some of the biggest movers and shakers in Hollywood and yet he could have been in a back yard in Kansas or Ohio or Georgia. It was a gathering of friends who obviously cared for each other and spouses who loved one another. Conversation flowed freely and laughter occurred frequently. Mac couldn’t remember when he’d spent a more enjoyable time around a group of people, especially meeting some for the first time.

He glanced at Keely as she told a story, her face animated, and thought how much he loved her. How he wanted them to have what these other couples had. Satisfying work. Treasured friends.

And each other.

Mac promised himself to protect what they already had together and nurture it as it grew. He wanted a life with Keely where they enjoyed the present and looked ahead to the future with no regrets. Glancing at Cadence, her teeth red as she devoured the cupcake, something stirred within him that he’d never thought about before.

He wanted children. With Keely. And hoped she might feel the same way.






Keely turned into the Monroes’ driveway. As she got out of her car, Knox exited the front door, a golf bag slung over his right shoulder. He bounced down the steps and caught sight of her.

“Hey, Keely.” He greeted her with a kiss. “All ready for the baby shower?” He glanced over his shoulder. “And the surprise?”

“The surprise landed six hours ago and I dropped them off at Sydney’s. They were going to try to take a nap and then shower. Sydney, Cassie, and I finished decorating. All we need is the guest of honor to arrive.”

“London is very excited about the shower.”

“Mac is excited you guys included him in your golf round today. I have to warn you that he’s never played before.”

Knox nodded. “He told me. We’re going to do a Florida scramble. He won’t play every shot. He’ll hit a few approaching the green on different holes. Maybe putt a few in. I promised him after he got his feet wet today that I’ll take him out and give him some lessons. We’ll hit balls at the driving range to start and go from there.”

“He’s really athletic. Played several sports in high school and stayed in top condition in the army. With his stunt work, he’s got great balance and instincts. I hope he’ll pick the game up quickly. Again, thanks to you and the other guys for including him in your outing while I’m tied up.”

He put a hand on her shoulder. “He’s your guy, Keely. He’s a part of us now, just like you are.”

She found tears stinging her eyes and blinked rapidly several times.

“Mac also promised to devote some time—and cash—to my foundation,” Knox shared. “He told me that his sister was diagnosed with dyslexia early in grade school and the intervention she received really made a difference in helping her become a successful student. I’ve got my first big charity event coming up in three months. I’m hoping to make it an annual affair. Mac said your movie would be over by then and he’d be happy to help in any way.” He thought a moment. “Maybe I could fly his sister out, wherever she is. Spotlight some of the success stories.”

“She’s dead, Knox. She and Mac’s parents were killed in a car accident when he was a teenager.”

“Whoa. That must’ve been rough.”

“It’s why he went into the military straight out of high school. I think he was searching for a purpose—and a new family.”

“He’s a great guy, Keely. You’re good together. Not that I haven’t liked other men you’ve brought around, but Mac’s the real deal.”

She smiled. “I think so, too.”

“I’ve decided to take a year off,” Knox revealed. “I want to be home with the baby and London for an extended period of time. Get the foundation off the ground.”

“Hire full-time help then,” she suggested. “That’s what Rhett had to do with his charity.”

“I’ve got two part-time workers now. I’ll be interviewing a full-time coordinator this coming week. I’ll pick Rhett’s brain about it while we’re out on the course today.” He paused. “The reason I bring it up is I dropped out of my next project, a romantic comedy. It doesn’t start for six months.”

“Oh, that’s too bad. I’m happy for you and London that you’ll be spending more time at home but you’ve never done that genre. I’d love to see you in that type of role sometime.”

“We’ll see. Anyway, I thought you were sensational in your romantic comedy last year.”

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