Home > Hollywood Double (Hollywood Name Game #4)(51)

Hollywood Double (Hollywood Name Game #4)(51)
Author: Alexa Aston

Keely hugged him and Knox hurried away. Cassie confirmed that Rhett and Dash had stayed home with the kids as ordered. Sydney said she’d already had Jayla alter tomorrow’s call sheet so filming wouldn’t begin until ten.

“I only need Keely for two scenes anyway,” Sydney said. “You’ll have a quick day tomorrow and can probably leave by lunchtime.” Looking at Mac, she added, “You and Eric have a few together tomorrow. I’ll try to get you out quickly. I understand now that you’re running on empty because of what happened. That’s why I’m so amazed at what you and Keely got done today.”

“I played on many sports teams growing up,” Mac said. “I learned quickly that I would rise to the occasion based on the talent around me. You’re a great leader as a director, Sydney.” He paused and looked at Keely. “And I couldn’t ask for a better acting partner, especially in a scene that complicated and choreographed.”

Jo rounded the corner. “They’re taking London now. She’s doing great, especially after getting the epidural.”

“How long does it take to have a baby?” Mac asked, his face betraying he was clueless.

The three mothers all burst into laughter.

“The first one usually takes longer,” Cassie said. “I was in labor sixteen hours with Cadence and four with Kyle.”

“Twenty for me to produce Drew but only two for Harper,” Sydney revealed.

“Don’t look at me,” Jo said. “I’m the oddball. I was in a pretty bad car wreck. Broken arm. Collapsed lung. I delivered Bruiser by C-section and didn’t even know I’d given birth. Who knows if we have another how long it’ll take? I may just rent the next one,” she joked.

They took their seats again, Mac wrapping his large hand around hers. Keely listened as Jo called Breck, giving him bath and bedtime story instructions for Bruiser. Sydney and Cassie both FaceTimed with their kids and then pulled iPads from their purses to work. Melanie texted Keely and she called Melanie with the update, letting her know London would soon be a mom.

An hour later, a nurse popped in and said, “Mr. Monroe wanted me to let you know that the baby came. She’s seven pounds, fourteen ounces, and twenty-one inches long.”

“Any hair?” Jo asked.

The nurse smiled. “A fair amount for a baby. All strawberry blond like her mom. You’ll get to see her soon.”

Keely quickly texted the update to Melanie as the three women did the same for their spouses. Twenty minutes later, Knox appeared, still wearing a blue hairnet and scrubs over his clothes. In his arms, he held his sleeping daughter, wrapped in a soft, pink blanket.

“Sorry there’s no drumroll,” he teased, “but I’d like to introduce you to Madison Monroe. Actually, Madison Michelle Monroe. London liked Madison. I favored Michelle. We decided to go with both.”

The women crowded around, ooh-ing and aah-ing, as Mac snapped a few photos. Knox looked happier than Keely had ever seen him—and that included his wedding day and London’s citizenship ceremony. She gazed down at the perfect-looking Madison, seeing a little of Knox and London in the baby.

Mac wrapped his arms around Keely from behind, pulling her against his chest. He leaned down and whispered in her ear, “We’re going to make one of those soon—and have a helluva time doing it.”

“Maybe we should start tonight,” she murmured.

“I like how you think but any kid we have is bound to be smart. I mean, look at his parents. And smart kids can count. I don’t mind practicing tonight but I want to wait until you’re Keely Randall before we get into the baby-making business.”

“Want to hold her?” Knox asked.

At first, Keely thought Knox spoke to her and then she saw his eyes focused on her fiancé.

Mac broke out in a huge grin. He released Keely and held out his arms. “Come to your favorite uncle, Madison.”

Knox passed over his daughter and stood beaming as a proud papa while Mac cooed to the newborn. Keely snapped a photo.

“He looks good with a kid in his arms,” Knox said to her.

“He’s ready to start making babies as soon we’re married.”

“When is that?”

She thought a moment. “I think it’s going to be a very short engagement.”

“Good,” Knox said. “Madison needs a playmate. If you want something small and intimate, our house is available. Name the date.”

She kissed his cheek. “Let me talk to Mac.”

Knox stepped up to retrieve his baby girl. “Better give me my kid back, Mac. Her mum told me not to be gone too long. Come back and say hi, everyone.”

Mac handed Madison over and everyone followed Knox to London’s room. She looked tired but radiated happiness. Knox returned the baby to her and sat on the bed, his arm around London’s shoulders and his hand holding the tiny one of his daughter.

After a few minutes, Knox shooed everyone out so London could get some rest. Mac and Keely walked their friends to their cars and then returned to his truck. He opened the door for her and then came around to the driver’s seat. Mac got in and sat, not starting the car.

At the same time, they looked at each other. Mac said, “Let’s get married when the movie wraps,” as Keely said, “We should get married after the shoot ends.”

Then they both laughed.

“Knox offered their home if we want a small wedding.”

“As long as it’s you and me, I don’t care where we do it,” he replied. “Actually, I do want our friends there to share in our happiness.” Mac pulled out his phone and pulled up the calendar. “We’ll be finished shooting in ten days, according to Sydney’s schedule. Another week to pull everything off. Would that be too soon for London?”

“She won’t need to do anything but show up,” Keely assured him. “Let’s make it two weeks after filming, just to be on the safe side. You never know when something might come up and throw a wrench in things.”






Keely waved at the guard as she exited the studio, glad she’d only had two small scenes today. With filming starting mid-morning and no Jax to walk, she’d slept in after their late night at the hospital. Though she’d thought to skip her workout, Mac gave her enough of one before they got out of bed. She smiled at the thought, knowing she’d never been more physically matched with a man. Not only was the sex phenomenal, but they connected on so many levels. She couldn’t wait to grow old with this man and raise the family they both wanted.

She stopped at a bookstore and bought a variety of board books, slipping them in a gift bag along with a mommy journal for London to record things about Madison. As she parked at the hospital, she noticed a faded blue Honda that she’d seen a couple of times over the last few days pull into the parking lot. Assuming it was a paparazzo, she hurried into the hospital and took the stairs again. Arriving at London’s private room, she greeted a nurse who was leaving and motioned Keely in, though she put a finger to her lips. Once Keely stepped inside the room, she knew why.

One of London’s lullaby CDs played softly in the background as Knox lay sprawled on a sofa, his mouth slightly opened as he lightly snored. Madison rested atop her father, secured by his arm around her. Immediately, Keely whipped out her phone and snapped a shot. The newborn opened her eyes halfway and gave Keely a quizzical look before closing them and nestling back into Knox’s chest.

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