Home > Hollywood Double (Hollywood Name Game #4)(55)

Hollywood Double (Hollywood Name Game #4)(55)
Author: Alexa Aston

A siren sounded in the background.

“That’s the police,” Mac said.

“I need an ambulance,” Finn Jarvis sputtered, pushing both hands against his shoulder. “I’m gonna bleed to death.”

“You’ll wish you did,” Mac said. “You won’t. I’ve seen gunshots like yours. No, Jarvis, you’re going to live. And stand trial for attempted murder.”

“He killed Beau,” Keely said, a catch in her voice. “And drove his car into Josh.” She shuddered. “He’s also the one who started the fire at the studio that killed the security guard.”

The siren shrieked loudly and abruptly ended. Fifteen seconds later, the front door flew open and two policemen raced inside, guns drawn.

“Put down your weapons!” one shouted.

Keely stepped away and Mac bent, resting both guns on the ground.

“Mac Randall is my fiancé,” she said quickly. “He saved my life.” Pointing to the sofa, she added, “Finn Jarvis tried to kill me, Officer. And he confessed to killing others.”

The first cop claimed the two handguns as the second called for an ambulance.

“Got another dish towel, Miss Kennedy?” the first officer asked, obviously recognizing Keely.

She hurried into the kitchen and appeared with one. Giving it to the policeman, he gave the towel to Jarvis.

“Keep applying pressure,” he suggested, and began reading Jarvis his rights.

Everything occurred in a blur after that. Paramedics arrived and took a now handcuffed Jarvis to the ambulance. One returned and patched up Mac before they headed to the hospital. The first cop left to ride in the ambulance, assuring Mac and Keely that Jarvis would be charged as soon as medical treatment ended. Two detectives arrived at the same time Scarlett did so Mac assumed Keely had called her friend at some point. A crime scene unit appeared and began placing markers.

“Let’s go to the station,” a detective suggested. “We can take your statements there.”

They left the house and Mac saw Jax still patiently standing in the truck. Keely cried out and ran to the vehicle, opening the door and flinging her arms around the basenji.

“Finn said he would shoot Jax,” she told the detectives. “With the crime scene techs inside, could he come with us?” she begged.

“Of course, Miss Kennedy.”

She returned inside briefly and emerged with Jax’s leash. Attaching it to his collar, the detectives allowed Mac to drive Keely to the station. Scarlett followed in her car.

They gave their statements. Keely revealed in detail everything Finn Jarvis admitted to her and they were told it would take time for the various departments to coordinate in order to link the actor to Beau Braxton’s death, Josh Middleton’s hit and run, and the arson and death on the studio’s lot. Learning the cottage would be off-limits the rest of the evening while techs continued to process the house and Jarvis’ car, Scarlett suggested they drive back to her place and stay the night.

When they arrived, Detective Harry Clinton was waiting and went into Scarlett’s with them.

“You’ll be happy to learn we finally tracked down Pearson and Humley this afternoon. She’s singing like a caged bird and will be given probation for her role in the attempted extortion scheme.”

Clinton shared what they’d found when they executed the search warrant and that the lab did find traces of Rohypnol inside one of the beer bottles, both of which bore Pearson’s fingerprints.

“Best thing is no trial,” the detective continued. “Pearson knows we have him dead to rights, especially with Humley providing details of the scheme. He agreed to plead guilty. Sentencing is early next week. He’ll remain in county lockup until then. The TV show has withdrawn the story and the two supermarket tabloids won’t run any of the pictures.”

Clinton stood. “From what Scarlett told me, you’ve had enough excitement tonight. I’ll make myself scarce.” He passed a card to Mac. “If you have any questions or need closure regarding anything, give me a call.”

Scarlett walked the detective out and returned. “I’ve already called Sydney to notify her about what happened. She said you both have tomorrow off and to report back to the set the day after. Can I get you anything or are you ready to hit the sack?”

“Shower first. Then bed,” Mac said, weary to his bones.

“You know where everything is, Keely,” Scarlett said. She stroked Jax’s head. “I think I’ll sleep with this fellow tonight if that’s ok. Come on, Jax.” She led the basenji from the room.

Keely took Mac’s hand and they shuffled to Scarlett’s guest room. Stripping off their clothes, she gathered towels while he turned on the shower. They entered the large stall together, clinging to each other for several minutes as the hot water struck them. Slowly, they soaped up one another and rinsed off, too tired to do anything else. Toweling off, they fell into bed naked, their arms and legs entwining until they seemed as one.

Only then did Mac drop off, his face buried against Keely’s neck.






Mac stood in his new dark blue suit, awaiting his bride. It was the first time he wore something tailored in real life, thanks to Knox hooking him up with his tailor. His friend had also helped him pick out the crisp white dress shirt and silver tie he wore and had loaned his home for the ceremony. Those gathered stood in a semicircle in the shaded back yard.

Cadence Corrigan and Harper DeLauria began the procession. The girls wore pale pink matching dresses with dark pink sashes. They scattered rose petals from the white baskets they carried, each looking quite serious about the job. Next, came Kyle Corrigan and Drew DeLauria, proudly walking on each side of Jax. The basenji wore a satin ribbon around his neck bearing their wedding bands. The dog reached Mac and he bent and gave him a stroke before untying the ribbon and retrieving the rings, which he handed to Knox, his best man.

London appeared next, wearing a long, loose dress, her strawberry blond hair swept away from her face. She glanced to Cassie, who held a sleeping Madison. Reassured that the baby was fine, she joined Mac and Knox.

Then Keely appeared, Dash on her left and Rhett on her right as they escorted her toward him. Mac’s heart soared at the sight of his bride. The filmy chiffon clung to her in all the right places and flowed behind her. She’d worn her rich caramel hair down at his request but it was topped with what she’d told him would be a Juliet cap.

Joining him, he murmured, “You are breathtaking,” as Rhett and Dash stepped away and Mac entwined his fingers with hers.

Keely flashed him a smile that almost made Mac weep.

Greg Craft, who’d become licensed in order to perform their marriage ceremony, welcomed their guests.

“Love is a gift that is given freely and received warmly,” he began. “Love changes everything about you and the way you look at life. When two people come to love one another and decide to unite in matrimony, they begin not merely a new chapter in their lives but a new book altogether.”

Greg smiled at them. “Are you two ready to take the first step on the journey of the rest of your lives together?”

“We are,” they responded.

“Mac and Keely have a few words they’d like to say to one another in front of you.” Greg nodded to Mac to begin.

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