Home > Tell the Stars to Shine (Summer Lake Seasons #6)(2)

Tell the Stars to Shine (Summer Lake Seasons #6)(2)
Author: S.J. McCoy

Colt laughed. “You’ve been saying that for weeks.”

“I know. Anyway. I’m going to hang up. There’s no point talking on the phone when I’ll be there soon anyway.”

“And we can talk about it then.”

He could hear the smile in Colt’s voice.

“Whatever. See you in a bit.” Austin hung up.

~ ~ ~

Amber looked down at the dog as he trotted along beside her. He looked back at her with big trusting eyes.

“Don’t look at me like that. I can’t keep you, no matter how much I like the idea. You must belong to someone, and I’m sure they’re worried about you. Lenny will probably know who your people are—she knows everyone in this town.”

Not surprisingly, the dog didn’t say anything.

Amber looked down at herself when they reached the cut through that would take them out onto Main Street. That would be the quickest way back to Lenny’s, but she wasn’t sure that quickest would be best in these circumstances. For starters, she didn’t know how the dog would behave around traffic—he’d followed her quite happily to this point, but they hadn’t passed any cars or people yet. Another consideration was the state they were both in. She was covered in dirt, her hands were filthy, and the dog looked as though he’d taken a mud bath.

No. She made her decision and turned into the alleyway that ran along the back of the stores. It wouldn’t be as quick as taking Main Street itself, but it ran parallel, and they should run into fewer possible problems back here.

The dog looked up at her and quickened his pace.

“Don’t you run off on me now, will you?” She hurried to keep up with him, but his tail had started to wag, and he let out a sharp bark and took off.

“Ugh, great!” She watched him go with a sigh. What was she supposed to do now? He didn’t go far. He ran past the next few yards and then stopped at a gate that led to the back of one of the stores. Amber couldn’t work out which one it might be. They were out near the end of the downtown section of Main now. It could be one of the stores or perhaps one of the offices. She didn’t know.

She got the feeling that she was about to find out as the dog nosed at the gate and then disappeared into the yard.

When she got there, she held the gate open with one hand but stayed out in the alleyway. She didn’t like the idea of trespassing, even if was for a good cause.

“Come on, doggy. Let’s go.”

The dog turned and barked happily at her.

“No. I’m not coming in. You need to come out,” she told him.

He wagged his tail and started nosing at a wooden box that stood near the back door.

Amber blew out a sigh when one side of the box opened inward, and the pesky dog went inside. She was going to have to rescue him again.

She looked around as she entered the yard, hoping that whoever it belonged to was an animal lover—and an understanding one at that.

She pushed open the side of the box and frowned when she found that the dog was nowhere to be seen. What the …?

She straightened up and had to step back quickly to get out of the way when the door flew open.

“Dallas! What the fuck are you playing at? You were supposed to keep him at … Oh!”

It took Amber a moment to catch her breath, though whether that was from the angry outburst or the guy who made it, she wasn’t sure. Austin. Her heart hammered in her chest. Of all the yards the pesky dog had to go into, it had to be Austin’s. Austin whom she’d had a crush on ever since she came to the lake. Austin who gave her butterflies. Austin who was now looking very confused … and who probably deserved an explanation.

“I … I’m so sorry.”

He shook his head, looking even more confused. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you. I thought …”

“It’s okay. You have every right to yell at me. I’m out here lurking in your yard, but it’s only because I was bringing the dog home with me to …” She glanced at the box—into which the dog had apparently disappeared. How was she going to explain that?

“You brought Roscoe home?” He frowned. “Are you with Dallas?”

It was Amber’s turn to frown back at him. “Roscoe? You know him? And who’s Dallas?”

They both turned at the sound of whining coming from the box. “You know you can’t get back out this way buddy. You have to inside. Go inside, Roscoe.”

Amber looked up at him. She couldn’t help it. He was so handsome. He had kind eyes and a kind smile. He wasn’t smiling at the moment, though.

“Dallas is—” Just as he started to speak, the back door flew open again. Austin wasn’t as quick to get out of the way as she’d been and the force of the door hit him in the back, making him step forward and collide with her.

All the air rushed out of her lungs as she found herself trapped between Austin and the wall. She felt dazed. The way his body felt against hers left her light-headed.

He looked down into her eyes, and for one crazy moment, she’d swear that he felt it, too—that he wanted to close the short distance between their lips and kiss her.

“Dude! I am so sorry!”

Austin held her gaze a moment longer before he pushed himself away from her and turned toward the voice.

“Dallas! What the fuck is going on?”

Amber looked at the guy standing outside the back door. She’d heard mention that Austin had a younger brother before, and even if she hadn’t known his name, it’d be easy to figure out who he was by looks alone.

He gave her a knowing smile. “I could ask you guys the same thing. I thought you’d be as worried as I’ve been about Roscoe. I didn’t expect to find you making out in the back yard.”

Amber felt her cheeks color. Was that what he thought was going on?

Austin glowered at him. “You’ve got a lot of explaining to do, D. You were supposed to be watching Roscoe at the house. Why did he show up here covered in dirt?”

Dallas shrugged and gave them an apologetic smile. “We came into town. I thought he’d like a bit of a walk, you know? But he took off, and I couldn’t find him. I’ve been worried sick. I didn’t want to come and tell you that I’d lost him. Did he just come back here by himself?”

Amber made a face at him. “No. He didn’t. When I found him, he was stuck in a hole near the beach. The poor thing couldn’t get out.”

They both stared at her.

“Damn, I’m sorry.” Dallas looked upset.

“Thank you,” said Austin. “What do you mean, though, he was stuck in hole?”

She shrugged. “Exactly what I say. I don’t know who’d been digging or why, but it was deep enough that he couldn’t get out—and that I had trouble getting us both out once I got in there with him.” She looked down at herself. “I don’t usually go walking around town covered in mud.”

Dallas gave her an odd look. “You’re Amber, right?”

She nodded.

“Okay.” He looked at Austin. “I’m going to take Roscoe home and give him a bath. I know you’re out tonight. I’ll take care of him.”

Amber didn’t understand the look the two brothers exchanged. Austin looked as though he was about to argue, but reluctantly changed his mind. “Okay. I’ll see you back at the house. And you can pick me up a small bottle of apple juice on your way there.”

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