Home > Tell the Stars to Shine (Summer Lake Seasons #6)(3)

Tell the Stars to Shine (Summer Lake Seasons #6)(3)
Author: S.J. McCoy

“Just one?”

Austin nodded.

“It was nice to meet you, Amber.” Dallas grinned at her, then disappeared back inside.

“You too,” she spoke to the space he’d just vacated.

“I’m sorry about that,” said Austin.

She could only hope that he was apologizing about Dallas or even Roscoe—and not about the way he’d unintentionally invaded her personal space before his brother appeared. There was no need for him to apologize for that—as far as she was concerned, he was welcome to do it again, anytime. In fact, starting right now would be nice. She had to pull herself together! He wasn’t interested.

“That’s okay. I’m just glad he’s home now. He’s a good dog. I’m glad I found him.”

“Not as glad as I am.” He ran a hand through his hair, and Amber’s fingers twitched at her sides, wishing that she could do the same.

“Dallas means well, but he’s not the most responsible guy.” He was looking at her now, looking her up and down.

Her body responded to him and she bit down on her bottom lip wishing that he was looking at her the way she imagined he was. Then it dawned on her—she was covered in dirt! He was just noticing what a mess she was. Damn! She bent down and picked up the bag with the cupcakes from where she’d set it on the ground when she’d tried to figure out where the dog—Roscoe—had disappeared to.

She straightened up and smiled at him. “Well, excitement over, I guess. I wish I’d known he was your dog.”

Austin shrugged. “I don’t like to bring him around people too much. He’s not always the friendliest. We do fine at home, but he’s not big on strangers, and with my job, there’s a lot of dealing with strangers.”

She nodded. She knew he didn’t consider her a stranger; they were part of the same group of friends, but they weren’t exactly real friends either. “Well, he’s okay. And that’s all that matters in the end. I should get going.”

She started toward the back gate, but he caught her arm. The feel of his hand on her made her breath catch in her chest. Apart from that little close encounter up against the wall a few minutes ago, this might be the first time he’d touched her. It was only a hand on her arm, but her body reacted as if it were something much more intimate than that.

“Let me give you a ride home?” His hazel eyes seemed to sparkle gold and green as she looked into them. “It’s the least I can do.”

She held his gaze for a moment. She could think of a whole lot more that she’d like him to do, but that wasn’t what he meant. She made herself relax and smile. “Thanks.”



Chapter Two


“So, err, how have you been?” Austin felt dumb as soon as the question was out. Surely, he could come up with something to talk about instead of just exchanging meaningless pleasantries.

She smiled and waited for him to unlock the door of his SUV. “Fine thanks. Lenny’s doing much better. I’m spending more time in the post office than in the house these days. Oh, and I’m going to her place now; I’m having dinner with her.”

Austin let her in and then hurried around to the driver’s side to join her. He knew how well Lenny was doing—she was back to normal after her heart attack; at least, that was what she claimed. What he didn’t know was what Amber and her sister, Jade’s, plans were now. They’d come to Summer Lake to take care of their grandmother. But they’d seen her through the tough part, taking care of both her and the post office that she ran. He often wondered how long they planned to stay.

He glanced over at her, wondering whether he should ask. He remembered the first time he’d seen her—when she and Jade had come into his office looking to rent a place. He’d been bowled over by her. He shouldn’t have been. He was still with Nadia at the time. But Amber had turned his head right around, and he hadn’t been able to get right with himself since.

She gave him a puzzled smile. “What?”

Shit! He’d been staring at her. Thinking about the first time he’d seen her. And thinking about how beautiful she was. He smiled back. “Sorry. Nothing. I was just wondering …” Was he really going to ask her? Yeah. He’d never get a better opportunity. “I don’t mean to be nosey or anything, but I was wondering how long you and Jade plan to stay.”

He wished he hadn’t asked when her smile faded.

“Sorry. It’s none of my business.”

“No! It’s okay. It’s not that I mind you asking; it’s just that I don’t know the answer. Lenny says she’s fine to do for herself now—and she is, mostly. But I hate the thought of leaving and her being all alone.” She frowned, and Austin guessed that there were other reasons she didn’t want to leave, but he knew better than to think that he might be one of them.

“I guess all you can do is play it by ear.”

She nodded. “I’m sorry. Am I being dumb, here? Are you trying to figure out how long we’re going to want the apartment?”

“No!” He’d rented them the best apartment he had—the top floor of one of the buildings out on the airport road. He’d given it to them at a better price than he would anyone else, too. But if she—if they—wanted to stay there forever, he’d be more than happy. “No. I’m not worried about the apartment.” He started up the engine, realizing that he probably shouldn’t keep her here talking all night, no matter how much he might like to. “I was curious if you plan to stay.”

She glanced over at him, but he kept his gaze fixed on the road as he pulled out. When she didn’t say anything, he wished that he’d just come right out and asked the question rather than told her that he was wondering about it.

After a little while, she blew out a sigh. “To be honest, I don’t know what I’m going to do. I should go home.”

His heart was racing. He didn’t want her to leave town. He wanted her to stay. He’d wanted to ask her out ever since he and Nadia broke up, but at first he’d felt like he should give it a decent amount of time, and then since that time had clearly passed, he’d kept chickening out. Maybe this was it? Maybe if he didn’t ask her now, she’d leave, and he’d never get the chance again.

“Do you want to go home?”

She shook her head rapidly. “No! I’d love to stay here, but …” She shrugged. “My parents’ business … I used to help with the books.”

“Do they need you back?” He’d understand if her family needed her.

“No. The work isn’t exactly rocket science. They could hire someone else to come in and do it, but he refuses to.”

That was an odd way to say it. Perhaps her father wanted her to come home?

She smiled. “If it’s up to me, I’ll be here for a long while yet.”

Austin chose to take that as confirmation that he should ask her out. If he didn’t do it in the next couple minutes, they’d be at Lenny’s, and it’d be too late again. “I’m glad to hear it.”

She looked over at him.

“I’m glad to hear it because I’ve been wanting to ask—” His phone started to ring and cut him off mid-sentence. He just could not catch a break when it came to Amber.

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