Home > Have Yourself a Merry Little Scandal (The Lairds Most Likely #7.5)(127)

Have Yourself a Merry Little Scandal (The Lairds Most Likely #7.5)(127)
Author: Anna Campbell

Giles strode over to her and reached for her hand. “Lady Juliet Gale, will you do me the honor of becoming my duchess?” There was no need for a proper proposal. Certainly not given their situation. Still, he wanted her to have one.

She worried her bottom lip as he spoke. Then drank the wine that remained in her glass before replying, “It seems I must.”

He wished she could muster some semblance of enthusiasm. He was a duke, after all. But given his reputation and the nature of their acquaintance, he could not blame her.

Giles released her hand and proffered his arm. “Let us go and share the joyous news.”

Her chin quivered slightly, but she held her head high as she accepted his arm. The lady was not only beautiful, but she was also brave. Cleburne could scarcely help but be pleased.

Juliet would make him a wonderful duchess.

Once he earned her respect.

And dare he hope—her love?



Chapter 6



The lords and ladies crowding the ballroom went silent when Cleburne led Juliet through the doors. Everyone stared at them as the quartet’s music faded on a final note. Had someone told Juliet her night would wind up like this, she would have laughed.

She certainly would not have believed them. She was not even sure she believed it herself, and she was living the experience. Pray, do not let this turn into a nightmare.

The couples that had been dancing a moment before now strode from the polished dance floor, their gazes all curiously pinned on Juliet, Cleburne, Olivia, and Thorne.

Juliet nearly groaned aloud. What she would give for the floor to open up right this minute and swallow her whole, transporting her to a better world.

But that was the stuff of fiction, and this most certainly was not play-acting. She swallowed past the lump in her throat and willed her frantic pulse to slow as she cast her glance around the crowded room.

Her gaze found Lady Lambert, and the woman had the audacity to smile at her. Juliet’s skin prickled. Anger replaced her heartache and anxiety. The lady was venomous, and Juliet prayed she’d someday receive her comeuppance.

Perhaps she was receiving it this very moment, for Juliet suspected Lady Lambert had come to the library for a tryst with the duke of Cleburne. Maybe she had even meant to trap the duke into marriage with herself, and that was why she had made such a scene. Jealousy could be a wicked beast.

Regardless, Lady Lambert’s actions—the scene she had created—were no doubt out of spite. Juliet took a measure of glee in the thought, then angled her head toward the dance floor, indicating to Thorne and Olivia that she was ready.

Cleburne patted her hand as they walked across the room beside their friends. He brought her to stand beside Olivia and Thorne in the center of the dance floor, his hand still covering hers. Juliet plastered the best smile she could muster on her face as she looked out at the glittering room. For better or worse, they were about to announce their betrothal, and would soon be husband and wife.

Thorne cleared his throat, drawing their guest’s attention to him. “It is my great honor to announce the betrothal of our dearest friends His Grace, the Duke of Cleburne, and Lady Juliet Gale.” He turned to them and smiled before offering a bow. “You have my most heartfelt congratulations.”

Juliet curtsied and mustered the strength to say, “thank you.”

Cleburne bowed back to him and offered his thanks too.

Cheers and clapping filled the room as Thorne turned to the quartet and ordered them to play a waltz.

Juliet felt like one of the animals on display at the tower as Cleburne swept her into his arms with the entire ton staring at them. She focused on keeping her smile in place as he led her through the scandalous dance steps.

To her shame, her pulse sped, and the longing she’d experienced when he had been kissing her flooded through her once more.

“I am sorry,” he said as he pressed his hand to the small of her back. “It was never my intention to ruin you, but now that I have, I swear to stand by your side. You have my word that I will care for and protect you from this moment forward.”

Juliet said nothing, for what could she say? Think nothing of it? The dratted man had ruined her dreams. He’d altered the course of her life. She could not simply forgive him. Could she?

What’s more, he did not vow fidelity or promise to love her. But then, how could he? He did not know her enough to love her, and it was not in his nature to be faithful to one woman.

Pushing the thoughts away, she focused on the dance steps and kept her practiced smile firmly in place. It would not due for others to realize her unease.

Not in the least, for what was done, was done. Now Juliet had to make the best of their engagement, and in the process, convince as many of their peers as possible that theirs was a genuine match rather than a forced union borne of scandal.

Perhaps that meant she had to forgive him. That she had to trust him and try to make their union a success.

If only he were not such a rogue. If she could trust him, she may well fall in love with him. But what good would come of loving a man who could not be faithful? No, Juliet had to forgo her dream of a love match. For if she gave her heart to Cleburne, her foolishness in doing so would only lead to it being broken.

She cast her glance around the room. Good Heavens, she wished everyone would stop staring at them. Between the curious looks assessing them and Cleburne’s touch, she could scarcely focus. Her nerves were on edge, and she feared she’d have a misstep—or worse, cast up her accounts.

This night could not end soon enough. She sought a friendly set of eyes and met Olivia’s gaze. Olivia smiled, encouragement radiating from her. Juliet moved her eyes from Olivia to the dance floor and back again, hoping to convey her wish to her friend.

A moment later, Thorne swept Olivia on to the dance floor, and Juliet relaxed a small measure. Soon others would join too, then the focus would shift from her and Cleburne. Leastwise, she hoped it would.

As it happened, her hope was unfounded. The moment the music stopped, lords and ladies swarmed in to offer felicitations and well wishes. Everyone, save for the two matrons who’d caught them and Lady Lambert, wished to speak to her and Cleburne.

As for the other three, Lady Lambert continued to watch them with a satisfied smirk while the matron’s cast disapproving glances in their direction every time they drew near.

Juliet did her best to keep smiling as Cleburne led her from one group to the next. After a couple of hours, her cheeks were stinging from all the forced smiles, and she desperately wanted a drink to soothe her dry throat. She turned her gaze toward the refreshments and wondered how much longer it would be before they reached of the lemonade.

Juliet breathed a sigh of relief when Thorne’s sisters approached. Louisa curtsied to Cleburne, unfurling a bright smile before she slipped her arm through Juliet’s. “I simply must steal her away. You don’t mind, do you?” She said, her tone cheery.

“Not at all,” Cleburne met Juliet’s gaze, “Save the final dance for me.”

“As you wish, Your Grace,” she gave a tight smile and curtsied to her betrothed.

Luisa led Juliet toward the far wall, then paused at a wooden panel. At the same time, Catherine glanced over her shoulder before pushing it open. All three ladies darted through the hidden door into the adjoining parlor.

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