Home > Have Yourself a Merry Little Scandal (The Lairds Most Likely #7.5)(129)

Have Yourself a Merry Little Scandal (The Lairds Most Likely #7.5)(129)
Author: Anna Campbell

He had even less of a wish to subject his, their future children to a childhood such as his had been. No child should grow up in the middle of a war waged between parents.

It was not to be born!

Giles would do all in his power to win Juliet’s affection and make their marriage one based on mutual respect and friendship, if not love. Anything else would be unacceptable to him, and he hopped her as well.

To that end, he had spent the morning preparing for this afternoon’s visit.

He went to her and offered a smile before capturing her hand in his and dropping a kiss to her knuckles. “How do you fare this afternoon?” He asked with genuine interest.

The ball had gone far into the night, ending only a few hours before dawn. He knew her feet had ached, and she’d been bone wary, for she’d told him as much. Furthermore, she’d had an emotional evening that he speculated had not ended with the ball.

It certainly had not for him. He had been awake struggling with their fate for hours after he returned home. Then he’d spent several more hours in fitful sleep. Dreams of the past haunted him as well as nightmares of what the future might hold. Giles awoke feeling no more rested than he had when he’d fallen asleep.

“I am well,” she said. “Do join me by the fire. Tea will arrive henceforth.”

Giles nodded, then followed her over to the sofa and chairs situated around the hearth. She sat on the end of the sofa, and he took the opportunity to sit beside her. He did not miss the slight stiffening of her shoulders. But neither did he regret encroaching on her space.

He wanted her to grow used to his company—to welcome it, even.

She turned her gaze toward a nearby window and frowned. “The snow is coming down rather fierce, is it not?”

“Indeed, but this close to Christmastide, you’ll not hear me complain.”

Her lips quirked the tiniest bit before she said, “Then you enjoy a white Christmas?”

“Indeed, I do. It is my favorite holiday.” Giles smiled. “And what of you?”

She met his gaze. “I find it pretty to look at, but it makes an awful mess of my hems.” She glanced down, then smiled. “Still, if given a choice, I would request at least a dusting for the holiday, for hems are easily dried.”

He could not help but chuckle at her response. It showed a playful yet reserved nature. He would wager that she was great fun when she was not restricted by society’s mandates. It was a theory he would have to explore.

Juliet continued speaking, “I too adore Christmastide. The traditions and good cheer warm one’s soul and give hope for the coming year.” She turned speculative, her eyes warming and a tiny crease forming in her brow.

He could scarcely help but wonder where her mind had roamed. “You seem to be somewhere else all of a sudden.”

She smiled, a small laugh escaping her closed lips as she averted her gaze for a heartbeat. “I was merely recalling Christmastide’s past.” She smoothed her skirts over her thighs, drawing his gaze to her limbs, then said, “Do you have fond memories of the holiday?”

“My family is small… non-existent actually, but as a youth, it was one of the few times happiness ruled our home.” He instantly regretted his words. He’d not intended to give away so much so soon.

“How sad.” She pulled in her lower lip and nibbled the plump bit of flesh, her eyes turning soft. “I mean, I am glad for the happiness you had, but sorry for the rest.”

“It is nothing for you to fret over, darling. I much prefer to look to the future.”

Before she could say more, a maid entered with their tea. Giles studied Juliet as she watched the maid set her burden on a nearby table. She had that look about her again. As if she were deep in thought and wished to say more. He would ask what was presently on her mind, but he feared she pondered his admission and wished to know why the rest of the year was not so happy for his family.

“Is there anything else you require, my lady?” The maid asked.

Juliet gave her a smile. “No thank you, Annie, that will be all.”

So his soon to be duchess had a kind demeanor with servants. That boded well for their future. Hope built within him, for any lady who treated those of lesser station with kind regard, must have a pleasant nature. He could not recall his mother or father ever thanking the retainers.

After the maid backed from the parlor, Juliet rose and went to the tea tray. “How do you like your tea?”

“Black,” Giles said. He watched as she removed her gloves before preparing their tea. She moved with practiced elegance and precision. Her own mother had undoubtedly prepared her for the role of hostess with hopes Juliet would make an excellent match.

He accepted his teacup and took a small sip before bringing his gaze back to hers. “I called so that we might discuss our future. We have a great many things to determine.”

She nodded, then exhaled a small breath.

He waited for several heartbeats before deciding she would not be volunteering any opinions. Or, leastwise, she’d wait until he introduced the topics. Very well, Giles thought, he would lead the conversation.

“Given the scandal we have caused…” He paused when she arched one pale brow. Clearing his throat, he rephrased, “Given the scandal I dragged you into, I think it is best if we marry with haste. The quicker we do, the faster the gossip will cease. Our peers will lose interest in us and move onto the next juicy tidbit.”

“It pains me to admit that you are right. I have no wish to rush, but neither can I deny the validity of your argument.” She brought her tea to her lips and sipped. “I agree. A fast conclusion to this scandal would be in everyone’s best interest. What do you propose?”

“I will procure a special license, and we can marry in a sennight at St. George’s.”

“So soon?” Her eyes widened. “Should we not have the banns read?”

“As you agreed. It is for the best not to wait.” He sipped his tea.

“But there is so much to be done before the wedding. I must send for my parents and arrange a wedding breakfast, and the church must be scheduled. I will need a gown. And what of a guest list—”

“I will do my part to help.” He reached for her hand. “You can count on me to take care of the church and the license. As for the rest, you can delegate whatever duties you would like to me and my retainers. I am certain Olivia and Thorne’s sisters will help as well. Trust me, Juliet… we can do this.”

Her chest rose on a gentle breath, the creamy swell of her breasts pressed against the neckline of her gown, sending his pulse into a frenzy. “I suppose we must,” she said.

He admired her resolve and willingness to let him lead her. He would not go as far as saying he held her trust, but she was certainly amicable. Another good sign for their union and it lightened his heart.

He caressed the back of her hand, relishing the feel of her silken skin beneath his fingertips. He was glad she’d not replaced her gloves after pouring their tea. “I have something for you,” he said.

She shook her head. It was the slightest movement, almost imperceptible, but he noticed all the same. “There is no need,” she said.

“On the contrary.” He took the teacup from her hand and set it aside. “You deserve this. And what is more, I want you to have it.”

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