Home > Have Yourself a Merry Little Scandal (The Lairds Most Likely #7.5)(184)

Have Yourself a Merry Little Scandal (The Lairds Most Likely #7.5)(184)
Author: Anna Campbell

When Mary seemed to recover for a moment, Jane raised the cup of tea to her sister’s lips as she placed a cloth on her brow.

Duncan sank back into the shadows as he crossed the corridor and returned downstairs. Jane’s tender ministrations had shaken him. This was her sister, yes, but it was not only the care she provided… it was her competency and her calm demeanor that he so admired.

He rubbed two fingers against his temple as the din below him rose to meet him once he came to the landing of the staircase. He reached a hand out to the railing, but quickly pulled it away when it met something rather prickly. More greenery?

Duncan looked up with a shock to see that the Miller family had filled every available space in the room, with both themselves as well as decorations of one sort or the other.

“What in the world…”

“Isn’t it lovely?”

He looked to the side to see Mrs. Miller’s smiling face.

“We have always been rather enthusiastic regarding the Christmas celebration,” she said. “Now that my Billy is a minister, it has taken on a much more special meaning. With poor Mary, the dear, being laid up as she is, we decided that we best come help.”

“Help?” was all Duncan managed.

“With the decorations!” she exclaimed. “Billy has the largest house, so he always hosts Christmas dinner, you see. We wanted to have everything prepared. Will you be joining us, Mr. McDougall?”

“Well, I—” He had hoped he would have been able to convince Jane to leave by then, but now, after seeing her upstairs and knowing just how concerned she was… “I suppose I will be.”

“Splendid,” she said, clapping her hands together, and Duncan wondered if she had any idea that he was the man who was supposed to have married her son’s wife. Likely not. “Oh, and here comes your Jane now.”

There it was again — the supposition that Jane was his — only this time, it came from another and not his own innermost thoughts. He followed Mrs. Miller’s gaze up the staircase to find that Jane’s gaze was upon him. It was troubled, and despite all of the merry chaos around him, he could think of nothing but meeting her at the bottom of the stairs to provide her with whatever she currently needed.



Jane gazed at the throng that filled the room, and was struck with the wish that they would all simply disappear. Which was an awful thought, for she knew that they were all there to support Mary and Billy.

It was just, at that moment, she needed some peace and calming of her own, after continually providing it for Mary.

She met Duncan’s crystal-blue eyes and found herself drawn to them, somehow knowing that within them she would find the peace she was looking for — as strange as that was, for there was nothing peaceful about the man. And yet, he was steady. Sure. A rock in the turbulent waters that were swirling around her.

When she reached the bottom of the staircase, he was there, a hand at her elbow, and before she knew what was happening, he was steering her toward the front door, onto the step, and then onto the road beyond.

“What are we doing?” she asked, and he looked down at her with his jaw set determinately.

“Your cheeks are flushed and you looked as though all you wanted to do was escape. You still have your cloak on, so I thought perhaps a bit of air would do you some good.”

“But Duncan, it’s freezing!” she exclaimed, taking stock of his dress. “And you have no outerwear on!”

“I can keep myself warm,” he said with a shrug. He had spent enough winter days visiting McDougall crofters. He could take a few moments of chill. In fact, until Jane had mentioned it, he hadn’t even realized how cold it had become in such a short time. “Now tell me, Jane,” he said, his voice softening. “What’s wrong with your sister?”

She sighed then as he began leading her over to the fence that ran along the lane. He propped his boot up against one of the bottom boards when they reached it, and she turned around and leaned her back against it as she turned her face up toward him while describing her sister’s condition.

“Duncan, I’m not even entirely sure what is wrong. When she left Scotland, I knew she was expecting, and she had confided in me that she was feeling rather poorly — but so are most women early along. But then a few weeks later she wrote to me, telling me that not only was the illness continuing, but she was becoming violently ill and could hardly keep down any food. She had seen the physician, but he laughed off her concerns, telling her that she simply had conditions of pregnancy. I’ve heard of this before — an illness that continues throughout, with no relief until the baby is born. There is not much that can be done besides rest, allowing for more time between meals, and only eating a few bites at a time. Drinking is key, and I find ginger helps ease the stomach pain.”

Duncan nodded slowly. “Smart.”

“She places such faith in me, and yet I feel as though I am doing so little,” Jane said, her voice despondent, and Duncan stepped forward, closing the distance between them.

“From what I can see, you are doing more than what most people would do — leaving your home and all you have ever known to live in a strange city awaiting the birth of your niece or nephew. You have a way about you, Jane. One that I greatly admire.”

Her cheeks turned a becoming pink then, and Duncan wasn’t sure how much was from his words and how much was from the wind and the cold.

“You’re just being kind.”

“I am not,” he insisted, as it somehow became vitally important that this woman know the truth about herself. “I know…” he swallowed hard, “I know when I arrived, I was a bit of an ass, not knowing who you were and all that.”

“A bit of an ass?” she repeated, her words accompanied by a little trill of laughter. “I’ll say.”

Duncan grinned sheepishly. “Abducting a lass isn’t the key to her heart?”

“Well, I admit that there is the potential of some romance to it, depending on how one looks at—” Jane stopped suddenly, turning and looking up into his eyes, her own wide. “Are you saying that you—”

Duncan didn’t let her finish the sentence. Before she could say another word, he leaned in and captured those pert, pink lips with his. He hadn’t planned on kissing her. In fact, had he any forethought, he would have told himself that to do so was a very bad idea, indeed. For Jane was not the kind of woman one simply kissed. She was the kind of woman one committed to, promising much more than a short dalliance or a simple show of affection.

But it was too late now to think any further on it. He wrapped his arms around her, not cold at all with the slight bluster of wind that had arisen but rather heated all the way through. Her body, soft and pliant, was pressed up against his, which sent his mind wandering in all sorts of directions — like inside and upstairs, or back to the uncomfortable, threadbare bed where they had first slept together.

Only, this time, if he had her in a bed, he knew they would do far more than sleep.

What the devil had this woman done to him?

And, as a better question, just how was he going to respond?



Chapter 8



There were many things Jane should be doing right now.

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