Home > Have Yourself a Merry Little Scandal (The Lairds Most Likely #7.5)(186)

Have Yourself a Merry Little Scandal (The Lairds Most Likely #7.5)(186)
Author: Anna Campbell

“God rest ye merry gentlemen, let nothing you dismay…”

What in the…

Duncan didn’t think he actually wanted to know what this was all about, but before he could tell himself not to, he was on his feet and halfway across the room. It was only when he reached the door that he realized Jane and Mary had joined them. Mary was wrapped in a blanket, while Jane had one protective arm around her. Mary looked positively green, but also quite determined.

“Billy?” Mary said with question, and he looked back at them before sweeping an arm out in front of him.

“My family!” he said, although that was obvious. “Although, tonight they are carolers.”

“What are carolers?” Jane asked, looking back at Duncan, but he could only shrug. Billy, however, had heard her question, and explained that people gathered together to go to other people’s doorsteps singing Christmas songs.

Duncan scratched his head. Why would you listen to other people sing when you could sing yourself? He looked around in the room, spotting the pianoforte in the corner, and he wondered whether Jane could play.

Why was he spending so much time wondering about Jane? He had far more to concern himself with. He turned around to return to the chair by the fire that he was loathe to admit was rather comfortable, when he caught Jane’s expression. It was one of rapture. She was completely mesmerized by the sight in front of her, her lips curled into a soft smile as she stared at Billy’s family below her.

They finished their first song, to which Duncan begrudgingly clapped along with Jane, Mary, and Billy, and then they launched right into the second. How long was he going to have to stay here and watch this? He wondered. He never should have gotten up. But just as he thought that, the first line of “Away in a Manger,” began in the little voice of none other than the tiny Amelia. When she looked up at him with those big blue eyes shining with joy, he was suddenly glad that he had the opportunity to witness such a strange yet wonderful occurrence.

And then, when Billy wrapped his arm around Mary and pulled her close, Jane leaned into Duncan. The pressure was slight, and, he sensed, nearly unconscious, but still, it was there. He longed to tuck her in next to his side, but instead, he maintained control and looked down at the top of her chestnut head of hair, pulled back into its usual smooth, unadorned style.

“They sound beautiful,” she breathed, to which Duncan had to admit was the truth. They were a rather talented family, even if they were singing nonsensical songs about a holiday that should be celebrated with a church service and not by decorating a tree in the middle of the house.

“The little Lord Jesus, asleep on the hay,” Amelia finished, and a drop of moisture began to bead at the corner of Duncan’s eye. What was that? No. He was not becoming teary eyed by the family of Billy Miller standing on the steps singing songs about the birth of a baby two thousand years ago.

But… the children’s high melodies, a low bass somewhere in the back, and all of the altos and baritones in between converging into one song about not just a baby boy but a saviour for all the world, well… perhaps he was not so immune to emotion after all.

He cleared his throat and looked away, hoping no one would see, but of course Jane was smiling up at him, clearly pleased with his response. Her own eyes were rather glossy, and he couldn’t help himself from bringing her closer against his side. He paused for a moment, waiting for her to lean back from him, to push away or even politely step to the side, but instead, she shifted her weight to her left foot so that she was even closer, and practically melted into him.

Every nerve within Duncan came alive, and a surge of possessiveness coursed through him. He may not have seen Jane when he met her back in the Highlands months ago, but now he could see nothing but her.

When the family finished, Jane, Mary, and Billy began to clap for them, and Duncan reluctantly returned his arm to his body in order to join in.

As Billy started down the steps to join his family, Jane helped Mary back into the house. Duncan followed, hoping that the tension between them had broken and the two of them could actually have a conversation.

But then she was gone, up the stairs, and he was alone again once more.



Chapter 9



“What’s going on with you?”

Jane looked toward the bed, where Mary was considerably less pale today, thank goodness.

“What are you talking about?” Jane asked as innocently as she could.

Mary tilted her head and pursed her lips.

“Come now, Jane. There is no one in this world who knows you better than I do, and I can tell that you are… on edge.”

“Not at all,” Jane said with a soft smile. “I am simply doing all I can to ensure you are well.”

“I thought you said there was nothing to worry about.”

Jane bit her lip. In her attempt to hide any of her thoughts regarding Duncan she had chosen the wrong excuse, for the last thing she wanted was for Mary to worry.

“You’re right. There isn’t — so long as you continue to eat and drink when you can. The greatest risk to you and the baby right now is that you do not take in all that you need.”

“Try telling that to my stomach,” Mary muttered, and Jane crossed the room with a glass of water in hand and gave it to Mary, who reluctantly tipped it against her lips. “I feel much better today, Janey, I promise.”

Jane smiled at the use of her childhood name. “I’m glad to hear it.”

“Now,” Mary said with a pointed look, “out with it. Does whatever is concerning you have anything to do with Duncan?”

“Duncan?” Jane asked, swallowing hard. “Why ever would you think that?”

“Because you have been avoiding him for the past few days, and anytime you hear his voice or someone mentions his name, your face turns red. What happened?”

“Nothing,” Jane mumbled, hoping that Mary would leave it be, but once Mary was onto something, she refused to let it go. Add that to Mary being quite bored…


“Very well,” Jane said with a sigh. “We may have… shared a kiss.”

“Ah, yes,” Mary said triumphantly, “so I heard.”

“You knew?” Jane exclaimed, and Mary nodded smugly.

“I did. I was wondering how long it would take you to share the story with me.”

“Who told you?”

“Amelia. She was quite concerned about what Mr. McDougall was doing to you.”

Jane winced.

“Yes. Well. I am fine as it happens.”

Mary smiled impishly. “And now?”

“Now what?” Jane asked with a shrug. “I haven’t spoken to him since.”


“What?” Jane asked defensively. “You broke off your engagement without even telling him!”

“Yes, but I was not the one who created such a relationship to begin with,” Mary said, her nose in the air. “From the sounds of it, you were a willing participant in this kiss.”

“I was,” Jane said with a sigh.

“So?” Mary prodded.

“I don’t know!” Jane said, flinging her hands in the air. “To him, it was likely nothing of note. But even if it was… Mary, not only was he engaged to marry you, but he kidnapped me, thinking I was you! That is hardly the ideal beginnings of a relationship.”

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