Home > Have Yourself a Merry Little Scandal (The Lairds Most Likely #7.5)(279)

Have Yourself a Merry Little Scandal (The Lairds Most Likely #7.5)(279)
Author: Anna Campbell

Sanderson had grown pale while Theodore spoke and, very carefully, he set his empty glass down on an elaborately carved occasional table.

“I’ve told no one—”

“Ah, that’s not entirely true, is it?” Theodore murmured.

“I mentioned it to Lord Settleton just in case there was any confusion.”

“I will not allow scandal to touch Lady Lauren. Whatever you believe you saw will not be spoken of from this moment on. Should word reach my ears that this warning has been ignored, I shall be left with no choice, Lord Sanderson. I will handle matters in the deadliest of fashions. With my bare hands, if necessary, and odds are I will enjoy it beyond the realms of decency. I would do this for the honor of the woman I love and for that of my family.” Theodore’s voice dropped to a husky, threatening growl. His eyes glittered with an icy blue blood lust that made the other man shudder with trepidation. “Do we understand one another?”

“Perfectly, Lord Hawthorne. Perfectly.”

Theodore’s teeth flashed in a satisfied, predatory grin. “Then let us drink to wise decisions and a long life. I, for one, am relieved I don’t have to kill you.”



Theodore calmly sat through dinner, amused by Sanderson’s attempts at diverting attention away from the fact they entered the dining room together. The man stuttered and fumbled, but not once did he mention Lauren’s name, not even when Lord Jenkins pointedly asked if he’d had any luck during the afternoon games.

Lady Emma was seated beside him, something he had not expected. She gave him a friendly smile while pointedly ignoring Lady Melanie’s angry glares and Lord Jenkins’ hungry glances.

Penelope, seated at one end of the long table, merely nodded when Theodore caught her eye. Aware she’d spoken with Lauren, he wondered if she was vexed with him following their private conversation and curious what may have been divulged.

“Lord Hawthorne, may I confide something?” Lady Emma hesitantly touched his sleeve as the first course of consommé was served.

Theodore turned his attention to the petite brunette. “Of course.”

“You were correct in your assessment regarding the dangers of playing certain games.” She blushed, her hand immediately returning to her lap.

“What do you mean, Lady Emma?” Theodore took a sip of his sherry, noting Emma’s flush deepened even as her eyes sparked with anger.

“I chose my hiding place today very carefully. So carefully, I was able to go undetected. Because of that, I overheard one of my pursuers describe to another gentleman of his acquaintance his intentions once he found me.” Her fists clenched in her lap. “At first, I was furious as they were obviously not following the rules of the game as explained to the rest of us. It seemed the men were hunting in pairs, assisting each other until a lady was located. I realize how naïve I was to ignore your warning. You were trying to help, and I foolishly dismissed your advice.”

Theodore’s gut tightened. Had the games gone too far? Would the holiday be darkened by selfish lust and a belief this was only a bit of harmless fun? “What happened? Were you hurt?”

“No, no. I stayed in place until they moved away. I then decided I would return to my room until it was time to come down for dinner.”

Relief trickled through Theodore. He smiled at her. “Given the opportunity to bet, I would have still wagered on you to win it all.”

Emma grinned back, her dark eyes dancing. “I would have, too.” Glancing around the table, she located Lord Sanderson. “I’ve noticed Lord Sanderson is very careful not to mention Lady Lauren’s name, and she is not here for dinner. I hope she is well… that she… that she did not suffer some manner of upset.”

Theodore sank back in his chair, considering this turn of events. Although he had efficiently muzzled Sanderson, others might mention Lauren’s absence during the course of the game. Especially since Sanderson had disappeared as well. It would insinuate something scandalous in nature had taken place, and that would not be abided.

“Lady Lauren was in perfectly good health when last I saw her,” he said softly.

Emma’s head tilted. “Yes. We had similar ideas when it came to hiding spots. I’m not sure what drove her out of hers, but together we quickly decided we would return to our rooms. Nothing seemed amiss when we parted ways, but perhaps something occurred after.”

“You left the game together?” Theodore did not bother hiding his surprise.

Emma intently considered him for a long moment. “Of course, we did. You understand, don’t you?”

He knew full well Lauren had gone straight to her rooms. Because she followed his directive, she had not taken part in any aspect of the game.

Emma was providing herself and Lauren a means of protecting their reputations.

“Of course,” he nodded. “That was very kind of you.”

Emma took a sip of sherry before returning to the business of eating her soup. “The kindness extended on behalf of Lady Lauren was my honor, I assure you. Should you see her before I do, will you give her my thanks?”

“I certainly will. And Lady Emma, like myself, Lauren never forgets the actions of a friend.”



Chapter 16



Lauren fidgeted with the scalloped hem of her nightgown.

Sitting in the middle of the bed, she glanced around Theodore’s room. It was spacious and tidily kept, his valet obviously very meticulous in his efforts to keep things orderly. Because of Penelope’s intervention, at least she could be sure his servant would not interrupt them tonight.

Picking up the sprig of mistletoe her cousin handed her just as she was leaving, Lauren smiled. It seemed fitting it be used as a means of showing Theodore she’d decided she would become his wife.

But how much longer would she have to wait for him to arrive? The mantle clock had struck eleven-thirty, meaning dinner had ended over an hour ago. Even with the requisite cigars and brandies following the meal, he should have retired by now.

“You are being unreasonable,” Lauren muttered to herself. “He’ll be along soon enough.”

As if on cue, the doorknob turned, and Lauren hurriedly straightened her posture, smoothing a hand over her hair. The mistletoe, clutched so fiercely between her fingers, was in immediate danger of being mangled.

Theodore entered the room, his attention on removing his coat. He did this as though in deep thought, his back to the bed. Tossing the garment over a nearby chair, he made his way to the fireplace and poured himself a brandy.

Staring in the flames of the fire, he drank while Lauren watched his form, backlit by the glow and gilded as if in gold. Her heart contracted, squeezing painfully tight as she realized how very much she loved him.

Leaning an arm against the mantle, Theodore sipped until the brandy was gone. He twirled the glass absently.

Lauren bit her bottom lip. What was he thinking? Was he thinking of her and their time spent together earlier? Was he wondering when he might see her again? Or was he plotting how he might convince her to marry him? With a deep sigh, she took fate into her own hands.

“Will you stare into the fire all night?”

Theodore stiffened in response to her soft question, his back straightening although his head remained bowed. His hand tightened around the glass before he slowly placed it upon the mantle.

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