Home > Seduced by a Daring Baron Historical Regency Romance(58)

Seduced by a Daring Baron Historical Regency Romance(58)
Author: Ella Edon


“The black-hearted son of…” Hal murmured under his breath.


Hestony felt her body go tense as the sounds of riders grew louder. There were two paths that ran close together at this point – one leading first across moors and then back into the forest, the other staying under cover of the trees. They would take the former, she thought distantly. The latter was already occupied by Lord Osburne’s search-party – they could hear them as they went past.


They rode on through the forest. Hestony felt her eyes open and shut periodically as they rode, her body exhausted now that she was finally close to being safe again. Leaves and the patterns of autumnal light flashed past her eyelids. Hal said nothing, but held her close against him. She had never realized it was possible to feel as much love as she felt for him in that moment.


The road sloped down and up again and then they were cutting across the fields towards Ellington Place. Hestony felt her eyes suddenly open and realized that she had fallen asleep. The horse came to a stop, snorting, in front of a stable-building.


“We’re here,” Hestony whispered.


Hal nodded. “Yes, we are,” he said to her, then directed his next words to the groom. “Will you take this horse and water him, please? And bring a cloak for My Lady.”


“Yes, sir.”


“Hal?” Hestony whispered, looking up into his face. “Please…can we go straight in? I don’t think I can meet anybody right now.


“Of course,” Hal murmured. “We’ll go in by the side door if you wish.”


“Thank you.” Hestony took his hand and followed him, step by slow step, around the side of the building. Only when she reached the door and he let her in did she let herself collapse into his arms, her face hidden in a fold of his coat. She felt safe at last.



Chapter Twenty-Five



A Plan Emerges



The house was quiet and dark, the sky cloudy and promising rain. Hal walked swiftly down the hallway towards his bedroom, feeling a strange sense of urgency. He reached the room and went in.


Hestony was in the guest-quarters and he’d ordered a bath drawn for her. She had requested that he send no word to her family – not yet. He had kept his word. His father was in the drawing-room.


He didn’t know whether he wanted to speak to his father, or if he would prefer to keep him uninvolved. All he knew was that he wanted to take Hestony away from here, as soon as possible.


We should run away.


The idea made him pause. He stared at his reflection in his bedroom mirror thoughtfully. It had been a wild statement, a whim rather than a plan, but now he could see it all made sense. If he ran away with Hestony, then they would avoid any form of scandal that anybody – her mother, or anyone who happened to see them alone together – might choose to heap on them. They would return to London once they were wed, and announce it to the Ton, of course. If Hestony wished for that as a future, that was.


“I will ask her,” he murmured softly.


Hal stared at his reflection again, feeling a mix of excitement and wonder thrum through his veins. How could he be entertaining an idea that was at once so wild and so beautiful? He was going to ask Hestony for her hand?


“I don’t know if I’m brave enough to do that,” he told his reflection.


He had to find the courage from somewhere.


He brushed his hair and washed his face, and then headed out into the hallway.


“Sir? Her ladyship requested breakfast.” A maid hurried up the hallway and dropped a hasty curtsy when she saw him.


“Oh.” Hal nodded. “Please! send her up a tray of tea and pastries…or whatever she fancies,” He felt like a fool for not having thought of that. He checked his pocket-watch. It was almost midday! She must be starving. He walked swiftly past the maid and down the stairs. He planned to find his valet and ask him to help him pack, and also to change into something better than his stained and sweat-soaked riding-wear.


“Mr. Townsfield?” Hal called as he crossed the hallway. “Has anybody seen Townsfield anywhere?” He addressed a group of maidservants, coming out of the kitchen.


“He was in the wardrobe-room a moment ago,” one of the maids informed him, curtseying.


“Thank you.” Hal hurried upstairs.


“Townsfield!” he called urgently through the door of the wardrobe-room. “Fetch my best day-suit, please. And pack a suitcase. I’m going north.”


“To the border estate?” Townsfield appeared at the door, eyes big with surprise. “Why, sir?”


“Because I feel a longing to go there,” Hal said, somewhat impatiently. “Must I justify my reasoning for taking a journey?”


“No, sir.” Townsfield hung his head, looking suitably embarrassed. “Sir,” he added, eyes bright as usual. “What am I to put in the suitcase, if I don’t know the purpose of your travels?”


“Take a riding suit,” Hal said, deciding quickly. “And an evening-suit. And something for the day. I’ll go in the day-suit you’re about to help me to put on,” he added.


“Yes, sir.”


Hal put on the shirt and breeches of blue velvet, then let Townsfield help him on with his coat. He stood impatiently while the fellow tied his cravat. “Can you not do it any faster?” he asked.


“Not if you insist on moving about,” the man said with a grin.


Hal closed his eyes and tried not to smile. He couldn’t find it in his heart to resent Townsfield’s impertinence, no matter how misplaced it was. “Fine,” he said. “But I want to look my best.”


He was just about to ask the most important question of his life.


Once Townsfield had gone, Hal stood in the middle of the room, the place silent, but for the fluttering of the blood in his veins. He could see his reflection in the mirror and he bent forward and eyed it nervously, pressing down a stray lock of hair. He was sure his face wasn’t usually so long and horsey, his eyes were surely darker! What would Hestony think of him?


“Stop it,” he told his reflection firmly. “You look perfectly acceptable.”


He took a deep breath and walked out into the hallway. He was surprised to feel a slight tremor run through his body.


Walking swiftly, he headed left and then up a staircase.


“Hestony?” he called, tapping lightly at the door. “Are you in?”


No answer. He fought the urge to run back downstairs, knowing that he needed to do this now, or he’d never find the courage.




The door opened. She looked out. Her eyes were big and the blue of them seemed very pale. Hal bent down and took her hand and kissed it, breathing in the sweet scent of her skin.

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