Home > Seduced by a Daring Baron Historical Regency Romance(61)

Seduced by a Daring Baron Historical Regency Romance(61)
Author: Ella Edon


“You’ll wish you hadn’t said that,” Lord Osburne said grimly.


Hal walked briskly back to the house. He felt his face flare with heat and he was surprised that, when he got to the front door, he was shaking. He leaned against the wall, taking a deep breath.


“If I ever get a chance to finish that villain off…” he murmured under his breath. He wanted to make him pay for what he’d done to Hestony! But the moment he thought it, he shook his head, feeling his fists unclench. He knew she wouldn’t want anybody to wage a fight on her behalf. She loved peace too much and it would only harm her reputation, to have two gentlemen fighting about her like this.


“You can deal with him later – if he causes trouble,” he told himself firmly.


As he walked back to the house, he turned around. Lord Osburne was near the drive, mounting a black horse smoothly, his gait as fluid as a shadow. Hal shivered as Hestony’s report of a highwayman came back to him – there was something about the description she gave that fitted this cold, distant gentleman.


“Nonsense, Hal, you’re overwrought,” he told himself.


All the same, he tucked the image away in the back of his thoughts for later.


He found Hestony waiting for him in the hall.


“My Lady,” he said, dropping a swift bow. He went to her and put his hands on her shoulders, looking into her eyes. It felt wonderful to be able to do that! She looked up at him, eyes shining with love. “I am going to organize us a picnic luncheon, and then we should be ready to go,” he nodded. He noticed the neat pile of trunks – four small ones – standing beside the staircase.


“I just saw Mrs. Hamden – I asked her to pack us the leftovers from last night’s dinner.”


“You did?”


Hestony smiled at the expression of disbelief that must have shone from him. “Yes, I did. And our trunks are ready. So, as soon as you’re ready to go?”


Hal laughed, forgetting the anger and discomfort of earlier. “Of course, My Lady.” He nodded. “I shall organize the coach directly.”


“I’ll wait here,” Hestony said firmly.


“As you wish, my sweetling.”


It was only as he strode down the path to the stable-yard that Hal realized that Hestony might be too afraid to be left alone. He struck his palm with his fist, angry with himself for not having struck Lord Osburne when he had the chance.


“Save your anger for when it’s needed,” he reminded himself firmly. “Mr. Hudson?” he called into the stables. “Where are you?”


“Here, sir?” a voice came from in the depths of the hay-barn. It was warm in there, and the scent of dusty hay was strong. Hal breathed it in, remembering his childhood playing on this estate with Luke. They had often hidden in here. Mr. Hudson had been younger, too – as had they all. “Can I do something for you?” he asked now, pausing in tossing the hay.


“If you could please ready the coach? The small one? I will be accompanying a guest to Ellington Court.”


“Very good, sir. It’s going to rain later…my knee’s aching. It’d be damn silly to ride there, sir. Begging your pardon,” he added.


“You’re right,” Hal said, biting the inside of his cheeks to hide his smile. He never minded servants who spoke their minds and the man was right – it was going to rain later.


“Very good, sir.” Mr. Hudson nodded, walking slowly out, back bent, to go and harness the coach-horses.


Hal rushed back through the dark, damp, rain-scented garden to find Hestony, who was still standing in the hallway. She’d taken a tiny pocket-book from her velvet purse and was standing reading it. Hal felt his breath catch, staring at her. In the soft candlelight, her skin was lustrous, her pale hair thick and glossy over her shoulders. Her expression was calm, her mouth twisted into a thin line of concentration.


“My Lady.” He bowed low. She looked up, blue eyes surprised.


“Sir? What is it?”


“I have readied the coach. It should be along shortly. Is anything amiss?” Hal asked, feeling his heart start to thump. She looked distressed and he reached for her hand as she frowned up at him, her eyes tight at the corners.


She must have seen me arguing with Lord Osburne from the window – how could I have been so completely foolish?


“Hal?” Hestony asked, frowning. “I hope one cold pie will be enough for lunch? If it isn’t, maybe we could…”


“Oh, Hestony!” he interrupted, wrapping his arms around her, pressing his lips to her own. He felt her soft body melt against his as he held her tight. “I am fully, absolutely sure that one cold pie between us is more than enough.”


She giggled, and he kissed her hair, feeling his heart soar. He was here with Hestony and soon they would wed. In that moment, his world was the happiest place he could ever imagine. Even the visit from Lord Osburne couldn’t ruin it.


Mr. Hall came down from the study, looking as if he’d just been arguing with Ranvier, his usual dignity even frostier and stiffer than usual, and helped to carry the luggage out to the coach. Hal even found Hall’s discomfort gently amusing this morning. He looked through the doorway, seeing the coach already drawn up in the drive, waiting for them. Hestony’s hand tightened in his own and he knew that he felt happier than he had ever been – for tonight, they would be married and spend their wedding-night together.



Chapter Twenty-Six



A Beautiful Day



Hestony looked out of the window of the coach as it rattled and rolled down the long road. It was slow going, but she didn’t mind. She was so excited that she could barely think straight. She felt a delicious twist in her tummy as she thought about their destination. They’d been traveling for about three hours.


The coach jolted and her head shot up, glancing worriedly across to where Hal leaned on the seat, head tilted back. He was fast asleep. Hestony felt her heart overflow with love. He looked strangely vulnerable when he slept, his pale skin lucent in the soft daylight, his eyes closed.


“I wish I could touch him,” she murmured.


He stirred and she smiled to herself, reaching out a hand for his, but his deep sigh indicated to her that he was, after all, asleep.


The carriage rattled on.


Hestony found herself wondering what her mother must think. Her mother had no idea where she’d gone. All she knew was that she’d disappeared for two days. Even though Hestony was sure her mother was concerned, she still found it hard to feel anything but a grim sense of rightness. Her mother had wished her to marry Lord Osburne! She wasn’t sure she could forgive her for that. A little worry would be quite in order. After all, her mother had wished her a lifetime of Lord Osburne.

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