Home > Surviving Savannah (A Strong Man's Hand #3)(22)

Surviving Savannah (A Strong Man's Hand #3)(22)
Author: Kat Carrington

"You want to go for a ride, Gran?"

"Sure, but I'm probably going to need some help getting up into that thing. I can't ever get into Carter's."

Joey handed her up into the passenger's seat. Then, at Savannah's invitation, he got into the back seat of the extended cab. Savannah drove over to Sam and Shelby's house to show off her new truck. While they were exclaiming over it, GG stepped over to Joey.

"Joey, what would you think about going to have a talk with Ben?"

"I'm on exactly the same page, Mrs. B."

"You call me GG. And I'm glad to hear it."

"I like him, and I'm pretty sure he's a good guy. I just want to be sure before I leave here and, if he is, I want to let him know that he shouldn't give up on her. And if he isn't serious about her, he should back off. Savannah doesn't need to get her heart broken."

"I like you, Joey, and I'm glad you've been in her life all this time," GG said with a pat on his hand.

A little embarrassed, Joey said, "I'm glad I was too. And I'll be staying in touch with her. That's a promise."

"I'll hold you to that."

Joey grinned. "No need."

"Gran, are you getting hungry?"

GG said, "Now that you mention it, I am."

"Do you want to pick up a couple of pizzas and take them to Carter and Maggie's?"

"That sounds good. Sam, Shelby, do you want to go with us?"

Shelby said, "No thanks, Gran, our dinner is just about ready. Tell them we'll see them on Sunday and I'm making the potato salad and strawberry shortcake."

GG said, "That sounds delicious. Okay, we'll tell them. I'll call for the pizzas."

Joey said, "That's going to take a little while. Savannah, would you mind running me back to the inn? I've got some things to get done and phone calls to make."

Savannah said, "Absolutely. Do you want us to order you a pizza?"

"No, I'll call and have something sent to my suite."

"Okay, I'll see you later. I know you have a couple of busy days coming up. Thank you so much for taking me shopping for my beautiful truck. I couldn't have done it without you." Savannah gave him an impulsive hug.

GG got off the phone and said, "Forty minutes."

They said their goodbyes, and Savannah fired up her new beast and drove around town just a bit before taking Joey back to the inn. Savannah had to hug and thank him again and then he bounded up the stairs.

"I think he's getting excited about this move," Savannah said.

"I think he is too. And when his order gets delivered, it'll be all paid for."

"Aw, thanks, Gran, for thinking of that."

GG grinned. "I thought it was the least we could do."

Savannah excitedly showed her new truck off to her brother and Maggie, and they all feasted on pizza and Maggie's fresh lemonade.

Savannah grinned and said, "I don't want to drink and drive my brand new truck. Lemonade's perfect. Tomorrow, I have to make sure all my paperwork is in order since I've been out of the country for so long."

"Yeah, Jack would cut you a break if you need to update anything, but you probably should play it safe," Carter commented.

Savannah caught her grandmother hiding a yawn and said, "Well, we need to get going. We'll see you on Sunday and I'll make my famous fresh vegetables and dip."

Maggie laughed and said, "Y'all made me promise not to do anything but the meat and drinks. Carter's grilling the meat so I'm going to make devilled eggs, lots of them. Shelby is making the potato salad and strawberry shortcake and Sam's dad is making his baked beans. Savannah, why don't you get chips and dip too?"

"Absolutely. I'll get an assortment."

"I've got the pasta salad covered and something else sweet. I'll decide what tomorrow," GG volunteered.

"And there we go, way too much food as usual," Carter said, rubbing his hands together in anticipation. "I can't wait!"

Savannah said casually, "Ben insisted on bringing something too, but I don't know what."

Carter and Maggie looked at her, surprised. Maggie recovered quickly and said, "That sounds great, whatever he brings. I'm so looking forward to it."

"Okay," Savannah said briskly. "Come on, Gran, let's get home and unwind."

As they drove out of the driveway, Carter and Maggie waved and Carter said, "Well. That was a surprise. I thought the guy pissed her off."

Maggie laughed at him. "Yeah, but look at him!"

Carter looked confused. "What do you mean?"

"Never mind, honey. Let's go in and get ready for bed."

"Looks like I'm going to have to have a little talk with Ben. But he did piss her off. You know, when he called her ma'am."

"I love you, Carter."



Chapter 12



When Savannah drove her new truck to the barn on Saturday, Ben was honestly shocked to see it. He grinned broadly and looked it over carefully, complimenting her on her choice. He wasn't quite sure what had made Savannah make such an uncharacteristic purchase, but he definitely approved.

Savannah and Ben rode out over the fields and into the woods a bit. Ben took her along a little trail and gave her the experience of crossing a stream and stepping over a small fallen tree. They rode for more than an hour and Savannah thought it was the best, most peaceful experience she had ever had. She thanked him repeatedly and threw her arms around him, kissing him soundly before she left the barn. He promised to let her pick him up on Sunday and told her his contribution to the feast would be a surprise.

Sunday was beautiful, sunny and not too hot. Savannah and Ben trooped through the big garage and out to the back door. They were laden with coolers and bags, and there was a babble of greetings and hugs. Maggie had designated a nice shady spot for the coolers and there were lawn chairs scattered around, some in the sun and others under the two big shade trees as well as on the deck, which was sheltered by an awning. Maggie laughed at Savannah, who had brought half a dozen bags of assorted chips and several tubs of dips.

Carter was poking around at the big grill and arguing with Sam's dad, Frank. GG was relaxing under the shade tree with a glass of iced tea. Sam and Shelby got there a few minutes later and Joey was last, rolling up in a car he had rented after he had the limo returned. Maggie had pitchers of lemonade and iced tea that the women opted for while the men went ahead and pulled beer out of the ice. They all talked and snacked on Savannah's vegetable tray and chips while the chicken marinated.

GG got the ladies busy talking about the gala plans for the fall, keeping them occupied while Joey and Carter had a few words with Ben. GG smiled when she saw Carter laugh and clap Ben on the back, handing him another beer. Joey shook Ben's hand too. Then the three of them set about lighting the grill while Frank supervised and Sam came back to hover around his wife. He gave her a kiss and then went back to argue with his dad.

Sam and Shelby had brought their dog, and Frank had too. They were having a fine time romping around the big yard with Beck, all three of them racing after the occasional ball or Frisbee tossed by the guys. GG watched, smiling peacefully.

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