Home > Surviving Savannah (A Strong Man's Hand #3)(24)

Surviving Savannah (A Strong Man's Hand #3)(24)
Author: Kat Carrington

"Of course, I want! Now I know why all those people go to the trouble of hauling horses and riding the trails."

Ben nodded. "Yeah, it's like the outside world doesn't exist for a while and you can just enjoy the horses and nature and your friends."

"That's it exactly. It's so peaceful."

Ben kissed her again and got out of her truck.

"Don't forget your cooler," Savannah said.

He pulled it out of the bed of the truck and walked around to her side for one last kiss. Then, with a wave, he let himself into the barn. Savannah was smiling as she drove away.



The week flew by and, other than her Wednesday riding lesson, Savannah didn't see Ben. By Friday afternoon, she was restless and bored and spending a lot of time mentally reliving the sexual encounter she and Ben had had. Pacing in her room, she suddenly stopped and gave herself a shocked look in the mirror.

What the hell am I doing? That was supposed to get him out of my system, not make me want more. I'm in Boone, for God's sake. And he's a cowboy. This isn't my life; this isn't my home. I need to get the hell out of here. Joey's gone now, and that never would have happened if we hadn't come here.

The realization that Joey would have stayed with her and continued to put off his own life made her a little bit ashamed. It wasn't fair to him, and she shouldn't have had such a thought. Then she shook herself and groaned out loud.

I can't let myself get trapped here. It's been fun and I love my family, but I love my life more. No, that's not right. But I have a right to my life. How could I ever stay here after all the things I've done all over the world? I'd die of boredom in no time. And my fund raising. That's important, and I'm damn good at it. I've got to get things finished here and get back to my own world.

But shit. Shelby's having a baby. How can I miss that? But that's months away from now. I know damn well that I've gotten most of the things done that Gran needed. If she picks up any more artists, she's going to have to build another shop. Oh, God, I hope that's not what she has in mind. I can come back and visit after the baby comes.

But Ben. He's the best lover I've ever had, and we've only had one afternoon together. He makes me melt with just one kiss. He makes me hot when all I do is think about him. That's bad; I should never have let it happen. But his hands and his tongue. There are places he hasn't even put his tongue yet. And places of his that I haven't tasted yet.

Savannah's mouth was watering and her legs were trembling at the thought. There was that long, low pull in her belly again and she realized that her panties were wet again too. She thought furiously and suddenly her face cleared.

I'm a dummy; what am I thinking? Of course, I haven't gotten him out of my system yet. I haven't had enough. More is exactly what I need. There's no deadline for leaving here. I'm bored because I've had a taste and not gotten any more. I need to jump his bones until I'm satisfied once and for all, then I can get out of here, and everything will be back to normal. Wear his ass out and let him wear me out. That's the cure for this.

Savannah laughed in relief. Everything was fine; she had just needed to think clearly about the situation. It made her think that there was something to the phrase "fucked her brains out.” She was back in control of herself, and everything was going to be fine. And she was seriously looking forward to the next day.

Savannah went downstairs to see if GG was home yet. She started to call out then caught sight of GG curled up on the couch in the library. She tiptoed in when she realized that her grandmother was asleep and gently covered her with the throw that was draped over the back of the couch. GG stirred and opened her eyes.

"Are you all right, Gran?"

"Oh, yes, dear. I think I'm catching a little summer cold, though. I'm just going to take a nap; sleep is the best thing for it."

"Do you want anything?"

"No, not now. I'm fine." Her eyes were already closing again.

"Okay, I'm going to take a bath. I'll check on you when I'm finished."

GG smiled but didn't open her eyes. After watching her for a second, Savannah quietly went to the kitchen. She poured herself a glass of wine and a cup of orange juice for her grandmother, leaving it on the coffee table in front of her, just in case she woke thirsty.

Savannah ran her bath and sank into the luxurious bubbles with a sigh of pleasure. She leaned back and relaxed in the water, her thoughts drifting aimlessly. Soon, she found herself thinking of Ben's touch, and she felt like his hands were drifting over her, stroking and caressing. She cupped her breasts in her hands and gently rubbed her nipples with her fingers. She pictured him naked and felt his erection clasped in her hand, the heaviness of his balls in her other hand. She let her hands drift down her belly to the cleft between her thighs. No surprise that she was swollen and tender.

She took a large sip of her wine and whispered, "Look out, Ben. I'm not through with you yet."

After her bath, she dressed in a pair of cotton shorts and a faded but favorite t-shirt. She went quietly downstairs to find GG still asleep, so she went to the kitchen and looked in the freezer, searching until she found a container of Maggie's chicken soup. She set it aside to thaw and made herself a sandwich. She was just finishing it when GG walked in with her juice glass.

"Do you feel better, Gran?"

"I sure needed that. My throat is a little sore and I just feel drained. I'm sure it's a cold; I've heard several customers complain about them."

"I found a container of Maggie's chicken soup in the freezer. Just let me get it heated up for you."

"Thank you, darling; that sounds good."

GG sat down at the table, and Savannah busied herself thawing and heating the soup. It was strange that her grandmother acquiesced so easily. She must really be feeling bad. GG ate a little of the soup and had a little more juice. Savannah talked her into sipping some of the broth before she pushed the bowl back and stood up.

"Thank you, dear; that was perfect. I think I'm just going to turn the TV on in my room and go to bed. I think I'll have a good, long night's sleep."

"Do you have cold medicine, Gran?"

GG nodded. "I do. It's in my room, and I'll take a bottle of water with me. I'm not going to be any company tonight."

"No worries. I have some phone calls to catch up on, and there's a book I've been wanting to read. You make sure you call me if you need anything."

"I will, but I'll be fine. I get one of these now and then. I just baby myself and sleep a lot until I feel better."

"Okay, Gran, feel better. I love you."

"I love you too. Goodnight."

Savannah looked outside, where it was still full daylight and murmured, "She must really feel bad. She's probably right; lots of sleep is the best thing."

Savannah went upstairs to make her phone calls. There were several friends whom she knew she ought to catch up with. After making the first couple of calls, she clicked off the phone and sat, staring at it.

Out loud, Savannah said, "That was a waste of time. Those women don't have a single thought in their heads except gossip and the latest party."

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