Home > Surviving Savannah (A Strong Man's Hand #3)(27)

Surviving Savannah (A Strong Man's Hand #3)(27)
Author: Kat Carrington

Finally, Savannah could reach him and she wrapped her hand around his erection, stroking and squeezing. Ben moaned against her mouth and she pushed him over, rolling on top of him with her hand still holding him. Now Savannah took charge, kissing her way down his chest and belly until she knelt between his legs and took him into her mouth. She licked and sucked the full length of him, driving him to new heights with her mouth and hands. When he didn't think he could stand any more, she moved up to straddle him, sinking onto his erection in one long, smooth move.

With Ben buried deep inside her, she arched her back and began to move, raising and lowering herself on him slowly, at first, then with growing urgency. Ben thrust his hips up to meet her and they rocked together in a deep, pulsing rhythm, building to an earthshattering explosion together. Ben rose to meet her as they were shaken with the waves of pleasure, wrapping his arms around her and holding her tight. Mindlessly, they sank down until Savannah was lying on top of him, Ben still buried in her.

She finally pulled slowly away from him, rolling onto her back with a deep, satisfied sigh. They lay in the open air, hearts slowing gradually, the light breeze drying the sweat on their bodies. Ben wanted to tell her what he felt, but those warning bells went off again and he knew instinctively that it would be a mistake.

Instead, he said, "There's one more sandwich. Want to split it?"

Savannah smiled. "Mind reader. That would be great."

Ben walked over the soft grass to his horse and raided the saddlebags again. He returned with two bottles of water and the sandwich. They sat naked on the blanket and shared the food. Afterward, Ben looked at the sky, judging the time.

"I hate to say this, but we probably need to start back."

Savannah grinned. "And I suppose clothing is required."

"Yeah, believe me, you don't want to ride a horse naked for more than a few yards."

Soon, they were dressed and back in the saddle. They went back through the woods and stopped at the stream to water the horses again. When they emerged into the field, Savannah was feeling good. Impulsively, she called out, "Race you back!" as she kicked Reba into a full gallop.

"God dammit!" Ben swore and yelled after her. "Savannah! Stop! Stop right now!"

He heard her laughter trailing behind her as she raced through the field. He took off after her, cussing a blue streak as he went. Ben had almost caught up with her when Reba suddenly swerved to the right and Savannah went tumbling off. He could see that Reba was stopping and he pulled his horse to a stop and jumped off. Running to Savannah, who was just sitting up, he dropped to the ground and grabbed her shoulders.

"Are you all right? Are you hurt?"

"No, I'm fine. She just swerved all of a sudden and I wasn't expecting it. I lost my balance."

"Are you crazy? What the hell were you thinking?" Ben was yelling at her.

Savannah started to get mad. "I was just racing you back. What's your problem?"

Ben jerked her to her feet and said grimly, "What's my problem? You want to know why Reba swerved? There was a hole there, probably from a groundhog, and if she had stepped in it running like that, she most likely would have broken a leg. You could have killed her. And you could have killed yourself too. You never take off running like that in a place where you don't know the terrain."

Savannah's eyes flashed. "You don't have to come on like some kind of Neanderthal. We're both fine. There's no harm done and it was fun, by the way."

Ben set his teeth and said, "You really are a spoiled, self-centered, rich kid. I told you that you needed your ass blistered and now you're going to get it."

Savannah seethed, "You wouldn't dare!"

"Oh, you just watch."

Ben walked over to Reba and ran his hands down her legs, then he led both horses over to a small tree where he could tether them. Savannah stood with her hands on her hips, glaring at him. He stalked grimly toward her. She stood her ground until he got close then began to back up as she saw the look on his face.

"Don't you touch me, Ben."

"Not going to happen."

He grabbed her arm and pulled her over to a stump beside the little cluster of trees, then he put his foot up on the stump and bent her over his leg, holding her firmly with his left arm. He aimed a hard swat at her blue jeans clad butt and she gasped in shock. He swatted her again, hard, and she started swearing at him as she struggled to escape. Before long, Ben was spanking her hard and fast, his hand landing all over her bottom as she continued to yell at him. He knew damn well he wasn't really hurting her, spanking her on the seat of her jeans.

"Since you're still running your mouth, it's obvious that I'm not really getting through to you."

"You bastard! You're going to pay for this. Nobody treats me this way!"

Grimly, Ben unbuckled his belt with his right hand and pulled it out of his belt loops. Doubling it, he let it fly, snapping across her butt with a crack. Savannah gasped in shock again, temporarily without the breath to yell. He snapped the belt across her butt again and yet again.

"Ben! Stop! That hurts; stop it!"

"It's supposed to hurt," Ben said.

The belt fell several more times, and then he brought it down across the back of her thighs, just below her buttocks. Savannah let out a wail.

"I'm sorry! Ben, please, I'm sorry; please stop. You were right. I'm sorry. I really am."

Ben paused. "Prove it."

"How? I'll do anything, just please stop."

Ben pulled her upright and looked her in the eye, holding her by the shoulders. "You bend over and put your hands on that stump and take one more lick with the belt without fighting it. Then I'll believe you."

Savannah's eyes widened and she stared at him in disbelief. "Are you serious?"

"I've never been more serious in my life."

Staring at him a moment longer, Savannah took a deep breath. Turning slowly, she bent over and put her hands on the stump.

Ben said, "I'm going to give you one stroke with the belt. It's going to hurt and you're going to stay bent over until I tell you to stand up. If you don't, you are never getting on one of my horses again."

He heard her suck in a sharp breath at his words. "Okay."

Ben stood quietly for a moment and then let the belt fly. It snapped right across her sit spot and she cried out, but she didn't move. He waited and then he said, "All right. You can stand up."

Savannah straightened up slowly and turned to face him. Her lips were trembling and there were tears in her eyes, but she didn't let them fall. The last of his anger was gone and he dropped the belt, shaking his head. Savannah gazed at him, and then she looked at her horse.

"Is she all right?"

Ben looked weary. "She seems to be. She was lucky."

One tear spilled and Savannah said, "I'm truly sorry, Ben. I didn't think. I just did what seemed like fun for me. I would never in a million years do anything to hurt a horse. I'd rather have you take your belt to me a hundred times than have Reba hurt."

Ben knew she was telling the truth and his heart finally softened. "I believe you. And I don't have the energy to take my belt to you a hundred times."

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