Home > The Avowed (Shadowed Wings #2)(34)

The Avowed (Shadowed Wings #2)(34)
Author: Ivy Asher

Treno pulls back, and with not an ounce of shame, I lean forward to chase his lips. He runs his thumb over my now kiss-swollen mouth, and if I were wearing panties, they would have spontaneously combusted by now.

Consider my world...rocked.

“Holy shit,” I mumble at the same time Treno breathes, “Wow.” I know that mouth-fuck was all him, but I won’t argue with any appreciation he wants to throw my way.

“I’m sorry,” he tells me, his mismatched eyes studying mine. “You were laughing, and I wanted to taste the pure joy as it poured out of your mouth. I have to say, it’s better than the sak fruit,” he teases, and I giggle like an oversexed schoolgirl.

Pigeon gives me the side-eye and I’m pretty sure flashes me some version of don’t mess this up for us, you weirdo!

I shove her away.

“Never apologize for doing that...ever again,” I inform him, and he laughs.

“Good to know,” he confesses, and then he closes the distance between us again.

I’m so ready to get lost in another epic kiss. There’s just one fucking problem. It’s hot as hell, and I’m suddenly sticky and itchy where the fruit juice went down my top. How is a girl supposed to ride a man’s face into happy oblivion with this sticky, sweaty, itchy situation going on? I’m pretty sure if I just ripped all of my clothes off right now, Treno would take that as a good thing. That might help with the sweaty, but the sticky and itchy are still going to be a problem. Maybe I can convince him to go back to the city where I can ride his face in the shower?

“Where’d you go?” he asks me, sucking on my bottom lip and then nipping at it in a way that coaxes out a moan.

“You are so fucking hot, but so am I. I’m dying,” I tell him, pulling at the collar of my top.

“Oh, thank the Thais Fairies, I thought it was just me,” he confesses. “Do you care if I take my armor off? I didn’t want to be presumptuous, but I think the liquid currently trapped in my armor could rival that of a sak fruit’s.”

I laugh and gesture for him to go ahead.

“Can I take mine off too?” I ask, the need to itch overwhelming any decency or sexiness I might have been hoping to accomplish.

“Of course! Are you okay?” he queries, as I immediately shove my hand down the V of the vest and scratch aggressively between my breasts.

“I’m super fucking itchy all of a sudden,” I admit, and he nods his head like this information isn’t at all surprising.

“Let’s go for a swim. It will wash off the juice, which should cure the itching and cool us both down.” He gestures over at a small lake to our right, and as much as unfamiliar water freaks me out, I could orgasm alone at the thought of swimming in crisp cool water.

“Last one to the water has to sweat more,” I declare lamely, but it’s too fucking hot to be witty.

I sprint toward the lake, untying my clothes as I go. Treno yells an objection and then laughs as he rushes to catch up with me. I rip my top off and practically attack the evil bra underneath. Why the fuck do I even bother wearing these? I shred the laces with a well-placed talon and fling it away from me. I almost eat dirt while trying to get my pants off, but yesterday’s mistakes are today’s triumphs. I recover and hoot in victory, naked and feeling infinitely better already.

Strong arms grab me from behind, and the next thing I know, I’m lifted up and thrown caveman style over Treno’s shoulder. We reach the edge of the lake in a couple of his long strides when he grabs me off his shoulder, and I can tell he’s going to throw me in. I squeal my protest, and it comes out like the bleat of a constipated goat. I hold onto his arms for dear life and scream noooooo!

Maybe it was the creepy goat noise or the blood curdling scream, but Treno stops mid throw and brings me eye level with him instead.

“What happened?” he asks, holding me out in front of him.

I gesture to the water. “There’s not anything that lives in there that’s going to, like, eat me?” I ask, eyeing the lake now like it just might be poison. “Anything that’s going to try to crawl into an orifice and lay eggs?” I add, feeling like that’s a good one to ask about too.

Treno looks at me like I’m crazy.

Pshhh, swallowing down my breakfast whole and angry itching my boobs, he doesn’t bat a lash at, but asking about possible scary lake predators gets me the judgy eyes?

Treno cracks up and starts shaking his head. “No, nothing that’s going to gobble you up except for me,” he states casually. And then the fucker throws me unceremoniously into the lake while I scream, “What about the egg thing?”

I pull in a deep breath mid-flight and hit the water with an epic cannonball worthy splash. I sink into the cool water, and it feels so good he’s immediately forgiven for the throwing. It’s surprisingly clear, and I instantly feel better that if there is anything that might want to lay eggs in my anus, I’ll see it coming.

A massive male form drops into the water on my left, and I kick up to the surface with a gasp and smooth strands of hair back from my face. Treno pops up laughing, and I immediately rain my wrath in the form of splashes down upon him. He quickly retaliates, showing no mercy whatsoever, and that’s when I pull out the big guns.

Wings shove out of my back, and I immediately recruit them to aid in my assault. Treno may have me beat on the splashing front because his arms are so fucking long and big, but so is my wingspan. Treno calls on his own wings, but I’m hammering him with so much water he’s going to need to start calling me Niagara Falls. He shouts and huddles over, lifting one white wing and waving it like a flag of surrender.

I pause my watery onslaught. “Do you give up?” I ask, victory and amusement sprinkled through my tone.

He turns to me, a wry smile on his face. “Never!” he declares and leaps for me. I squeal and try to splash him into submission again, but he’s too fast.

“Cheater!” I scream-giggle as I turn and try to escape the arms winding around me like octopus tentacles.

“How dare you!” Treno mock gasps. “The mistake of trusting me was yours, flower,” he teases, and I wiggle, weak with laughter, to get out of his hold.

I’m about as effective as a floundering fish out of water, but I can’t stop laughing.

Treno turns me until we’re chest to chest, and his smile and answering laughter make me feel all warm and gooey inside.

“First rule of battle, flower. Never give your opponent the benefit of the doubt. They’ll use it against you every time,” he jokes as he pins me tightly against him.

My purple gaze grows devilish, and I shove my hand between our slippery bodies to grab his cock. I circle my hand around it and smile when he freezes.

“Second rule of battle, Treno,” I parrot cheekily. “Never leave your cock unprotected, it’ll get used against you every time,” I tell him saucily, leaning in until our lips are a mere hair’s breadth away.

“You’ve caught me with my wings bound and my pants down,” he admits on a breathy chuckle, his hard-on jerking slightly in my grasp. “Then again, I could say the same thing,” he adds, dropping his hand from my waist and running his fingers through the folds of my pussy.

Want fills his blue and purple gaze, and I nip at his bottom lip.

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