Home > The Christmas Ring (Hardman Holidays, #8)(17)

The Christmas Ring (Hardman Holidays, #8)(17)
Author: Shanna Hatfield

He moved behind her and plunged his hands into the taffy, helping her pull it. In such close proximity to a woman he was finding harder and harder to stay away from, to ignore the wealth of feelings she stirred inside him, he could hardly keep his wits about him. Even so, he had no intention of moving away. Not when everything in him shouted to take a step closer and tighten his arms around her.

“I think they’re cheating,” Luke Granger complained, tipping his head toward Victoria and Trace. “No one said we could get all cozy with our womenfolk to do this.” He quickly moved behind his wife and kissed her cheek before snitching another piece of the candy.

Blake Stratton chuckled. “It’s not a contest, Luke. Besides, if you keep eating it as fast as you pull it, there won’t be any left for the rest of us.”

“Oh, you two hush and mind your manners,” Dora Granger cautioned, glancing from her son to her son-in-law.

“Claire didn’t mention this was an evening for wooing,” Tom Grove said, earning a warning glare from his wife as he held out taffy-covered hands toward her, like he intended to rub them on her face. Lila squealed and ducked behind her mother-in-law for safety.

Trace listened to the good-natured teasing taking place around him. The large kitchen at Gray and Claire’s home was filled to bursting with couples who’d arrived to share an informal supper then turned their attention to the satisfying work of pulling taffy that Elsa made. Trace hadn’t attended a taffy pull in years. The last one he’d been at was when Billy had informed him he intended to marry Teresa. Trace threatened to wrap his friend’s entire head in taffy if he ever hurt his sister. So far, they remained blissfully wed.

He was happy for his sister and best friend. Happy, even, for the loving couples surrounding him. It was times like this, though, that made him wish for his own happy ending. Made him long for a good, strong, caring woman to love and a home of his own.

“Is it ready yet?” Maddie asked as she raced into the kitchen with a group of children trailing behind her. The little girl bounced on her toes, wild curls springing around her face with each movement.

“Not yet, Maddie Mae. We’ll let you know when you can have a piece. Now, take your friends back to the parlor, sweetheart,” Claire said, jutting her chin toward the doorway since she had taffy halfway up to her elbows. Gray had nearly as much taffy on his hands as Claire, but they both appeared to be having a wonderful time hosting the gathering of their friends.

Trace felt particularly grateful to be considered part of that group and included in the festive beginning to the holiday season, as Claire had named the evening.

He knew Dora and Greg Granger hosted the Christmas Eve Carnival. Blake and Ginny Stratton held a skating party, generally on the second or third Saturday in December. The bakery was popular every day, but he’d heard about Elsa baking special treats to celebrate St. Lucia Day.

It seemed Claire and Gray wanted to add their own tradition to the season with a taffy pull. Trace thought it was a grand idea, especially when he could nibble on all the candy he wanted.

As he broke off another piece and popped it into his mouth, he grinned at Victoria.

“You’re worse than the children,” she said in a hushed voice as she worked the taffy, stretching it then folding it back under and stretching it again while Arlan and Alex Guthry tugged at the other end of it.

“It’s just a little candy,” he said, wondering what she’d do if he tasted the sweet thing he’d been considering all day—her lips. Since yesterday, when she pulled the splinters from his hands, he could hardly think straight, and what he did manage to process in his fuzzy brain was how much he wanted to spend time with Victoria, getting to know her better and maybe stealing a kiss or two.

“Just a little candy,” Victoria repeated, offering him an exasperated scowl. He much preferred the looks of longing and interest she’d given him yesterday to the schoolmarm glares he’d garnered this evening.

Not that he was really complaining. It had been fun to come to the Carter home after work, partake of the excellent food made by many talented hands, then set to the task of pulling the taffy. It was a good thing everyone decided to have the children stay in the parlor where they wouldn’t chance getting burned by the hot candy or eat so much it gave them a tummy ache, a malady which Trace was fast approaching if he didn’t soon cease stealing bites. He mostly did it just to watch Victoria’s reaction, although the candy was quite tasty, too.

He looked around the group, watching Luke and Blake playfully taunt each other as they stole more candy in spite of the dire consequences threatened by Filly and Ginny.

When the candy was finally ready, Filly, Ginny, and Alex took trays of it to the parlor where the children had impatiently waited with Greg Granger and Chauncy Dodd. Once everyone had enjoyed a piece, or four, they all gathered in the large parlor. Dora Granger played the piano, and those who could carry a tune, and some who couldn’t, joined their voices for singing carols. Victoria sat at the back of the room, seeming to delight in the joviality of the group.

“Why aren’t you up there singing with the rest of them?” Trace asked as he took a seat beside her.

“I’m not much for singing, but I do enjoy listening. Claire has an amazing voice,” she said, leaning slightly toward Trace. “Why aren’t you singing?”

“I’d rather sit back here with you. Since they’re all up by the piano, I can sit a little too close and try to get away with something I shouldn’t.”

At the shocked expression that widened her eyes, he chuckled, lifted her hand between his, and kissed the back of it.

Although he expected her to yank her hand free, when she didn’t, he took that as an encouraging sign that perhaps she liked him a little bit, too.

Trace knew it was nothing short of foolhardy to encourage or explore whatever this was he felt with Victoria. The woman had only just received news of her husband’s death, even if she hadn’t seen him in a year.

Besides, Trace knew he was the last person who could offer a woman stability. He had no idea how Billy managed to keep his work and home life separate, but he did. Trace hadn’t ever been certain his sister fully understood how Billy earned his living or the things they had to do in their line of work. That was probably for the best. But Trace wouldn’t subject a woman to that kind of life. Even if his job was robbing from criminals, he didn’t want to lie to his wife all the time. A solid relationship needed to be built on trust, respect, and honesty every bit as much as the syrupy, warm feelings currently churning around in his heart.

Trace studied Victoria as she watched her family and friends enjoy a rousing rendition of a popular Christmas carol. Luke and Blake seemed to be in a heated race to see who could sing it the fastest while the others took sides and cheered them on.

Victoria smiled and turned to him, speaking in a conspiratorial whisper. “Claire used to write about the friendly competitions in which Luke and Blake engage. Until I witnessed it myself, I didn’t fully comprehend what an entertaining spectacle it is for spectators.”

Trace laughed and scooted closer to her. “They are amusing to watch. Kind of reminds me of…” He started to say Billy but snapped his mouth shut.

When she expectantly looked at him, waiting for him to continue, he bumped her arm with his elbow. “In light of the fact neither of us are songbirds, would you like to go for a walk?”

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