Home > The Christmas Ring (Hardman Holidays, #8)(24)

The Christmas Ring (Hardman Holidays, #8)(24)
Author: Shanna Hatfield

Thoughts of stealing a kiss or two from Victoria made him hurry back to town.

Trace rode past the church when he saw Victoria turn onto the side street that would take her to the Carter place. Unable to stop himself, he hurried to catch up with her.

“Hi, Tori,” he said, riding up beside her.

Evidently, she’d been so deep in her thoughts, she hadn’t heard him approach. She jumped and placed her hand over her heart, as though she’d been caught completely off guard.

“You startled me,” she said, tossing him a glance. “What are you doing out this way? I thought you were planning to work on the other end of town today?”

“I’m waiting for some supplies to finish hooking up the telephones on the south end of town. Until they arrive, I decided I’d ride along where I’ve strung wire to make sure it’s all in good shape. The ice weighs on it, you know.” He had no idea why he was rambling about telephones when all he wanted was to kiss her. Then again, he couldn’t exactly blurt out that he’d been hours away from Hardman, holding up a wagon carrying payroll to a ranch. Nope, that he couldn’t do.

He grinned at her as they continued riding up the road. “Did you have a good day? What are you doing on Claire’s horse?”

“I intended to go for a ride to enjoy the pleasant afternoon,” she said, then sighed. “Quite by accident, I encountered those despicable robbers who held up the stage when I came to town. They are positively horrid!”

Trace offered her a concerned glance. “Did they hurt you? Are you okay?” He looked behind them. “How long ago did you see them? If they did anything to you, why I’ll…”

She placed a hand on his arm and gave him a soft smile. “They didn’t hurt me, and it is so sweet of you to want to defend my honor. One of them sent the other two away, then he tied my hands and blindfolded me and sent me on my way. He’s the gentlest bandit I’ve ever met.”

“I hope to shout you haven’t met many outlaws, Victoria. What a thing to say,” he admonished. A pang of jealousy shot through Trace. The way her voice grew husky and her face softened at the mention of the outlaw who set her free, he had the feeling she was half in love with the man. The fact Trace just happened to be that man didn’t keep him from being annoyed with her, though. In truth, the primitive, cavedweller-like feelings he experienced made him want to pound something.

Wasn’t a hardworking telephone man enough to draw her interest? Was she one of those loony females who fell all over themselves when there was a man of questionable reputation around?

She tossed an odd look his way, then changed the subject. “Will you be able to attend the skating party at Blake and Ginny’s place?”

“I’m not sure I should. I haven’t skated in years and I’ll probably just embarrass myself.” He hoped he sounded sufficiently pathetic since he was laying it on particularly thick for her benefit.

“Oh, please, Trace. You have to come. I’ve heard it’s such fun. There are refreshments and skating, of course, but the community band also performs and Fred told Claire he heard Luke and Blake have challenged each other to a race. It should be so exciting!” Victoria placed her hand over his and squeezed it tightly before letting it go. “Please? Please say you’ll come.”

“I’ll give it due consideration,” he said in a bland tone, still miffed by her obvious infatuation with an outlaw named Bub. The reasons why it irritated him so much made him even more frustrated and edgy. He had feelings for Victoria. Feelings that went far beyond the surface and had entwined his heart. He hated it. Hated that a woman had finally not only caught his interest but captured his affection. But he had no intention of pursuing a relationship with Victoria. Not when he’d be leaving as soon as this job wrapped up. From what she’d mentioned, he was sure she intended to return to Philadelphia or Boston after the holidays, anyway.

Likely, he’d never see her again. And the thought of that sent a sharp, brutal pang through his heart.

Caught up in his musings, he missed whatever Victoria said. She stared at him in question, as though she awaited an answer. Rather than admit he’d been lost in his thoughts, he shot her a rakish grin and rode a little closer to her.

“You won’t believe what I found today,” he said, casually glancing around to see if anyone was watching them. Assured they were alone on the road, he moved his horse so close to her mount that his leg brushed against Victoria’s. Granted, layers of petticoats and skirts kept them well separated, but it felt intimate anyway. Much as it had when he’d done the same dressed as an outlaw earlier that afternoon.

“What did you find?” she asked, glancing down at his thigh then back to his face. He half-expected her to guide her horse away from him, but she didn’t.

Encouraged, he took the clump of mistletoe out of his coat pocket and held it up above their heads.

“Mistletoe? You found mistletoe?” she asked, smiling up at the green branches before she turned her gaze back to him. “And just what do you plan to do with that? If you hang it up at the boardinghouse, every woman from the age of two to a hundred will be lined up at the door, ready for a smooch.”

He lifted an eyebrow and glared at her. “Maybe I don’t want all those women smooching on me. Maybe there’s only one I want to find beneath the mistletoe.”

“Oh? And who might that lucky girl be, Mr. Travers?” she asked with a coy glance.

The answer lingered on his tongue a moment, then two. He watched the surety she held in his reply fade to uncertainty before he grinned at her.

“If you don’t know the answer, Tori, then I think I’ll just put this right back into my pocket.”

She shook her head, smiling again. “It would be such a shame to waste it. Besides, it is a highly valued holiday tradition.”

“Highly valued?” he questioned with a chuckle. “I don’t know about that, but I do know I’d sure like to see if what they say is true.”

A questioning look settled on her face. “They say? Who is ‘they,’ and what do they say?”

He leaned toward her, and his eyes fused to hers. “That a kiss beneath the mistletoe is the sweetest kiss of all.”

“Oh, well, I…” She licked her lips and dropped her gaze, then seemed to be fixated with his mouth.

He reached out and pulled back on her reins, bringing her horse and his to a stop then he cupped her chin and settled his mouth against hers. Expecting her lips to be cool from the frosty temperatures, he was surprised to find them warm, and oh, so willing, when his mouth connected with hers. He stuffed the mistletoe in his pocket, bracketed her face between his hands, and deepened the kiss.

Victoria responded with a hunger and yearning that met his own. Heart pounding, he kissed her with skill but also tenderness. When he reached to pull her onto his lap, he lifted his head, realizing where they were and that they were engaged in a fairly heated exchange right in the middle of the road. With his luck, a whole wagon load of spectators would happen by any moment, and it wouldn’t be good for anyone if Emmett Brunson or the members of the gang got wind of his interest in Victoria Carter.

For her sake, he really should leave her alone, but he couldn’t quite bring himself to do it.

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